Deploy the Coffee Sample Data

The sample is provided in: <INSTALLDIR>/docs/cvapp-coffee-sample

It contains two archives: and

This task shows you how to:

Before you begin: Exalead CloudView must be installed and running.

Extract Coffee Data

  1. Create a directory for coffee data outside of the <INSTALLDIR>.

    This directory is referred to as <INPUTDIR>.

  2. Copy the archive within this directory and unzip it.

Deploy the Coffee Sample Configuration

  1. Create a temporary directory <TMPDIR> outside of the <INSTALLDIR>.
  2. Copy the archive within this directory.
  3. Go to the <DATADIR>/bin directory.
  4. Start the import using the following command:

    cvadmin apps install apps-file=<TMPDIR>/ noversioncheck=true

    For <TMPDIR>, enter the full path of the zip file.

    If successful the following lines display on your prompt:

    [debug] [main] [gateway.cvapps-installer] Applying configuration...

    [info] [main] [gateway.cvapps-installer] Installation of application completed.

  5. Wait until Exalead CloudView is fully restarted.
    You now have a coffee data model in your instance and a coffee application.

    Check it using the following URL: http://<HOSTNAME>:<BASEPORT>/mashup-ui/page/searchcountry_v1

  6. Clear the index.