Add a feed

The CloudView Search feed is usually at the very heart of your application. As already stated, it is independent from the data model defined in the Administration Console.

Everything that can be done using the Search Logic, can also be done at query time by the CloudView Search and the CloudView Data model feeds. Using these feeds to perform the query is a way to capitalize the default Search Logic when you have specific needs. For example, if you want to call Exalead CloudView with a few parameters that are different from those defined in the default Search Logic, you don’t need to create another Search Logic and you can just edit these parameters at the feed level instead.

See Also
About Mashup Builder feeds
Make parallel requests with feeds
Enrich hits with nested feeds
Synchronizing feeds on a page
Enable security on a Exalead CloudView Search feed

Context: This section describes how to add a CloudView Search feed and configure its main properties.

  1. In Mashup Builder, select an application page, for example, the index page.
  2. Select the Feeds view.
  3. Drag a CloudView Search feed in the drop zone.
  4. In the Feed properties panel, expand the Feed settings section and using the Feed ID field, call it cloudview.

    The feed now displays cloudview in the drop zone.

  5. Set its properties as needed. The following table describes the main properties of the CloudView Search feed.




    The dynamic query to send to the index.

    For example the ${page.params["q"]} variable stands for parameter q applied to the current page.

    Note: Using #all queries, to retrieve all documents, is not recommended since it can impact the performances of the search server.

    Hits per page

    Number of hits (results) to display per page.

    Default User Query

    The default query executed when the Query parameter is empty.


    The output format of the Mashup API is a standard XML output format, Atom .

    This format has specific tags for defining the title or the thumbnail of an entry, this is why these parameters can be configured at the feed level, but they can also be configured on a hit displaying widget.

    PRE: Maps the property before subfeeds execution.

    POST: Maps the property after subfeeds execution.

  6. Click Save.