Generate a standalone WAR File

It is possible to generate a standalone WAR file embedding the 360 configuration. This allows you to deploy the Mashup UI outside of the Exalead CloudView environment, for example, on another server.

Before you begin: To use the war with Tomcat, edit the <installdir>/sdk/java-mashupui/project/war/WEB-INF/web.xml file, and:
  • Delete (or comment) the Gzip filter specific to Jetty.
  • Delete (or comment) the default servlet.
      servlet parameter to solve locked files on windows
      More information
See Also
Generate a standard WAR file
  1. Go to your <INSTALLDIR>/sdk/java-mashupui/project directory.
  2. Run standalone-war.<bat/sh> depending on your operating system.

    This prepares a 360-standalone-mashup-ui.war file with an embedded 360 configuration.

  3. Copy the 360-standalone-mashup-ui.war into the serving path of your remote javax-compatible Web Server.
  4. Start the Mashup UI.

    Important: Redeploy the application every time you change the configuration through the Mashup Builder. The configuration is read-only in standalone mode.