Add triggers to a widget

Triggers can be configured for a given widget. These triggers will be applied on the selected widget only.

See Also
About Feed and Design Triggers
Add triggers to an application or a page
Add triggers to a feed
  1. In Mashup Builder, select a page and then select its Design view.
  2. From the Triggers pane, select Mashup Widget Trigger.
  3. Choose a widget and drag the triggers that you want to apply to its drop zone:

    Table 1. Mashup Widget Triggers description

    Mashup Widget Trigger


    Asynchronous ajax loading

    Loads the widget asynchronously.

    Conditional display

    Adds a conditional display to the widget, using a MEL expression parameter.

    Remove if facet is empty

    Hides a widget when the given facet is empty.

    Remove if logged in

    Hides a widget when the user is logged in.

    Remove if no entries

    Hides a widget when its sources contain no entries.

    Remove if not logged in

    Hides a widget when the user is not logged in. It is also hidden, if security is disabled or ill-configured.

    Transform to Ajax links

    Transforms all widget links to Ajax links. This is useful when you want to reload some widget components only, and NOT reload the whole page.

  4. Click Save and then Apply your configuration changes.