Understanding the SDK Architecture

The Mashup UI SDK architecture (in <INSTALLDIR>/sdk/java-mashupui/) is based on the following conventions. Only key components are described here.

See Also
Managing URL Rewriting





The javadocs of the different APIs including the Widget Reference documentation.


Project root


Exalead CloudView related libraries, already available in the global Exalead CloudView classpath.


Sources root.

  • com/exalead/cv360/searchui/mvc/controller: Application controllers
    • MashupController.java: Main controller (establishes connection with Mashup API and render pages
    • ConnectController.java: Security / Authentication controller
  • com/exalead/cv360/searchui/view/wi: JSP Template tags
  • widgets/tagcom/exalead/cv360/searchui/helper: Simple helper classes
  • com/exalead/cv360/searchui/services: Mashup services for trigger and resource management


Public content root.

  • WEB-INF/: Web application code and configuration
    • web.xml: Web application deployment file which contains information about enabled servlets and filters
    • urlrewrite.xml: URL rewriting rules (advanced). Enable the URL Rewriting filter in the web.xml before use.
    • lib/: Java libraries needed ONLY by this web application
    • jsp/: JSP pages. widgets/: Contains all the widgets. For each widget, we have a widget.xmlfile (Widget definition file) and a widget.jsp file (Widget JSP code)
    • i18N/: Contains language definition files for internationalization.
  • resources/: Application assets
    • css/: Global application stylesheet
    • javascript/: Global application javascript libraries
    • images/: Global application images