Add a new language

We recommend maintaining all UI labels in a centralized messages_<ISO NAME .properties file. Changing labels using the Debug mode I18n tool, as described in Using the Mashup Builder Developer Tools, is not recommended, as it saves changes in another file.

This task shows you how to:


  • Do not configure your internationalization resources in the file.
  • Editing the messages*.properties located in <INSTALLDIR>/sdk/java-mashupui/project/war/WEB-INF/i18n/, will impact the whole Mashup UI.
  • To make a change for a specific widget only (for example, change a specific meta label), edit the messages*.properties file located in the widget’s folder. The widget-specific file will override the global one.

Create a new *.properties file

  1. Go to <INSTALLDIR>/sdk/java-mashupui/project/war/WEB-INF/i18N
  2. Copy the file to create a new messages_<ISO NAME >.properties file.

Configure the UI labels

  1. Edit the messages_<ISO NAME .properties file
  2. Edit the existing meta or facet label value you want to display in the UI.
  3. To add a new meta, prefix it by meta_ and use the following format: meta_<new_meta>=<UI label> For example, meta_publicurl = Public URL
  4. To add a new facet, prefix it by facet_ and use the following format: facet_<facet_Root>=<UI label> For example, facet_Top/classproperties/file_folder=File folder
  5. Save and close the file.
  6. Go to Administration Console > Home page and restart the search server in the list of Processes.