Use plugin controllers

Mashup Builder is based on a Spring Framework and uses an MVC (Model View Controller) model.

In Mashup Builder, several plugins embed Spring controllers. A controller can send commands to its associated view to change the view's presentation of the model. For example, a controller can launch queries to the Suggest service, take a URL and return a screenshot of the page, send an email, etc.

Once installed, controllers can be configured through the Mashup Builder interface. This avoids configuring the plugin XML file manually.

Note: For information on Controllers’ creation and packaging, see Creating Controllers in the Exalead CloudView Mashup Programmer's Guide.

  1. In Mashup Builder, select Application from the top left menu bar.
  2. Select Manage component > Controllers.
  3. Configure the plugins as needed using the controllers.

    On the following screenshot, a Proxy plugin containing a controller has been installed and can therefore be seen under Controllers.

  4. Restart the search servers to get your components correctly updated. The Restart search server processes option is accessible when you click Developer Area > Reload Components.