
This section lists the elements you can use to configure the Data Model.

This page discusses:


  • com.exalead.datamodel.v10.DataModel
  • CloudView Data Model
  • Attributes:
    Name Type Default value Description
    name string Name of this Data Model.
    defaultClass string Default class to push documents when there is no "datamodel_class" papi directive, or no "TYPE" meta. Usually, all data model classes generate type-prefixed field names, like 'myclass_myproperty', except the defaultClass which has unprefixed fields in the expansion. The analysis pipeline deduces the data model class of a document by applying the following rules with this specific order:
    1. Value of papi custom directive "datamodel_class" if any.
    2. Value of papi meta "TYPE" if any.
    3. Value of the default data model class of the connector pushing the document if any.
    4. Use the data model class marked by the 'defaultClass' property.
    possibleLanguages string The list of languages that can appear in the corpus. Language detection will be restricted to this set. A null value means that all languages are possible.
    storeAllMetas boolean Saves all metas that were not mapped to an index field or category as "csv encoded metas". These metas are retrievable only. To make a meta searchable, create a data model property for it.
    traceAllMetas boolean Select this option before indexing, then click "Add Properties from Traced Metas" to simplify creating new properties. The traced metas are stored in a separate database. Once you have created properties based on traced metas, de-select this option to prevent the database from growing unnecessarily over time. Trace all metas pushed by connectors in order to ease property configuration.
    expandNamedEntitiesLikeIn2014 boolean
  • Nested elements:
    Name Type Description
    DataModelClass com.exalead.datamodel.v10.DataModelClass* List of classes of this data model.
    DataModelEnum com.exalead.datamodel.v10.DataModelEnum*
    SemanticType com.exalead.datamodel.v10.SemanticType* The list of semantic types of this data model. A semantic type defines the semantic analysis to perform, and can be assigned to 'alphanumeric' properties. The semantic types available out of the box are: text, identifier, meta, and url.


  • com.exalead.datamodel.v10.DataModelClass
  • No documentation for this element.
  • Parent elements:
    • com.exalead.datamodel.v10.DataModel (as DataModel)
  • Attributes:
    Name Type Default value Description
    name string
    parentClass string The parent class name. May be null if this class has no parent class.
  • Nested elements:
    Name Type Description
    DynamicProperty com.exalead.datamodel.v10.DynamicProperty* The dynamic properties of the class.
    ExpansionParams com.exalead.datamodel.v10.ExpansionParams
    Label com.exalead.datamodel.v10.Label* Labels for i18n. TODO not implemented
    Property com.exalead.datamodel.v10.Property* The properties of the class.


  • com.exalead.datamodel.v10.DynamicProperty
  • Allows you to define matching rules to map multiple document meta names to a single property, and consequently to a single index field or category facet (or output context, if neither index field nor category facet is selected). This is useful when you do not know all the metas available in your data source. It also reduces the number of fields needed in the index.
  • Parent elements:
    • com.exalead.datamodel.v10.DataModelClass (as DataModelClass)
  • Attributes:
    Name Type Default value Description
    storeMetaNames boolean Stores the meta name associated to each value, in the resulting index field (or category facet or output context). This is useful to search and retrieve specific metas within the field. If 'Store meta names' is not selected for a dynamic property, the resulting index field (or category facet or output context) is the same as any other alphanumerical or numerical field created with standard properties: it contains only meta values.
  • Nested elements:
    Name Type Description
    MatchingRule com.exalead.datamodel.v10.MatchingRule* List of rules to define which document metas should be mapped to this dynamic property.
    Property com.exalead.datamodel.v10.Property All property attributes apply to this dynamic property.


  • com.exalead.datamodel.v10.MatchingRule
  • No documentation for this element.
  • Parent elements:
    • com.exalead.datamodel.v10.DynamicProperty (as DynamicProperty)
  • Attributes:
    Name Type Default value Description
    pattern string If null, property name is used
    mode enum(prefix, suffix, substring, pattern, exact)
    unprefix boolean


  • com.exalead.datamodel.v10.AlphanumProperty
  • Alphanumerical property.
  • Parent elements:
    • com.exalead.datamodel.v10.DataModelClass (as DataModelClass)
    • com.exalead.datamodel.v10.DynamicProperty (as DynamicProperty)
  • Attributes:
    Name Type Default value Description
    overrideClassExpansionParams boolean
    dedicatedField boolean True Should we create a dedicated index field for this property, or use a multi-field encoding? A dedicated field is recommended if more than a few percent of objects have this property. Internal: if there is no dedicated field, we store in the "metas" field and index using prefixed-words.
    dynamicProperty string Storing this meta in a dynamical property decreases index's memory footprint and improve index's commit time. Faceting and sorting performances will be impacted (slower).
    searchable boolean True Allows users to search for matches in this property using a prefix. For example, to search for "API" in the title of a document, enter the search query <pre>title:API</pre>
    retrievable boolean True Displays the meta in the hit content of search results. If the property doesn't have a dedicated field, the value will be CSV-encoded in the 'metas' field.
    ramBased boolean Stores this property in RAM. Use this option if you need to:
    • sort search results on this property.
    • use this property in a virtual field.
    • use this property in a virtual facet.
    • use this property for an aggregation value.
    Only the "retrievable" part of the property is stored in RAM.
    facet boolean Creates a navigation facet from the property values.
    disjunctiveRefines boolean Makes refinements on this facet disjunctive ("checkboxes") rather than exclusive (select one).
    defaultValue string If there is no value for this property in the document, use this default value.
    additionalMetaNames string Maps these metas (as a comma-separated list) to this index or facet field. Usable only for properties having a dedicated field, a facet, or are searchable without prefix.
    arity enum(zero_or_one, one, many) zero_or_one The arity of the property (zero_or_one, one, many) {@code enum(zero_or_one, one, many)}
    name string Property name
    comment string Optional comment to explain property use.
    semanticType string Defines how the text is processed and indexed (tokenization, normalization and indexing-time semantic processing). This value must refer to a valid !SemanticType object in the DataModel.
    indexInTextField boolean Allows users to search for matches in this property without using a prefix, by mapping the values to the generic "text" index field, as invisible text. For example, to search for "API" in a document, enter the search query <pre>API</pre>
    queryExpansionConfig string Search-time query expansion config to use for this property. This follows the 'QEC' format specification.
    enumerated boolean Is there a controlled and limited set of values for this property? Enumerated properties are indexed using a specific "Value" field, which stores entire values in an optimized way. Thus, performing faceting on this kind of field is faster than on a category field. It is not possible to perform any semantic processing on value fields.
  • Nested elements:
    Name Type Description
    tags exa.bee.KeyValue* User-defined tags for this property. This can be used for example to implement 6W faceting of the data model.
    AdvancedParams com.exalead.datamodel.v10.AdvancedParams
    KeyValue exa.bee.KeyValue*
    Label com.exalead.datamodel.v10.Label* Labels for the internationalization of this property's name


  • com.exalead.datamodel.v10.AdvancedParams
  • Advanced configuration options of a property
  • Parent elements:
    • com.exalead.datamodel.v10.DataModelClass (as DataModelClass)
  • Attributes:
    Name Type Default value Description
    generateAnalysis boolean True Creates the required mappings and document processors for this property. Only set this option to "false" to take complete control over analysis expansion for this property.
    generateIndexSchema boolean True Creates the required index fields for this property. Only set this option to "false" to take complete control over index schema expansion for this property.
    generatePrefix boolean True Creates a prefix handler in the search logics for this property. Only set this option to "false" to take complete control over query prefix handler expansion for this property.
    generateFacet boolean True Creates a category facet in the search logics for this property. Only set this option to "false" to take complete control over facet config expansion for this property.
    generateMeta boolean True Creates a hit meta in the search logics for this property. Only set this option to "false" to take complete control over meta expansion for this property.
    expandedPipelines string A comma-separated list of analysis pipelines to generate mappings and document processors on. If empty, generate on all pipelines.
    expandedSearchLogics string A comma-separated list of search logics to generate prefix handlers, facets and hit metas on. If empty, generate on all search logics.
    facetSortFunction string count Sorting method if a category facet is created for this property. Select "ReverseSort" to reverse the sorting order.
    facetReverseSort boolean Reverse sorting order if a category facet is created for this property.
    facetExplicitSortOrderValues string Ordered list of values used for explicit sort, comma-separated (use the backslash to escape a comma).
    facetInHits boolean True Displays this property in the hits content (if a category facet is created).
    facetInNavigation boolean True Displays this property in the navigation (if a category facet is created).
    facetRoot string Replaces the default facet root path (Top/ClassProperties/<Property name>) (if a category facet is created).
    categoryField string Replaces the category field for this property (if a category facet is created).
    categoryFacetMaxPerLevel int 100 Displays a maximum of N values per level for this property (if a category facet is created).
    facetMaxInHits int 100 Displays a maximum of N values for this property (if a category facet is created).
    numericalBits int 63 Number of bits used to store a numerical value.
    doublePrecision int 4 Number of figures after the decimal point (if this is a double property).
    enableTrustedQueries boolean Precomputes the indexing of prefixes for the Trusted Queries widget.
    dateInputFormat string Specifies an input format for DateFormatter for numerical properties with date or date_time type
    dateOutputFormat string Specifies an output format for numerical properties with date or date_time type, used in full hits
    gzip boolean True Activates content compression (if an alphanum field is created)
    unit string Unit Of Measurement in which the value is stored
    patternSearchEnabled boolean Calculates additional dictionaries to perform pattern search within words (native prefix, suffix, substring search using #anumpattern) without relying on pattern expansion. This has a very high cost in indexing time and indexing size. Do not select unless advised by Exalead teams.
    forcedRankToTextMapping nullableint Sets the ranking value for chunks in mapping to text field. -1 means that the chunk internal ranking value is kept.
    detectTitle boolean Detect words set after # in path and use them as title


  • com.exalead.datamodel.v10.AdvancedPointParams
  • Advanced configuration options of a point property
  • Parent elements:
    • com.exalead.datamodel.v10.DataModelClass (as DataModelClass)
  • Attributes:
    Name Type Default value Description
    facetSortFunction string count Sorting method if a category facet is created for this property. Select "ReverseSort" to reverse the sorting order.
    facetReverseSort boolean Reverse sorting order if a category facet is created for this property.
    facetExplicitSortOrderValues string Ordered list of values used for explicit sort, comma-separated (use the backslash to escape a comma).
    facetInHits boolean True Displays this property in the hits content (if a category facet is created).
    facetInNavigation boolean True Displays this property in the navigation (if a category facet is created).
    facetRoot string Replaces the default facet root path (Top/ClassProperties/<Property name>) (if a category facet is created).
    categoryField string Replaces the category field for this property (if a category facet is created).
    categoryFacetMaxPerLevel int 100 Displays a maximum of N values per level for this property (if a category facet is created).
    facetMaxInHits int 100 Displays a maximum of N values for this property (if a category facet is created).
    numericalBits int 63 Number of bits used to store a numerical value.
    doublePrecision int 4 Number of figures after the decimal point (if this is a double property).
    enableTrustedQueries boolean Precomputes the indexing of prefixes for the Trusted Queries widget.
    dateInputFormat string Specifies an input format for DateFormatter for numerical properties with date or date_time type
    dateOutputFormat string Specifies an output format for numerical properties with date or date_time type, used in full hits
    gzip boolean True Activates content compression (if an alphanum field is created)
    unit string Unit Of Measurement in which the value is stored
    patternSearchEnabled boolean Calculates additional dictionaries to perform pattern search within words (native prefix, suffix, substring search using #anumpattern) without relying on pattern expansion. This has a very high cost in indexing time and indexing size. Do not select unless advised by Exalead teams.
    forcedRankToTextMapping nullableint Sets the ranking value for chunks in mapping to text field. -1 means that the chunk internal ranking value is kept.
    detectTitle boolean Detect words set after # in path and use them as title
    generateAnalysis boolean True Creates the required mappings and document processors for this property. Only set this option to "false" to take complete control over analysis expansion for this property.
    generateIndexSchema boolean True Creates the required index fields for this property. Only set this option to "false" to take complete control over index schema expansion for this property.
    generatePrefix boolean True Creates a prefix handler in the search logics for this property. Only set this option to "false" to take complete control over query prefix handler expansion for this property.
    generateFacet boolean True Creates a category facet in the search logics for this property. Only set this option to "false" to take complete control over facet config expansion for this property.
    generateMeta boolean True Creates a hit meta in the search logics for this property. Only set this option to "false" to take complete control over meta expansion for this property.
    expandedPipelines string A comma-separated list of analysis pipelines to generate mappings and document processors on. If empty, generate on all pipelines.
    expandedSearchLogics string A comma-separated list of search logics to generate prefix handlers, facets and hit metas on. If empty, generate on all search logics.
    generateFromSeparateMetas boolean Content generated by several metas
    firstCoordinateMeta string This meta will be used to define the first coordinate of the point
    secondCoordinateMeta string This meta will be used to define the second coordinate of the point


  • com.exalead.datamodel.v10.AdvancedGeoParams
  • Advanced configuration options of a geo property
  • Parent elements:
    • com.exalead.datamodel.v10.DataModelClass (as DataModelClass)
  • Attributes:
    Name Type Default value Description
    facetSortFunction string count Sorting method if a category facet is created for this property. Select "ReverseSort" to reverse the sorting order.
    facetReverseSort boolean Reverse sorting order if a category facet is created for this property.
    facetExplicitSortOrderValues string Ordered list of values used for explicit sort, comma-separated (use the backslash to escape a comma).
    facetInHits boolean True Displays this property in the hits content (if a category facet is created).
    facetInNavigation boolean True Displays this property in the navigation (if a category facet is created).
    facetRoot string Replaces the default facet root path (Top/ClassProperties/<Property name>) (if a category facet is created).
    categoryField string Replaces the category field for this property (if a category facet is created).
    categoryFacetMaxPerLevel int 100 Displays a maximum of N values per level for this property (if a category facet is created).
    facetMaxInHits int 100 Displays a maximum of N values for this property (if a category facet is created).
    numericalBits int 63 Number of bits used to store a numerical value.
    doublePrecision int 4 Number of figures after the decimal point (if this is a double property).
    enableTrustedQueries boolean Precomputes the indexing of prefixes for the Trusted Queries widget.
    dateInputFormat string Specifies an input format for DateFormatter for numerical properties with date or date_time type
    dateOutputFormat string Specifies an output format for numerical properties with date or date_time type, used in full hits
    gzip boolean True Activates content compression (if an alphanum field is created)
    unit string Unit Of Measurement in which the value is stored
    patternSearchEnabled boolean Calculates additional dictionaries to perform pattern search within words (native prefix, suffix, substring search using #anumpattern) without relying on pattern expansion. This has a very high cost in indexing time and indexing size. Do not select unless advised by Exalead teams.
    forcedRankToTextMapping nullableint Sets the ranking value for chunks in mapping to text field. -1 means that the chunk internal ranking value is kept.
    detectTitle boolean Detect words set after # in path and use them as title
    generateAnalysis boolean True Creates the required mappings and document processors for this property. Only set this option to "false" to take complete control over analysis expansion for this property.
    generateIndexSchema boolean True Creates the required index fields for this property. Only set this option to "false" to take complete control over index schema expansion for this property.
    generatePrefix boolean True Creates a prefix handler in the search logics for this property. Only set this option to "false" to take complete control over query prefix handler expansion for this property.
    generateFacet boolean True Creates a category facet in the search logics for this property. Only set this option to "false" to take complete control over facet config expansion for this property.
    generateMeta boolean True Creates a hit meta in the search logics for this property. Only set this option to "false" to take complete control over meta expansion for this property.
    expandedPipelines string A comma-separated list of analysis pipelines to generate mappings and document processors on. If empty, generate on all pipelines.
    expandedSearchLogics string A comma-separated list of search logics to generate prefix handlers, facets and hit metas on. If empty, generate on all search logics.
    maxBlockSize int 24 Maximum number of objects in lookup structure leaves.
    precision int 6 The number of decimals that will be used in geometrical representations and computations.
    bboxSuffix string _bbox Meta name suffix for BBox.


  • com.exalead.datamodel.v10.Label
  • The translation of a data model label in a language
  • Parent elements:
    • com.exalead.datamodel.v10.AlphanumProperty (as AlphanumProperty)
    • com.exalead.datamodel.v10.DataModelClass (as DataModelClass)
    • com.exalead.datamodel.v10.DataModelEnum (as DataModelEnum)
    • com.exalead.datamodel.v10.DataModelEnumElement (as DataModelEnumElement)
    • com.exalead.datamodel.v10.DataProperty (as DataProperty)
    • com.exalead.datamodel.v10.EnumProperty (as EnumProperty)
    • com.exalead.datamodel.v10.GeoProperty (as GeoProperty)
    • com.exalead.datamodel.v10.NumericalProperty (as NumericalProperty)
    • com.exalead.datamodel.v10.ObjectProperty (as ObjectProperty)
    • com.exalead.datamodel.v10.Property (as Property)
  • Attributes:
    Name Type Default value Description
    language string Label language
    value string Label value


  • com.exalead.datamodel.v10.NumericalProperty
  • Numerical properties offer the feature of optionally enabling range (superior, inferior, ...) on values
  • Parent elements:
    • com.exalead.datamodel.v10.DataModelClass (as DataModelClass)
    • com.exalead.datamodel.v10.DynamicProperty (as DynamicProperty)
  • Attributes:
    Name Type Default value Description
    overrideClassExpansionParams boolean
    dedicatedField boolean True Should we create a dedicated index field for this property, or use a multi-field encoding? A dedicated field is recommended if more than a few percent of objects have this property. Internal: if there is no dedicated field, we store in the "metas" field and index using prefixed-words.
    dynamicProperty string Storing this meta in a dynamical property decreases index's memory footprint and improve index's commit time. Faceting and sorting performances will be impacted (slower).
    searchable boolean True Allows users to search for matches in this property using a prefix. For example, to search for "API" in the title of a document, enter the search query <pre>title:API</pre>
    retrievable boolean True Displays the meta in the hit content of search results. If the property doesn't have a dedicated field, the value will be CSV-encoded in the 'metas' field.
    ramBased boolean Stores this property in RAM. Use this option if you need to:
    • sort search results on this property.
    • use this property in a virtual field.
    • use this property in a virtual facet.
    • use this property for an aggregation value.
    Only the "retrievable" part of the property is stored in RAM.
    facet boolean Creates a navigation facet from the property values.
    disjunctiveRefines boolean Makes refinements on this facet disjunctive ("checkboxes") rather than exclusive (select one).
    defaultValue string If there is no value for this property in the document, use this default value.
    additionalMetaNames string Maps these metas (as a comma-separated list) to this index or facet field. Usable only for properties having a dedicated field, a facet, or are searchable without prefix.
    arity enum(zero_or_one, one, many) zero_or_one The arity of the property (zero_or_one, one, many) {@code enum(zero_or_one, one, many)}
    name string Property name
    comment string Optional comment to explain property use.
    type enum(integer, double, date, date_time, point_geo, point_xy, unsigned, measure) Type of this numerical property. Depending on the type, additional validation and formating will be performed on the value. Valid values are:
    • integer: The value must be an integer (this is the default).
    • double: The value must be a double. It is possible to configure the precision in advanced parameters.
    • date: A date, with a day precision.
    • date_time: A date, with time (second precision).
    • point_geo: A point on a sphere, in GPS coordinates. The value must have a "latitude,longitude" format, with latitude being a double between -90 and +90, and longitude being a double between -180 and 180.
    • point_xy: A point on a XY plan. The value must have a "X,Y" format, with X and Y being positive integers.
    • unsigned: The value must be a positive integer.
    • measure: The value must be a double and could be associated to a unit of measurement symbol.
  • Nested elements:
    Name Type Description
    tags exa.bee.KeyValue* User-defined tags for this property. This can be used for example to implement 6W faceting of the data model.
    AdvancedParams com.exalead.datamodel.v10.AdvancedParams
    KeyValue exa.bee.KeyValue*
    Label com.exalead.datamodel.v10.Label* Labels for the internationalization of this property's name


  • com.exalead.datamodel.v10.GeoProperty
  • Geo property
  • Parent elements:
    • com.exalead.datamodel.v10.DataModelClass (as DataModelClass)
    • com.exalead.datamodel.v10.DynamicProperty (as DynamicProperty)
  • Attributes:
    Name Type Default value Description
    overrideClassExpansionParams boolean
    dedicatedField boolean True Should we create a dedicated index field for this property, or use a multi-field encoding? A dedicated field is recommended if more than a few percent of objects have this property. Internal: if there is no dedicated field, we store in the "metas" field and index using prefixed-words.
    dynamicProperty string Storing this meta in a dynamical property decreases index's memory footprint and improve index's commit time. Faceting and sorting performances will be impacted (slower).
    searchable boolean True Allows users to search for matches in this property using a prefix. For example, to search for "API" in the title of a document, enter the search query <pre>title:API</pre>
    retrievable boolean True Displays the meta in the hit content of search results. If the property doesn't have a dedicated field, the value will be CSV-encoded in the 'metas' field.
    ramBased boolean Stores this property in RAM. Use this option if you need to:
    • sort search results on this property.
    • use this property in a virtual field.
    • use this property in a virtual facet.
    • use this property for an aggregation value.
    Only the "retrievable" part of the property is stored in RAM.
    facet boolean Creates a navigation facet from the property values.
    disjunctiveRefines boolean Makes refinements on this facet disjunctive ("checkboxes") rather than exclusive (select one).
    defaultValue string If there is no value for this property in the document, use this default value.
    additionalMetaNames string Maps these metas (as a comma-separated list) to this index or facet field. Usable only for properties having a dedicated field, a facet, or are searchable without prefix.
    arity enum(zero_or_one, one, many) zero_or_one The arity of the property (zero_or_one, one, many) {@code enum(zero_or_one, one, many)}
    name string Property name
    comment string Optional comment to explain property use.
    type enum(Planar) Coordinate system of this geo property. For now, only cartesian/planar systems are supported.
  • Nested elements:
    Name Type Description
    tags exa.bee.KeyValue* User-defined tags for this property. This can be used for example to implement 6W faceting of the data model.
    AdvancedParams com.exalead.datamodel.v10.AdvancedParams
    KeyValue exa.bee.KeyValue*
    Label com.exalead.datamodel.v10.Label* Labels for the internationalization of this property's name


  • com.exalead.datamodel.v10.ObjectProperty
  • Deprecated)
  • Property storing a link to another DataModelClass. It can only store the identifier of the foreign object in the holding class. This only gives the ability to perform some high-level fetch of related objects. This does not enable searching for this object using foreign constraints.
  • Parent elements:
    • com.exalead.datamodel.v10.DataModelClass (as DataModelClass)
    • com.exalead.datamodel.v10.DynamicProperty (as DynamicProperty)
  • Attributes:
    Name Type Default value Description
    arity enum(zero_or_one, one, many) zero_or_one The arity of the property (zero_or_one, one, many) {@code enum(zero_or_one, one, many)}
    name string Property name
    comment string Optional comment to explain property use.
    type string Name of the related DataModelClass
    generateInnerjoinKey boolean NOT IMPLEMENTED. Generates a field that can be used for performing INNERJOIN between this property and its class. Note that doing this incurs a memory cost.
    storeIdentifier boolean Stores the unique identifiers of the property values for further retrieval.
  • Nested elements:
    Name Type Description
    tags exa.bee.KeyValue* User-defined tags for this property. This can be used for example to implement 6W faceting of the data model.
    KeyValue exa.bee.KeyValue*
    Label com.exalead.datamodel.v10.Label* Labels for the internationalization of this property's name


  • com.exalead.datamodel.v10.EnumProperty
  • Deprecated)
  • A property referring to a data model enum. Internals: always indexed as a category. This is not recommended, as it has little added value over an alphanum property. An alphanum property can actually be faster when using the "enumerated" flag.
  • Parent elements:
    • com.exalead.datamodel.v10.DataModelClass (as DataModelClass)
    • com.exalead.datamodel.v10.DynamicProperty (as DynamicProperty)
  • Attributes:
    Name Type Default value Description
    arity enum(zero_or_one, one, many) zero_or_one The arity of the property (zero_or_one, one, many) {@code enum(zero_or_one, one, many)}
    name string Property name
    comment string Optional comment to explain property use.
    type string Name of the related DataModelEnum.
    disjunctiveRefines boolean Are refinements on this facet disjunctive ("checkboxes") or exclusive (select one)?
  • Nested elements:
    Name Type Description
    tags exa.bee.KeyValue* User-defined tags for this property. This can be used for example to implement 6W faceting of the data model.
    KeyValue exa.bee.KeyValue*
    Label com.exalead.datamodel.v10.Label* Labels for the internationalization of this property's name


  • com.exalead.datamodel.v10.ExpansionParams
  • No documentation for this element.
  • Parent elements:
    • com.exalead.datamodel.v10.DataModelClass (as DataModelClass)
  • Attributes:
    Name Type Default value Description
    generateAnalysis boolean True Creates the required mappings and document processors for this property. Only set this option to "false" to take complete control over analysis expansion for this property.
    generateIndexSchema boolean True Creates the required index fields for this property. Only set this option to "false" to take complete control over index schema expansion for this property.
    generatePrefix boolean True Creates a prefix handler in the search logics for this property. Only set this option to "false" to take complete control over query prefix handler expansion for this property.
    generateFacet boolean True Creates a category facet in the search logics for this property. Only set this option to "false" to take complete control over facet config expansion for this property.
    generateMeta boolean True Creates a hit meta in the search logics for this property. Only set this option to "false" to take complete control over meta expansion for this property.
    expandedPipelines string A comma-separated list of analysis pipelines to generate mappings and document processors on. If empty, generate on all pipelines.
    expandedSearchLogics string A comma-separated list of search logics to generate prefix handlers, facets and hit metas on. If empty, generate on all search logics.


  • com.exalead.datamodel.v10.DataModelEnum
  • A custom enum allows you to define a closed list of values for a property. Note that i18n is not implemented. This option is not recommended.
  • Parent elements:
    • com.exalead.datamodel.v10.DataModel (as DataModel)
  • Attributes:
    Name Type Default value Description
    name string
    strict boolean If strict, this data type will only accept values listed in elements. Warning: This is not implemented for the moment.
    defaultValue int -1 Index of default value in the elements list. -1 = no default value for property
  • Nested elements:
    Name Type Description
    DataModelEnumElement com.exalead.datamodel.v10.DataModelEnumElement* Possible values for the enum.
    Label com.exalead.datamodel.v10.Label* Labels for i18n. TODO not implemented


  • com.exalead.datamodel.v10.DataModelEnumElement
  • No documentation for this element.
  • Parent elements:
    • com.exalead.datamodel.v10.DataModelEnum (as DataModelEnum)
  • Attributes:
    Name Type Default value Description
    name string
  • Nested elements:
    Name Type Description
    Label com.exalead.datamodel.v10.Label* Labels for i18n. TODO not implemented


  • com.exalead.datamodel.v10.SemanticType
  • Parent elements:
    • com.exalead.datamodel.v10.DataModel (as DataModel)
  • Attributes:
    Name Type Default value Description
    name string Name for this type, to be used in the "type" field of the AlphanumProperty.
    extraContexts string Extra analysis contexts (not datamodel-controlled) on which this text type must be applied.
    tokenize boolean True Splits phrases into individual words or tokens. Required for index-time semantic processing.
    urlProcessing boolean Creates 3 prefix handlers for this property, for the 'site', 'url', and 'inurl' features.
    indexNormalized boolean True Indexes CaF&eacute; as cafe.
    indexLowercase boolean Indexes CaF&eacute; as caf&eacute;
    indexExact boolean Indexes CaF&eacute; as CaF&eacute;
    indexSeparators boolean True Indexes the position of separators to enable search within a string. Select this option when using the "split" type prefix handler.
    detectLanguage boolean True Determines the language of a document by analyzing its text. Required for extracting spell check ngrams, phonetic forms, named entities and related terms. For performance reasons, only select this option if the documents to be pushed do not already include a 'language' meta. Selecting this option creates a meta called 'language', as well as a Language facet for search results display in the Refinements panel.
    extractWords boolean True Extracts the words of each document to the dictionary targeted by this semantic type.
    extractNamedEntities boolean Flags famous people, places, organizations or events, and annotates the corresponding index field with the prefix NE:<entity type>. This option adds:
    • A Named Entities Matcher processor to the semantic analysis pipeline.
    • Categories for each named entity annotation in a document.
    • Named entity facets in the search logic, to be displayed in the Refinements panel.
    extractRelatedTerms boolean Finds important concepts within the corpus and stores them in the dictionary targeted by this semantic type. To display related terms in the Refinements panel of your search application, you must enable them through the search logics. This option adds a Related Terms Extractor processor to the semantic analysis pipeline.
    extractSpellCheckNGrams boolean Calculates probability of word occurrences or word phrases within the corpus and stores them in the dictionary targeted by this semantic type. This significantly improves the effectiveness of spell-checking. This option adds a NGrams Extractor processor to the semantic analysis pipeline.
    extractPhoneticForms boolean Creates a phonetic version for each word and stores them in the dictionary targeted by this semantic type. This significantly improves the effectiveness of spell check and enables phonetic search (for example, soundslike: exaleed). This option adds a Phonetizer processor to the semantic analysis pipeline.
    tokenizationConfig string Defines the tokenization config to use for analysis and search. Found in the linguistic configuration.
    rankForDedicatedMapping long 4 Ranking value for the mapping to a dedicated index field.
    rankForTextMapping long 3 Ranking value for the mapping to the "text" index field.
    dictionaryName string A dictionary is a structure separated from the index, that stores all the words of an indexed document, and their number of occurrences in the corpus. It's used for linguistic expansion mechanisms such as spell-checking or regular expression matching. If value is "_None_", words will not be stored in a dictionary. In admin-ui, select "None" if you want this behavior.
  • Nested elements:
    Name Type Description
    KeyValue exa.bee.KeyValue* Custom parameters.


  • exa.bee.KeyValue
  • No documentation for this element.
  • Parent elements:
    • com.exalead.datamodel.v10.AlphanumProperty (as AlphanumProperty)
    • com.exalead.datamodel.v10.DataProperty (as DataProperty)
    • com.exalead.datamodel.v10.EnumProperty (as EnumProperty)
    • com.exalead.datamodel.v10.GeoProperty (as GeoProperty)
    • exa.bee.KeyValue (as KeyValue)
    • com.exalead.datamodel.v10.NumericalProperty (as NumericalProperty)
    • com.exalead.datamodel.v10.ObjectProperty (as ObjectProperty)
    • com.exalead.datamodel.v10.Property (as Property)
    • com.exalead.datamodel.v10.SemanticType (as SemanticType)
    • com.exalead.datamodel.v10.AlphanumProperty (as tags)
    • com.exalead.datamodel.v10.DataProperty (as tags)
    • com.exalead.datamodel.v10.EnumProperty (as tags)
    • com.exalead.datamodel.v10.GeoProperty (as tags)
    • com.exalead.datamodel.v10.NumericalProperty (as tags)
    • com.exalead.datamodel.v10.ObjectProperty (as tags)
    • com.exalead.datamodel.v10.Property (as tags)
  • Attributes:
    Name Type Default value Description
    key string The name of the key
    value string
    type string
    description string
  • Nested elements:
    Name Type Description
    KeyValue exa.bee.KeyValue*