Create a widget template

You can customize the look-and-feel of several standard widgets supporting templates (for example, the Result List and HTML widgets), by creating and referencing your own widget templates.

This task shows you how to:

Before you begin: These templates must be JSP files, that can either include specific HTML codes or reference CSS files.

Reference a JSP file in the Result List widget

  1. In Mashup Builder, go to the /search page and select the Design view.
  2. Click the header of the Result List widget.
  3. On the widget properties panel, go to the Hit templates tab.
  4. In the Hit JSP template field, enter the absolute path of your custom JSP file.

For example: /WEB-INF/jsp/custom.jsp

Reference a JSP file in the HTML widget

  1. In Mashup Builder, open a page and select the Design view.
  2. Drag the HTML widget to the Design view.
  3. On the widget properties panel, go to the Advanced tab.
  4. In the JSP file path field, enter the absolute path of your custom JSP file.

For example: /WEB-INF/jsp/custom.jsp