Generate the Application Package

You can create a zip file for the application you want to deploy. You can also include or exclude folders with the arguments provided.

See Also
How Does it Work?
Install the Application Package
Deploy Plugins or Resources Without CV apps Packager


The final package includes the following folders and files by default:

Folder/ File Contains
config Files from the DATADIR\config folder
webapps Files from the DATADIR\webapps folder.
360-plugins Contains packaged 360-plugins detected on the instance.
plugins Contains core plugins detected on the instance.
resources Contains custom resources (ontologies, etc.).
added_files Contains files added by user with the include argument.
javabin Contains the files from DATADIR\javabin folder. This folder is created only if files were found in javabin at packaging time.
cvapps.prop A summary file of the packaged application.

  1. Make sure that the Exalead CloudView instance is running.
  2. Go to <DATADIR>/bin/ and run cvadmin.
  3. Launch the following command:

    cvadmin apps generate [args]

    For example,

    cvadmin apps generate

    Where the args are:

    • [apps-file]: File path for the application archive file. (type: STRING)
    • [exclude]: Files or folders to exclude from your archive. Use semicolons as separators. (type: ENUM)
    • [include]: Absolute file path for additional files or folders to include in your archive. Use semicolons as separators. (type: ENUM)

      When deploying the application, files that were in the original DATADIR will be copied to the targeted instance's DATADIR.