Using the HTTP Mashup API

The Mashup API can also be queried directly through HTTP GET at the following URL:

      http://<HOSTNAME>:<BASEPORT+10>/access/feeds/<page name>

Page parameters can be given just as normal HTTP parameters. Subfeed parameters have to be prefixed by the subfeed id.

The following pages and subfeeds are available:

  • page: search (parameters: q)

    • subfeed: bi (id: bi, parameters: page, per_page, etc.)

  • page: details (parameters: id)

    • subfeed: bi (id: bi, parameters: page, per_page, etc.)

    • subfeed: flickr (id: flickr, parameters: tag, latitude, longitude, etc.)

      Note: To output a JSON string instead of the default XML output format, add &outputFormat=json at the end of you query.

A few sample requests are:

  • http://<HOSTNAME>:<BASEPORT+10>/access/feeds/<page name>/?q=disney

  • Page parameter and pagination:

    http://<HOSTNAME>:<BASEPORT+10>/access/feeds/<page name>/?q=disney& http://<HOSTNAME>:<BASEPORT+10>/access/feeds/<page name>/?detailsid=42

  • Page parameter and image tags:

    http://<HOSTNAME>:<BASEPORT+10>/access/feeds/<page name>/detailsid=42&flickr.tag=disney

    Note: Adding a <class name> parameter after <page name> allows you to target more specific information, and thus avoid adding query restriction parameters.

For details of the output, see Using the Atom Output Format.