- Do not configure your internationalization resources in the file.
- Editing the
messages*.properties located in
<INSTALLDIR>/sdk/java-mashupui/project/war/WEB-INF/i18n/ ,
will impact the whole
Mashup UI.
- To make a change for a specific widget only (for example, change a specific meta label),
edit the
messages*.properties file located in the widget’s folder.
The widget-specific file will override the global one.
Create a new *.properties file
Go to
Copy the file to create a new messages_<ISO NAME >.properties file.
Configure the UI labels
Edit the
messages_<ISO NAME .properties file
Edit the existing meta or facet label value you want to display in the UI.
To add a new meta, prefix it by
meta_ and use the following format: meta_<new_meta>=<UI label> For example, meta_publicurl
= Public URL
To add a new facet, prefix it by
facet_ and use the following format: facet_<facet_Root>=<UI label> For example, facet_Top/classproperties/file_folder=File folder
Save and close the file.
Go to Administration Console > Home page and restart the search server in the list of Processes.