
This section lists the elements you can use to configure Alerting.

This page discusses:


  • com.exalead.cloudview.alerting.v10.AlertingConfig
  • No documentation for this element.
  • Attributes:
    Name Type Default value Description
    version long
    dbConnectionString string jdbc:sqlite:${dataDir}/alerting/db.sql JDBC connection string for the alerting database.
    dbUsername string
    dbPassword string


  • com.exalead.cloudview.alerting.v10.ApplicationAlertingConfig
  • No documentation for this element.
  • Attributes:
    Name Type Default value Description
    lastModifiedDate long
    humanLastModifiedDate long
  • Nested elements:
    Name Type Description
    AlertGroup com.exalead.cloudview.alerting.v10.AlertGroup*


  • com.exalead.cloudview.alerting.v10.AlertGroup
  • Defines the scheduling and publication rules that apply to a set of scheduled alerts
  • Parent elements:
    • com.exalead.cloudview.alerting.v10.ApplicationAlertingConfig (as ApplicationAlertingConfig)
  • Attributes:
    Name Type Default value Description
    name string
    description string
    securitySource string Name of the security source to check tokens against when executing user alerts
    application string Mashup application for this alert group
    useAsDefault boolean Automatically selects this alert group in the "Save as alert" Mashup Widget.
    publishDocumentMetas boolean True When enabled, document metas are also published on match. It may be useful to disable this option to reduce gateway heap usage.
    storeAlertOccurences boolean True If set, each matching alert will be stored in the underlying alert_occurence table.
    realTime boolean Matches alerts in this alert group as soon as the document is pushed (real-time alerting). If false, matches alerts by executing scheduled queries (scheduled alerting). Real-time alerting offers very low latency alerting, but with fewer features. For details, see the CloudView Administration Guide.
    autoBuild boolean True Automatically rebuilds the real-time alerting matchers each time an alert is added, deleted, or updated. Autobuild should be disabled for large alerting groups (thousands of alerts).
    storeResults boolean Stores the results of each alert. Required for using the real-time alerts displayer; calculating the difference since the last alert trigger; and ensuring transaction consistency if a publication fails.
    incremental boolean Includes a timestamp criteria with each alert request so the alert only returns documents modified or added since the last alert trigger. Only applies to scheduled alerting groups, since real-time alerting groups are always incremental.
    groupAlertsByUser boolean Groups all alerts for a user in a single publication. Only applies to scheduled alerting groups, since real-time alerting publications are never grouped.
  • Nested elements:
    Name Type Description
    AlertPublisher com.exalead.cloudview.alerting.v10.AlertPublisher* List of alert publisher configurations.
    IncrementalModeConfig com.exalead.cloudview.alerting.v10.IncrementalModeConfig Advanced configuration for the incrementality of scheduled alerting groups.
    Scheduling com.exalead.cloudview.alerting.v10.Scheduling Defines the trigger rule for scheduled queries. Only applies to scheduled alerting groups.


  • com.exalead.cloudview.alerting.v10.CustomPublisher
  • Publishes push-mode alerts
  • Parent elements:
    • com.exalead.cloudview.alerting.v10.AlertGroup (as AlertGroup)
  • Attributes:
    Name Type Default value Description
    name string
    classId string Publisher type
  • Nested elements:
    Name Type Description
    config exa.bee.KeyValue*
    KeyValue exa.bee.KeyValue Defined for XSD compatibility, do not use


  • com.exalead.cloudview.alerting.v10.SimpleHTTPPublisher
  • Pushes the alerts to a remote HTTP service. Each alert occurence triggers an HTTP POST query. This publisher can only be used for scheduled alert groups.
  • Parent elements:
    • com.exalead.cloudview.alerting.v10.AlertGroup (as AlertGroup)
  • Attributes:
    Name Type Default value Description
    name string
    address string Publication endpoint address
    format string atom Alert publishing format. The only supported format is 'atom'. This is the native atom format of the Mashup API. It can be deserialized in Java by using, for example, the AccessClient. Additional information is added on the root feed, with alerting-specific data.


  • com.exalead.cloudview.alerting.v10.RealTimeHTTPPublisher
  • Pushes the alerts to a remote HTTP service. Each alert occurence triggers an HTTP POST query. This publisher can only be used for real-time alert groups.
  • Parent elements:
    • com.exalead.cloudview.alerting.v10.AlertGroup (as AlertGroup)
  • Attributes:
    Name Type Default value Description
    name string
    address string Publication endpoint address
    format string json Alert publishing format. The only supported format is 'json'


  • com.exalead.cloudview.alerting.v10.ConsolePublisher
  • Debug-only publisher that simply logs alerts
  • Parent elements:
    • com.exalead.cloudview.alerting.v10.AlertGroup (as AlertGroup)
  • Attributes:
    Name Type Default value Description
    name string


  • com.exalead.cloudview.alerting.v10.SimpleMailPublisher
  • In the formats, the following entries are replaced: ${TOTAL_NB_RESULTS}, ${NB_ALERTS}, ${USER}, ${ALERT_NAME}, ${ALERT_DESCRIPTION}, ${ALERT_NB_RESULTS}, ${TITLE}, ${TEXT}, ${ID}
  • Parent elements:
    • com.exalead.cloudview.alerting.v10.AlertGroup (as AlertGroup)
  • Attributes:
    Name Type Default value Description
    name string
    fromAddress string E-mail address that will appear as "From" in alerting mails.
    toAddressFormat string Format string used to build the recipient e-mail address. ${USER} is automatically substituted with the login of the user. For example, if the format is "${USER}", and "user1" sets up an alert, mails for this alert are sent to "".
    titleFormat string ${NB_RESULTS} results for your ${NB_ALERTS} alert(s)
    mailTemplateDirectory string resource:///alerting/mail/templates
    mailTemplate string default.ftl
    groupAlertsByUser boolean True
    feedToRender string cloudview Name of the top-level feed to render.
  • Nested elements:
    Name Type Description
    metaToExpose exa.bee.StringValue* List of meta exposed in mail template. Metas "publicurl" and "lastmodifieddate" are exposed by default
    SMTPServer com.exalead.cloudview.alerting.v10.SMTPServer


  • com.exalead.cloudview.alerting.v10.SMTPServer
  • No documentation for this element.
  • Parent elements:
    • com.exalead.cloudview.alerting.v10.SimpleMailPublisher (as SimpleMailPublisher)
  • Attributes:
    Name Type Default value Description
    host string localhost
    port int 25
    username string
    password string
    tls boolean


  • com.exalead.cloudview.alerting.v10.StandardIncrementalModeConfig
  • A simple implementation of incremental mode. Using this mode may cause some documents that have already been alerted to trigger another alert. When each document is analyzed, an analysis timestamp is attached to this document. When triggering the alert query, the criteria "analysis_timestamp > (PREVIOUS_ALERT_TRIGGER_TIMESTAMP - OFFSET)" is added to the user query. PREVIOUS_ALERT_TRIGGER_TIMESTAMP is then set to the current timestamp. The OFFSET is required to account for the time delta between the moment a document is analyzed and the moment it is available for queries.
  • Parent elements:
    • com.exalead.cloudview.alerting.v10.AlertGroup (as AlertGroup)
  • Attributes:
    Name Type Default value Description
    analysisTimestampIndexField string analysisdate
    timestampRestrictionPageParameter string cloudview.eq.date_restriction Name of the Mashup-API page parameter to send the ELLQL query for timestamp restriction
    timestampOffsetS long 900 Negative offset in seconds on the previous trigger timestamp, to account for the time delta between the moment a document is analyzed and the moment it is available for queries.


  • com.exalead.cloudview.alerting.v10.FixedTimeScheduling
  • Sequentially executes all alerts at fixed times, according to cron rules. Use this option when alerts need to be sent at fixed times, and when there are few alerts (in the low 1000s). Because of the sequential processing, this option generates a significant load when alerts are triggered.
  • Parent elements:
    • com.exalead.cloudview.alerting.v10.AlertGroup (as AlertGroup)
  • Attributes:
    Name Type Default value Description
    cronExpression string
    workerThreads int 1


  • exa.bee.StringValue
  • No documentation for this element.
  • Parent elements:
    • com.exalead.cloudview.alerting.v10.SimpleMailPublisher (as metaToExpose)
  • Attributes:
    Name Type Default value Description
    value string


  • exa.bee.KeyValue
  • No documentation for this element.
  • Parent elements:
    • com.exalead.cloudview.alerting.v10.CustomPublisher (as CustomPublisher)
    • exa.bee.KeyValue (as KeyValue)
    • com.exalead.cloudview.alerting.v10.CustomPublisher (as config)
  • Attributes:
    Name Type Default value Description
    key string The name of the key
    value string
    type string
    description string
  • Nested elements:
    Name Type Description
    KeyValue exa.bee.KeyValue*