Use a Different Version of the JVM

By default, Exalead CloudView embeds its own Java Virtual Machine (JVM). However, you may need to upgrade it for security reasons.

See Also
Secure Directories
Encrypt Passwords
Secure the Access to the Exalead CloudView Interfaces

In this case, run the <INSTALLDIR>/tools/|bat script.

The following restrictions apply:

  • Supported JVMs are : Oracle JDK, AdoptOpenJDK OpenJ9, AdoptOpenJDK Hotspot.
  • Use the same major version as the Exalead CloudView one (that is, do not use a JVM 1.9 or 1.7 if the version provided with Exalead CloudView is 1.8).
  • Use a more recent version than the one provided with Exalead CloudView.
  • If you need to report an issue with Exalead CloudView, always tell the support team that you are using your own JVM version.