Installing your Mashup App

This section describes how to install your Mashup app.

Note: You must have access to 3DDashboard with administrator rights (VPLMAdminUser or any user who is granted with Admin rights in 3DSpace) to register the new App.

This task shows you how to:

Install 3DExperience Mashup Builder plugin

  1. In the Mashup Builder, select Application from the top left menu bar.
  2. Select Manage components > Plugins.
  3. Click Upload plugin.
  4. From the Upload Plugin dialog box, click Browse and select the plugin file.
  5. Repeat step 4 to upload the plugin
    The following plugins must be installed:
    • experience-api (contains MEL expression)
    • experience-ui (contains widgets, controllers and triggers)
  6. Restart the search server process as asked by the application.

Generate UWA widget

  1. In the Mashup Builder, select Application from the top left menu bar.
  2. Select Manage components > Controllers.
  3. In 3DExperience - Widget Builder:
    1. Select Enable to generate 3DExperience widgets.
    2. In Page prefix, enter /page if pages are accessed from /page/PAGENAME or leave blank if pages are accessed directly from /PAGENAME.
    3. In Start page, specify the Mashup page to be opened when the widget is started (widget will be accessed from MASHUP/uwa/widget/START-PAGE)
    4. In Title, specify the title displayed in the widget header.
  4. Save and apply configuration.

Setup reverse proxy

  1. Log in as root with SSH on 3DExperience.
  2. Edit httpd.conf file in /usr/local/reverseproxy/conf/:
    1. On virtual host on port *:443
    2. Add "ProxyPass /mashup-ui http://cloudview:port/mashup-ui"
    3. Add "ProxyPassReverse /mashup-ui http://cloudview:port/mashup-ui"
  3. Restart the reverse proxy:

    /usr/local/reverseproxy/bin/httpd -k restart

Run Mashup App in 3DDashboard

Before you begin: You need administrator rights (VPLMAdminUser or any user who is granted with Admin rights in 3DSpace) to register the new App.
  1. In the 3DDashboard, add a Run Your App widget from the Compass to a Dashboard.
  2. Enter the Run Your App URL using the following syntax: https://HOST/mashup-ui/uwa/widget/search.

  3. Click Run.
    The Run Your App widget displays the search page inside a widget.
  4. Open the Platform Manager dashboard.
  5. Scroll down the Members & Roles tab to access the Third Party Apps section.
  6. Click Create Third Party Apps.
  7. In the Create Third Party Apps:
    1. Enter a short name
    2. Specify the compass quadrant
    3. Set an icon URL
    4. Select the Widget Type
    5. Enter the Source code URL as specified at step 2 (https://HOST/mashup-ui/uwa/widget/search)
    6. Save
  8. Open the compass in the quadrant specified previously.
    Your widget should be displayed in the list.
  9. Drag your widget to the dashboard.
    The Mashup App should be loaded on the 'search' page.