Install a clean Exalead CloudView instance, for example, a V6R2018x.R2 version, with a
Go to
<DATADIR>/bin/ and deploy your application on
top of it with:
cvadmin apps install [args]
For a description of
[args] , see
Table 1.
Stop the
Exalead CloudView instance:
cvinit.sh stop
Edit the
<DATADIR>/config/Analysis.xml file and remove
the following deprecated configuration components:
CustomCondition , FeaturesExtractor ,
MLNamedEntities , QueryMatcher .
Unzip your
Exalead CloudView
Exalead CloudView
R2022x using the migration mode:
install.sh -migrate -data MYDATA
Start the
Exalead CloudView
R2022x instance.
Rebuild your cvapp.
cvadmin apps generate