Step 1 - Check Existing Data
You can see the provided application sample. To access its front page:
Open the Mashup UI application:
Countries are displayed with their ICO status and yes flags show if they have associated PDF files (UC-1).
You can click the see details link of a country. It provides a 360° view of all known data for this country.
Step 2 - Add Trade Info on Countries
This procedure describes how to calculate for each country: the quantity of
imported coffee for the last year, and the average quantity of imported coffee through time.
Add an aggregation processor:
- Select Groovy as format
- For Name, enter Countries_UC_3_1
- Click Accept
Replace the default code by the following one:
// Process nodes having the “country” type
process("country") {
// Add the import volume value of the last year
// Goal: Be able to sort countries based on import trade activity
year = 0;
volume = 0;
nbTrade = 0;
// Big Integer
def avgVolume = 0G;
// Get import trade only, using the path label, i.e., "import"
for (path in match(it, "import[trade]")) {
// If a valid path is found, retrieve its last element
last = path.last(); "trade found: " + last.getUri();
// Get trade volume for the last year
if (last.metas.getValue("year")?.toInteger() > year ) {
year = last.metas.getValue("year")?.toInteger();
// Add volume to calculate the total import trade volume
volume = last.metas.getValue("volume")?.toInteger();
avgVolume += volume;
// Add metas to countries having import trade
if (nbTrade!=0) {
it.metas.import_lastvolume = volume;
it.metas.import_lastyear = year;
avgVolume = Math.ceil(avgVolume / nbTrade).intValue();
it.metas.import_averagevolume = avgVolume;
Save and apply the configuration.
Step 3 - Scan the Source Connector and Check What Is Indexed
Go to the Home page.
Click Force aggregation, and enter
country as
Open the following Mashup UI application search page:
Check that countries now have the following metas: Last import year,
Last import volume, Average import volume.
You can now use the average import volume as search criteria. For example, sort by Avg import volume.
Step 4 - Add New Categories on Countries
Define the Connector for the Prices Source
In the Administration Console, go to Index > Connectors and click Add connector.
In Name, enter prices.
For Type, select the JDBC connector.
For Push to PAPI server, select the
Consolidation server cbx0 instance.
Click Accept.
For Store documents in data model class, choose the price class.
In Connection parameters:
For Driver, enter org.sqlite.JDBC
For Connection string, enter jdbc:sqlite://<INPUTDIR>/coffee.db
Click Test connection. The database connector automatically connects to the database.
In Query parameters:
For Synchronization mode, select Full synchronization
For Initial query, enter select country_id, coffee_type, year, price from price
Click Retrieve fields.
Define the
coffee_type , country_id , and
year fields as primary keys.
Click the
coffee_type field to expand it.
Select Use as primary key.
Repeat the operation for the
country_id and
year fields.
Click Apply.
Configure the Transformation Processor
Go to Index > Consolidation
Add a new transformation processor:
Select Groovy as format
For Name, enter
Click Accept
For Source connector, select
Replace the default code by the following one:
// Process all nodes
process("") {
// Link prices records to nodes having the “country” type
it.addArcTo("producedBy", "country_id=" + it.metas.getValue("country_id") + "&");
Configure the Aggregation Processor
Add an aggregation processor:
Select Groovy as format
For Name, enter Countries_UC_3_2
Click Accept
Replace the default code by the following one:
// Process nodes having the “country” type
process("country") {
// Add all trade types on countries
if (match(it, "import[trade]")) {
if (match(it, "export[trade]")) {
if (match(it, "reExport[trade]")) {
// Add all coffee types to producing countries
it.metas.coffeetype +=
// Get all paths to price nodes
match(it, "-producedBy[price]") *.last()
// fetch the last node of each path
// retrieve the coffee_type meta values for all price nodes
.collect{n-> n.metas.getValue("coffee_type") }
.unique() // dedup collected meta values
// or if multi valued: .collect{n-> n.metas.coffee_type}.flatten().unique()
Save and apply the configuration.
Step 5 - Rescan Source Connectors and Check What Is Indexed
Go to the Home page and under the connectors list, click
Scan for the country JDBC connector and
prices JDBC connector.
Open the Mashup UI application search page:
Check that countries now have the following facets:
Country Trade type and Country Coffee types (the metas created previously in the aggregation processor are mapped to these facets).