
This section lists the elements you can use to configure Search.

This page discusses:


  • Controls how searches are processed.
  • Attributes:
    Name Type Default value Description
    name string Name of the search logic. This name is referred to with the 'logic' parameter in the Search API.
    tokenizationConfig string Name of the tokenization configuration to use when using this search logic. For consistency, this should be the same tokenization configuration as in the dictionary and analysis configurations.
    dataModel string Name of the data model this search logic targets. A Search Logic can only target one data model.
    customQueryProcessingFactoryClassId string Java class implementing the QueryProcessingRunnerFactory interface to build the thread-specific QueryProcessingRunners (which expand the actual query).
    fetchMasks boolean Fetches masks in searcher. Required to get the "mask" field in the hits.
    sliceDownAction enum(error, ignore) ignore What to do if one of the slice is down when the search is performed. A slice is considered as down if all replicas are down (and if the master is also down in the default search target configuration). One of "error" or "ignore". Default is "ignore".
    sliceDownReportMode enum(quiet, local, global) local Specifies how to report a down slice error in 'Troubleshooting > Logs':
    • quiet: No log.
    • local: Error is reported in the Process log.
    • global: Error is reported in both Process and Global logs.
    searchTimeoutAction enum(error, ignore) ignore What to do when slices time out. One of "error" or "ignore". Default is "ignore".
    searchTimeoutReportMode enum(quiet, local, global) local Specifies how to report a timeout error in 'Troubleshooting > Logs':
    • quiet: No log.
    • local: Error is reported in the Process log.
    • global: Error is reported in both Process and Global logs.
    searchLimitAction enum(error, ignore) ignore What to do if a search limit is reached. One of "error" or "ignore". Default is "ignore".
    searchLimitReportMode enum(quiet, local, global) local Specifies how to report a search limit error in 'Troubleshooting > Logs':
    • quiet: No log.
    • local: Error is reported in the Process log.
    • global: Error is reported in both Process and Global logs.
    retrieveSourceField boolean True Should the "source" field be automatically added to the retrieved field?
    handleNegativeSecurityTokens boolean True When enabled the security restriction will handle document security token starting with ~ as negative token. The negative security tokens are prioritary above standard tokens. The query restriction generated for a query with the tokens tok1, tok2, tok3 is ((tok1 OR tok2 OR tok3) AND NOT ~tok1 AND NOT ~tok2 AND NOT ~tok3). If the security sources return a lot of security tokens and the connectors do not push negative security tokens it can be interesting to disable negative security tokens handling to speed up the queries (the security query restriction will be (tok1 OR tok2 OR tok3) in this case.
  • Nested elements:
    Name Type Description
    ContentRestriction Content restriction configuration for this search logic.
    FacetsConfig Facets configuration for this search logic.
    HitConfig Hit content configuration for this search logic.
    LimitsConfig Limits configuration for this search logic.
    PostFilterConfig Post filtering configuration for this search logic.
    QueryRestrictionConfig Query restriction configuration for this search logic.
    RelatedTermsSynthesisConfig Related terms configuration for this search logic.
    RelevanceConfig Relevance configuration for this search logic.
    Sort Sort configuration for this search logic.
    SpellCheckerConfig Spell checker configuration for this search logic.
    UQLConfig UQL configuration for this search logic.
    VirtualFieldDefinition* Virtual fields configuration for this search logic.


  • No documentation for this element.
  • Parent elements:
    • (as SearchLogic)
  • Attributes:
    Name Type Default value Description
    queryString string Query string to restrict content. Only the documents matching this query string will be taken into consideration. The query string is not subject to any kind of linguistic expansion whatsoever. This query string is AND' ed with the user actual query.


  • Configuration for all facets calculated at search time.
  • Parent elements:
    • (as SearchLogic)
  • Attributes:
    Name Type Default value Description
    maxHits int Number of hits on which category navigation will be computed. 0 means exhaustive navigation, within the limits of the matched hits. Note: Heapsort executor is used if this setting is defined in ranked mode. If not in ranked mode, this setting is applied per slice.
    enabled boolean True Enables faceting.
    optimizedForExhaustiveRankedSynthesis boolean True When search is running in "heap" mode, it locally sorts the DIDs before calculating facets. This decreases significantly LLC miss.
    categoryArrayBufferSize int 1000 Size of the result blocks sent to the searchserver. This is an optimization parameter. Lower values slightly decrease memory consumption when there is a large number of slices, but increase global CPU consumption.
  • Nested elements:
    Name Type Description
    Facet* Definition of a facet.


  • Configuration for a facet.
  • Parent elements:
    • (as FacetsConfig)
  • Attributes:
    Name Type Default value Description
    id string Unique identifier of this facet. Used in Mashup-Builder and client applications to identify the facet.
    type enum(category, h2d, num_explicit, num_fixed, num_dynamic, geo, autotile, value, multi, enum, date, dyndate, autotilev2, concatvalue) Used for convenience in various introspection code
    refinementPolicy enum(exclusive, disjunctive, norefine) exclusive Defines the Refinements panel behavior.
    • Disjunctive: Allows you to select multiple categories at once for refinement (it creates an OR operation). Continues to display all categories when one is selected.
    • Exclusive: Only allows you to select one category for refinement. Hides other categories when one is selected.
    • No refine: Allows you to display all categories without enabling refinements.
    implementation enum(autodetect, favor_cpu, favor_memory) autodetect Internal algorithm for implementation of this facet. Value can be null or one of
    • autodetect
    • favor_cpu
    • favor_memory
    • "favor_cpu" consumes less CPU, at the expense of additional RAM consumption (RAM is consumed for each facet value in the index).
    • "favor_memory" reduces RAM consumption (RAM is only consumed for each facet value in the result set).
    • "autodetect" automatically selects a suitable policy based on the result set and facet data.
    inNavigation boolean True Computes navigation on this facet.
    inHits boolean True Computes the value of this facet for each hit.
    maxSliceCategories int Maximum number of categories returned by each slice for one facet. 0 means no limit. Warning: Results merged by the search server may be incorrect.
    sortFunction enum(count, relevancy, alphanum, num, range, date, aggregation, explicit, lat, lng) count Specifies a sorting function:
    • Aggregation Value: Sorts the categories using one of the aggregation functions specified in "Aggregations". The "Function Name" field that appears below, lets you enter the aggregation function name. Default sorting direction is descending.
    • Alphanum: Sorts the categories lexicographically. The category path is used here, not the title. Default sorting direction is ascending.
    • Count: Sorts the categories by decreasing order, with the number of documents matching the query and having this facet.
    • Date: Sorts the categories by:
      • Default with decreasing year, increasing month, increasing day
      • Reverse with increasing year, decreasing month, decreasing day
    • Explicit order: Sorts the categories using an explicit order. The "Explicit order" field that appears below, lets you specify a comma-separated list of values.
    • Latitude: Sorts the categories by latitude, using the average of points.
    • Longitude: Sorts the categories by longitude, using the average of points.
    • Num: Tries to parse the category path as an integer, and sorts decreasingly. If the category is prefixed by a number it will parse the prefix. In case of failure, it fallbacks to lexicographical sorting. Default sorting direction is ascending.
    • Range: If the categories are ranges in the form [a;b] (as for NumericalFacet), it sorts the categories per increasing midrange value. Default sorting direction is ascending.
    • Relevance: Sorts the categories by decreasing relevance. Relevance is defined by taking into account both the number of documents matching the query and having this facet, and the total number of documents having the facet. The idea is to use a method of ponderation similar to the classical TF-IDF.
    aggregateScores boolean If selected, the category score will be the sum of the scores of all its hits.
    root string In the categories field, category values are stored in a tree. The root of the tree is called "Top".
    maxCategoryTreeDepth int Maximum depth of the returned category tree. Whatever the level of refinement, there will never be more levels retrieved (this ensures we are not overtaking the maxCategoryTreeDepthFromRoot).
    maxCategoryTreeDepthFromRoot int Maximum depth of the returned category tree, starting from the global root of the category. Setting this attribute to N means that no categories will be kept below this level.
    categoryField string Specifies from which field the categories should be retrieved.
    form enum(exact, lowercase, normalized) normalized Normalization form for the category path. Value can be one of
    • exact
    • lowercase
    • normalized
    This must match the form with which the category has been mapped at indexing time.
    hitsMaxCategories int 100 Maximum number of facet values displayed in hits.
    minDocsPerCategory int 1 Minimum number of docs in a category for it to be included in the Refinements panel.
    maxCategories int Maximum number of categories to display in the facet. 0 means all categories will be displayed.
    maxCategoriesPerLevel int 100 Maximum number of facet values in each level of the categories hierarchy. 0 means that all values are selected. The sortFunction is used to select the "best" facet values for each level.
    sortAggregationFunction string Aggregation function used to sort by aggregation values.
    explicitSortOrderValues string Ordered list of values used for explicit sort, comma-separated (use the backslash to escape a comma).
    reverse boolean Reverse sorting order.
    index int Internal.
    dataModelState string
    dataModelClass string If dataModelState is "auto" or "customized", you will find here the name of the DataModelClass that generated this facet.
    dataModelProperty string If dataModelState is "auto" or "customized", you will find here the name of the DataModelProperty that generated this facet.
  • Nested elements:
    Name Type Description
    AggregationFunction* A numerical computation to perform on hits matching each value of the facet.


  • No documentation for this element.
  • Parent elements:
    • (as AutoTileGeoFacet)
    • (as AutoTileGeoV2Facet)
    • (as CategoryFacet)
    • (as ConcatValueFacet)
    • (as DateFacet)
    • (as DynamicDateFacet)
    • (as DynamicRangesNumericalFacet)
    • (as ExplicitGeoFacet)
    • (as ExplicitRangesNumericalFacet)
    • (as Facet)
    • (as FixedRangesNumericalFacet)
    • (as Hierarchical2DFacet)
    • (as LuaFacet)
    • (as MultiDimensionFacet)
    • (as NumericalFacet)
    • (as OptimizedEnumFacet)
    • (as RelatedTermFacet)
    • (as ValueFacet)
    • (as VirtualFacet)
  • Attributes:
    Name Type Default value Description
    sortFunction enum(count, relevancy, alphanum, num, range, date, aggregation, explicit, lat, lng) count Specifies a sorting function:
    • Aggregation Value: Sorts the categories using one of the aggregation functions specified in "Aggregations". The "Function Name" field that appears below, lets you enter the aggregation function name. Default sorting direction is descending.
    • Alphanum: Sorts the categories lexicographically. The category path is used here, not the title. Default sorting direction is ascending.
    • Count: Sorts the categories by decreasing order, with the number of documents matching the query and having this facet.
    • Date: Sorts the categories by:
      • Default with decreasing year, increasing month, increasing day
      • Reverse with increasing year, decreasing month, decreasing day
    • Explicit order: Sorts the categories using an explicit order. The "Explicit order" field that appears below, lets you specify a comma-separated list of values.
    • Latitude: Sorts the categories by latitude, using the average of points.
    • Longitude: Sorts the categories by longitude, using the average of points.
    • Num: Tries to parse the category path as an integer, and sorts decreasingly. If the category is prefixed by a number it will parse the prefix. In case of failure, it fallbacks to lexicographical sorting. Default sorting direction is ascending.
    • Range: If the categories are ranges in the form [a;b] (as for NumericalFacet), it sorts the categories per increasing midrange value. Default sorting direction is ascending.
    • Relevance: Sorts the categories by decreasing relevance. Relevance is defined by taking into account both the number of documents matching the query and having this facet, and the total number of documents having the facet. The idea is to use a method of ponderation similar to the classical TF-IDF.
    aggregateScores boolean If selected, the category score will be the sum of the scores of all its hits.
    id string Unique sub-identifier of this view. Will be concatenated to the facet's id. Used in Mashup-Builder and client applications to identify the facet.
    minDocsPerCategory int 1 Minimum number of docs in a category for it to be included in the Refinements panel.
    maxCategories int Maximum number of categories to display in the facet. 0 means all categories will be displayed.
    maxCategoriesPerLevel int 100 Maximum number of facet values in each level of the categories hierarchy. 0 means that all values are selected. The sortFunction is used to select the "best" facet values for each level.
    sortAggregationFunction string Aggregation function used to sort by aggregation values.
    explicitSortOrderValues string Ordered list of values used for explicit sort, comma-separated (use the backslash to escape a comma).
    reverse boolean Reverse sorting order.


  • No documentation for this element.
  • Parent elements:
    • (as AutoTileGeoFacet)
    • (as AutoTileGeoV2Facet)
    • (as CategoryFacet)
    • (as ConcatValueFacet)
    • (as DateFacet)
    • (as DynamicDateFacet)
    • (as DynamicRangesNumericalFacet)
    • (as ExplicitGeoFacet)
    • (as ExplicitRangesNumericalFacet)
    • (as Facet)
    • (as FixedRangesNumericalFacet)
    • (as Hierarchical2DFacet)
    • (as LuaFacet)
    • (as MultiDimensionFacet)
    • (as NumericalFacet)
    • (as OptimizedEnumFacet)
    • (as RelatedTermFacet)
    • (as ValueFacet)
    • (as VirtualFacet)
  • Attributes:
    Name Type Default value Description
    id string Unique sub-identifier of this view. Will be concatenated to the facet's id. Used in Mashup-Builder and client applications to identify the facet.
    sortFunction enum(count, relevancy, alphanum, num, range, date, aggregation, explicit, lat, lng) count Specifies a sorting function:
    • Aggregation Value: Sorts the categories using one of the aggregation functions specified in "Aggregations". The "Function Name" field that appears below, lets you enter the aggregation function name. Default sorting direction is descending.
    • Alphanum: Sorts the categories lexicographically. The category path is used here, not the title. Default sorting direction is ascending.
    • Count: Sorts the categories by decreasing order, with the number of documents matching the query and having this facet.
    • Date: Sorts the categories by:
      • Default with decreasing year, increasing month, increasing day
      • Reverse with increasing year, decreasing month, decreasing day
    • Explicit order: Sorts the categories using an explicit order. The "Explicit order" field that appears below, lets you specify a comma-separated list of values.
    • Latitude: Sorts the categories by latitude, using the average of points.
    • Longitude: Sorts the categories by longitude, using the average of points.
    • Num: Tries to parse the category path as an integer, and sorts decreasingly. If the category is prefixed by a number it will parse the prefix. In case of failure, it fallbacks to lexicographical sorting. Default sorting direction is ascending.
    • Range: If the categories are ranges in the form [a;b] (as for NumericalFacet), it sorts the categories per increasing midrange value. Default sorting direction is ascending.
    • Relevance: Sorts the categories by decreasing relevance. Relevance is defined by taking into account both the number of documents matching the query and having this facet, and the total number of documents having the facet. The idea is to use a method of ponderation similar to the classical TF-IDF.
    aggregateScores boolean If selected, the category score will be the sum of the scores of all its hits.
    maxCategoryTreeDepth int Maximum number of categories displayed in the facet from the current refinement. Setting this attribute to N means that no categories will be kept below this level. 0 means no limit.
    maxCategoryTreeDepthFromRoot int Maximum depth of the category tree displayed in the facet from the Top/ level. You can't go further than this limit whatever the refinement level. 0 means no limit.
    minDocsPerCategory int 1 Minimum number of docs in a category for it to be included in the Refinements panel.
    maxCategories int Maximum number of categories to display in the facet. 0 means all categories will be displayed.
    maxCategoriesPerLevel int 100 Maximum number of facet values in each level of the categories hierarchy. 0 means that all values are selected. The sortFunction is used to select the "best" facet values for each level.
    sortAggregationFunction string Aggregation function used to sort by aggregation values.
    explicitSortOrderValues string Ordered list of values used for explicit sort, comma-separated (use the backslash to escape a comma).
    reverse boolean Reverse sorting order.


  • No documentation for this element.
  • Parent elements:
    • (as AutoTileGeoFacet)
    • (as AutoTileGeoV2Facet)
    • (as CategoryFacet)
    • (as ConcatValueFacet)
    • (as DateFacet)
    • (as DynamicDateFacet)
    • (as DynamicRangesNumericalFacet)
    • (as ExplicitGeoFacet)
    • (as ExplicitRangesNumericalFacet)
    • (as Facet)
    • (as FixedRangesNumericalFacet)
    • (as Hierarchical2DFacet)
    • (as LuaFacet)
    • (as MultiDimensionFacet)
    • (as NumericalFacet)
    • (as OptimizedEnumFacet)
    • (as RelatedTermFacet)
    • (as ValueFacet)
    • (as VirtualFacet)
  • Attributes:
    Name Type Default value Description
    id string Unique sub-identifier of this view. Will be concatenated to the facet's id. Used in Mashup-Builder and client applications to identify the facet.
    sortFunction enum(count, relevancy, alphanum, num, range, date, aggregation, explicit, lat, lng) count Specifies a sorting function:
    • Aggregation Value: Sorts the categories using one of the aggregation functions specified in "Aggregations". The "Function Name" field that appears below, lets you enter the aggregation function name. Default sorting direction is descending.
    • Alphanum: Sorts the categories lexicographically. The category path is used here, not the title. Default sorting direction is ascending.
    • Count: Sorts the categories by decreasing order, with the number of documents matching the query and having this facet.
    • Date: Sorts the categories by:
      • Default with decreasing year, increasing month, increasing day
      • Reverse with increasing year, decreasing month, decreasing day
    • Explicit order: Sorts the categories using an explicit order. The "Explicit order" field that appears below, lets you specify a comma-separated list of values.
    • Latitude: Sorts the categories by latitude, using the average of points.
    • Longitude: Sorts the categories by longitude, using the average of points.
    • Num: Tries to parse the category path as an integer, and sorts decreasingly. If the category is prefixed by a number it will parse the prefix. In case of failure, it fallbacks to lexicographical sorting. Default sorting direction is ascending.
    • Range: If the categories are ranges in the form [a;b] (as for NumericalFacet), it sorts the categories per increasing midrange value. Default sorting direction is ascending.
    • Relevance: Sorts the categories by decreasing relevance. Relevance is defined by taking into account both the number of documents matching the query and having this facet, and the total number of documents having the facet. The idea is to use a method of ponderation similar to the classical TF-IDF.
    aggregateScores boolean If selected, the category score will be the sum of the scores of all its hits.
    withYear boolean True Creates a virtual category for each year.
    yearDesc boolean True
    withMonth boolean True Creates a virtual category for each month.
    monthDesc boolean
    withWeek boolean Creates a virtual category for each week.
    weekDesc boolean
    withDay boolean True Creates a virtual category for each day.
    dayDesc boolean
    withHour boolean Creates a virtual category for each hour.
    hourDesc boolean
    withMinute boolean Creates a virtual category for each minute.
    minuteDesc boolean
    withSecond boolean Creates a virtual category for each second.
    secondDesc boolean
    maxCategoryTreeDepth int Maximum depth of the returned category tree. Whatever the level of refinement, there will never be more levels retrieved (this ensures we are not overtaking the maxCategoryTreeDepthFromRoot).
    maxCategoryTreeDepthFromRoot int Maximum depth of the returned category tree, starting from the global root of the category. Setting this attribute to N means that no categories will be kept below this level.
    minDocsPerCategory int 1 Minimum number of docs in a category for it to be included in the Refinements panel.
    maxCategories int Maximum number of categories to display in the facet. 0 means all categories will be displayed.
    maxCategoriesPerLevel int 100 Maximum number of facet values in each level of the categories hierarchy. 0 means that all values are selected. The sortFunction is used to select the "best" facet values for each level.
    sortAggregationFunction string Aggregation function used to sort by aggregation values.
    explicitSortOrderValues string Ordered list of values used for explicit sort, comma-separated (use the backslash to escape a comma).
    reverse boolean Reverse sorting order.


  • No documentation for this element.
  • Parent elements:
    • (as AutoTileGeoFacet)
    • (as AutoTileGeoV2Facet)
    • (as CategoryFacet)
    • (as ConcatValueFacet)
    • (as DateFacet)
    • (as DynamicDateFacet)
    • (as DynamicRangesNumericalFacet)
    • (as ExplicitGeoFacet)
    • (as ExplicitRangesNumericalFacet)
    • (as Facet)
    • (as FixedRangesNumericalFacet)
    • (as Hierarchical2DFacet)
    • (as LuaFacet)
    • (as MultiDimensionFacet)
    • (as NumericalFacet)
    • (as OptimizedEnumFacet)
    • (as RelatedTermFacet)
    • (as ValueFacet)
    • (as VirtualFacet)
  • Attributes:
    Name Type Default value Description
    id string Unique identifier of this function.
    expr string The expression on which to perform the synthesis. It can reference fields or virtual fields.
    functionName string Aggregation function name. We support the following aggregation functions:
    • AVG: average field value
    • MAX: maximum field value
    • MIN: minimum field value
    • SUM: sum of field values
    • COUNT: number of values
    • STDDEV: standard deviation of field values
    • CENTILE(X): X-centile of field values. X is a double between 0.0 and 100.0.
    • MAXDATE(format): maximum field value. The expression must be an index time. The output is parsed according to the specified <i>format</i>
    • MINDATE(format): minimum field value. The expression must be an index time. The output is parsed according to the specified <i>format</i>


  • Facet on a numerical expression
  • Parent elements:
    • (as FacetsConfig)
  • Attributes:
    Name Type Default value Description
    expr string Virtual field expression for this facet.
    min nullabledouble Excludes values below this threshold from the facet.
    max nullabledouble Excludes values above this threshold from the facet.
    lsb int Least significant bit of the numerical value to use. Only used for integral types.
    msb int 63 Most significant bit of the numerical value to use. Only used for integral types.
    maxValues int 100 Maximum number of displayed values.
    defaultPrecision int Default precision, in number of trailing digits, for float-typed expressions with double precision (e.g. "#random()"). For example, if defaultPrecision is 2, 0.011 and 0.012 will be considered similar, and categories will be displayed with two significant digits (e.g. [0.00;0.99])
    virtualRoot string Path for the resulting root 'virtual' category. When using a virtual facet (a facet which is not stored in a category field), all created categories are attached to a virtual root path. For example: Top/VirtualRoot/[0;5]
    id string Unique identifier of this facet. Used in Mashup-Builder and client applications to identify the facet.
    type enum(category, h2d, num_explicit, num_fixed, num_dynamic, geo, autotile, value, multi, enum, date, dyndate, autotilev2, concatvalue) Used for convenience in various introspection code
    refinementPolicy enum(exclusive, disjunctive, norefine) exclusive Defines the Refinements panel behavior.
    • Disjunctive: Allows you to select multiple categories at once for refinement (it creates an OR operation). Continues to display all categories when one is selected.
    • Exclusive: Only allows you to select one category for refinement. Hides other categories when one is selected.
    • No refine: Allows you to display all categories without enabling refinements.
    implementation enum(autodetect, favor_cpu, favor_memory) autodetect Internal algorithm for implementation of this facet. Value can be null or one of
    • autodetect
    • favor_cpu
    • favor_memory
    • "favor_cpu" consumes less CPU, at the expense of additional RAM consumption (RAM is consumed for each facet value in the index).
    • "favor_memory" reduces RAM consumption (RAM is only consumed for each facet value in the result set).
    • "autodetect" automatically selects a suitable policy based on the result set and facet data.
    inNavigation boolean True Computes navigation on this facet.
    inHits boolean True Computes the value of this facet for each hit.
    maxSliceCategories int Maximum number of categories returned by each slice for one facet. 0 means no limit. Warning: Results merged by the search server may be incorrect.
    sortFunction enum(count, relevancy, alphanum, num, range, date, aggregation, explicit, lat, lng) count Specifies a sorting function:
    • Aggregation Value: Sorts the categories using one of the aggregation functions specified in "Aggregations". The "Function Name" field that appears below, lets you enter the aggregation function name. Default sorting direction is descending.
    • Alphanum: Sorts the categories lexicographically. The category path is used here, not the title. Default sorting direction is ascending.
    • Count: Sorts the categories by decreasing order, with the number of documents matching the query and having this facet.
    • Date: Sorts the categories by:
      • Default with decreasing year, increasing month, increasing day
      • Reverse with increasing year, decreasing month, decreasing day
    • Explicit order: Sorts the categories using an explicit order. The "Explicit order" field that appears below, lets you specify a comma-separated list of values.
    • Latitude: Sorts the categories by latitude, using the average of points.
    • Longitude: Sorts the categories by longitude, using the average of points.
    • Num: Tries to parse the category path as an integer, and sorts decreasingly. If the category is prefixed by a number it will parse the prefix. In case of failure, it fallbacks to lexicographical sorting. Default sorting direction is ascending.
    • Range: If the categories are ranges in the form [a;b] (as for NumericalFacet), it sorts the categories per increasing midrange value. Default sorting direction is ascending.
    • Relevance: Sorts the categories by decreasing relevance. Relevance is defined by taking into account both the number of documents matching the query and having this facet, and the total number of documents having the facet. The idea is to use a method of ponderation similar to the classical TF-IDF.
    aggregateScores boolean If selected, the category score will be the sum of the scores of all its hits.
    minDocsPerCategory int 1 Minimum number of docs in a category for it to be included in the Refinements panel.
    maxCategories int Maximum number of categories to display in the facet. 0 means all categories will be displayed.
    maxCategoriesPerLevel int 100 Maximum number of facet values in each level of the categories hierarchy. 0 means that all values are selected. The sortFunction is used to select the "best" facet values for each level.
    sortAggregationFunction string Aggregation function used to sort by aggregation values.
    explicitSortOrderValues string Ordered list of values used for explicit sort, comma-separated (use the backslash to escape a comma).
    reverse boolean Reverse sorting order.
    index int Internal.
    dataModelState string
    dataModelClass string If dataModelState is "auto" or "customized", you will find here the name of the DataModelClass that generated this facet.
    dataModelProperty string If dataModelState is "auto" or "customized", you will find here the name of the DataModelProperty that generated this facet.
  • Nested elements:
    Name Type Description
    AggregationFunction* A numerical computation to perform on hits matching each value of the facet.


  • No documentation for this element.
  • Parent elements:
    • (as ExplicitRangesNumericalFacet)
  • Attributes:
    Name Type Default value Description
    min nullabledouble The lower bound of the range (null means minus infinity).
    max nullabledouble The upper bound of the range (null means plus infinity).
    lsb int Least significant bit of the numerical value to use. Only used for integral types.
    msb int 63 Most significant bit of the numerical value to use. Only used for integral types.
    title string


  • Facet on a numerical expression
  • Parent elements:
    • (as FacetsConfig)
  • Attributes:
    Name Type Default value Description
    expr string Virtual field expression for this facet.
    min nullabledouble Excludes values below this threshold from the facet.
    max nullabledouble Excludes values above this threshold from the facet.
    lsb int Least significant bit of the numerical value to use. Only used for integral types.
    msb int 63 Most significant bit of the numerical value to use. Only used for integral types.
    maxValues int 100 Maximum number of displayed values.
    defaultPrecision int Default precision, in number of trailing digits, for float-typed expressions with double precision (e.g. "#random()"). For example, if defaultPrecision is 2, 0.011 and 0.012 will be considered similar, and categories will be displayed with two significant digits (e.g. [0.00;0.99])
    virtualRoot string Path for the resulting root 'virtual' category. When using a virtual facet (a facet which is not stored in a category field), all created categories are attached to a virtual root path. For example: Top/VirtualRoot/[0;5]
    id string Unique identifier of this facet. Used in Mashup-Builder and client applications to identify the facet.
    type enum(category, h2d, num_explicit, num_fixed, num_dynamic, geo, autotile, value, multi, enum, date, dyndate, autotilev2, concatvalue) Used for convenience in various introspection code
    refinementPolicy enum(exclusive, disjunctive, norefine) exclusive Defines the Refinements panel behavior.
    • Disjunctive: Allows you to select multiple categories at once for refinement (it creates an OR operation). Continues to display all categories when one is selected.
    • Exclusive: Only allows you to select one category for refinement. Hides other categories when one is selected.
    • No refine: Allows you to display all categories without enabling refinements.
    implementation enum(autodetect, favor_cpu, favor_memory) autodetect Internal algorithm for implementation of this facet. Value can be null or one of
    • autodetect
    • favor_cpu
    • favor_memory
    • "favor_cpu" consumes less CPU, at the expense of additional RAM consumption (RAM is consumed for each facet value in the index).
    • "favor_memory" reduces RAM consumption (RAM is only consumed for each facet value in the result set).
    • "autodetect" automatically selects a suitable policy based on the result set and facet data.
    inNavigation boolean True Computes navigation on this facet.
    inHits boolean True Computes the value of this facet for each hit.
    maxSliceCategories int Maximum number of categories returned by each slice for one facet. 0 means no limit. Warning: Results merged by the search server may be incorrect.
    sortFunction enum(count, relevancy, alphanum, num, range, date, aggregation, explicit, lat, lng) count Specifies a sorting function:
    • Aggregation Value: Sorts the categories using one of the aggregation functions specified in "Aggregations". The "Function Name" field that appears below, lets you enter the aggregation function name. Default sorting direction is descending.
    • Alphanum: Sorts the categories lexicographically. The category path is used here, not the title. Default sorting direction is ascending.
    • Count: Sorts the categories by decreasing order, with the number of documents matching the query and having this facet.
    • Date: Sorts the categories by:
      • Default with decreasing year, increasing month, increasing day
      • Reverse with increasing year, decreasing month, decreasing day
    • Explicit order: Sorts the categories using an explicit order. The "Explicit order" field that appears below, lets you specify a comma-separated list of values.
    • Latitude: Sorts the categories by latitude, using the average of points.
    • Longitude: Sorts the categories by longitude, using the average of points.
    • Num: Tries to parse the category path as an integer, and sorts decreasingly. If the category is prefixed by a number it will parse the prefix. In case of failure, it fallbacks to lexicographical sorting. Default sorting direction is ascending.
    • Range: If the categories are ranges in the form [a;b] (as for NumericalFacet), it sorts the categories per increasing midrange value. Default sorting direction is ascending.
    • Relevance: Sorts the categories by decreasing relevance. Relevance is defined by taking into account both the number of documents matching the query and having this facet, and the total number of documents having the facet. The idea is to use a method of ponderation similar to the classical TF-IDF.
    aggregateScores boolean If selected, the category score will be the sum of the scores of all its hits.
    rangeSize double Size of each range. 0 means that the resulting facet will contain one range for each unique value.
    aboveMax boolean Creates a range [max;] that includes all values above the max.
    belowMin boolean Creates a range [;min] that includes all values below the min.
    rangeTitleFormat string [$;$] Format for the generated range titles. The first dollar sign will be replaced with the range's lower bound, and the second dollar sign will be replaced with the range's upper bound. To write a dollar sign, use \$.
    aboveTitleFormat string [$;] Format for the generated "above max" range. The dollar sign will be replaced with the range's lower bound. To write a dollar sign, use \$.
    belowTitleFormat string [;$] Format for the generated "below min" range. The dollar sign will be replaced with the range's upper bound. To write a dollar sign, use \$.
    singletonTitleFormat string $ Format for the generated single value range titles (like [3;3]). The dollar sign will be replaced with the value. To write a dollar sign, use \$.
    minDocsPerCategory int 1 Minimum number of docs in a category for it to be included in the Refinements panel.
    maxCategories int Maximum number of categories to display in the facet. 0 means all categories will be displayed.
    maxCategoriesPerLevel int 100 Maximum number of facet values in each level of the categories hierarchy. 0 means that all values are selected. The sortFunction is used to select the "best" facet values for each level.
    sortAggregationFunction string Aggregation function used to sort by aggregation values.
    explicitSortOrderValues string Ordered list of values used for explicit sort, comma-separated (use the backslash to escape a comma).
    reverse boolean Reverse sorting order.
    index int Internal.
    dataModelState string
    dataModelClass string If dataModelState is "auto" or "customized", you will find here the name of the DataModelClass that generated this facet.
    dataModelProperty string If dataModelState is "auto" or "customized", you will find here the name of the DataModelProperty that generated this facet.
  • Nested elements:
    Name Type Description
    AggregationFunction* A numerical computation to perform on hits matching each value of the facet.


  • Facet on a numerical expression
  • Parent elements:
    • (as FacetsConfig)
  • Attributes:
    Name Type Default value Description
    expr string Virtual field expression for this facet.
    min nullabledouble Excludes values below this threshold from the facet.
    max nullabledouble Excludes values above this threshold from the facet.
    lsb int Least significant bit of the numerical value to use. Only used for integral types.
    msb int 63 Most significant bit of the numerical value to use. Only used for integral types.
    maxValues int 100 Maximum number of displayed values.
    defaultPrecision int Default precision, in number of trailing digits, for float-typed expressions with double precision (e.g. "#random()"). For example, if defaultPrecision is 2, 0.011 and 0.012 will be considered similar, and categories will be displayed with two significant digits (e.g. [0.00;0.99])
    virtualRoot string Path for the resulting root 'virtual' category. When using a virtual facet (a facet which is not stored in a category field), all created categories are attached to a virtual root path. For example: Top/VirtualRoot/[0;5]
    id string Unique identifier of this facet. Used in Mashup-Builder and client applications to identify the facet.
    type enum(category, h2d, num_explicit, num_fixed, num_dynamic, geo, autotile, value, multi, enum, date, dyndate, autotilev2, concatvalue) Used for convenience in various introspection code
    refinementPolicy enum(exclusive, disjunctive, norefine) exclusive Defines the Refinements panel behavior.
    • Disjunctive: Allows you to select multiple categories at once for refinement (it creates an OR operation). Continues to display all categories when one is selected.
    • Exclusive: Only allows you to select one category for refinement. Hides other categories when one is selected.
    • No refine: Allows you to display all categories without enabling refinements.
    implementation enum(autodetect, favor_cpu, favor_memory) autodetect Internal algorithm for implementation of this facet. Value can be null or one of
    • autodetect
    • favor_cpu
    • favor_memory
    • "favor_cpu" consumes less CPU, at the expense of additional RAM consumption (RAM is consumed for each facet value in the index).
    • "favor_memory" reduces RAM consumption (RAM is only consumed for each facet value in the result set).
    • "autodetect" automatically selects a suitable policy based on the result set and facet data.
    inNavigation boolean True Computes navigation on this facet.
    inHits boolean True Computes the value of this facet for each hit.
    maxSliceCategories int Maximum number of categories returned by each slice for one facet. 0 means no limit. Warning: Results merged by the search server may be incorrect.
    sortFunction enum(count, relevancy, alphanum, num, range, date, aggregation, explicit, lat, lng) count Specifies a sorting function:
    • Aggregation Value: Sorts the categories using one of the aggregation functions specified in "Aggregations". The "Function Name" field that appears below, lets you enter the aggregation function name. Default sorting direction is descending.
    • Alphanum: Sorts the categories lexicographically. The category path is used here, not the title. Default sorting direction is ascending.
    • Count: Sorts the categories by decreasing order, with the number of documents matching the query and having this facet.
    • Date: Sorts the categories by:
      • Default with decreasing year, increasing month, increasing day
      • Reverse with increasing year, decreasing month, decreasing day
    • Explicit order: Sorts the categories using an explicit order. The "Explicit order" field that appears below, lets you specify a comma-separated list of values.
    • Latitude: Sorts the categories by latitude, using the average of points.
    • Longitude: Sorts the categories by longitude, using the average of points.
    • Num: Tries to parse the category path as an integer, and sorts decreasingly. If the category is prefixed by a number it will parse the prefix. In case of failure, it fallbacks to lexicographical sorting. Default sorting direction is ascending.
    • Range: If the categories are ranges in the form [a;b] (as for NumericalFacet), it sorts the categories per increasing midrange value. Default sorting direction is ascending.
    • Relevance: Sorts the categories by decreasing relevance. Relevance is defined by taking into account both the number of documents matching the query and having this facet, and the total number of documents having the facet. The idea is to use a method of ponderation similar to the classical TF-IDF.
    aggregateScores boolean If selected, the category score will be the sum of the scores of all its hits.
    minimumRangeSize double 1.0 Size of each bin used to compute cardinality.
    nbRanges int 5 The maximal number of ranges to output.
    policy enum(linear, geometrical, auto) linear The policy to generate the ranges Value can be null or one of
    • linear
    • geometrical
    • auto
    adjustRanges boolean True Tries to adjust the ranges on multiples of 10.
    moreAccurate boolean Better linear/geometrical ranges, but slower.
    rangeTitleFormat string [$;$] Format for the generated range titles. The first dollar sign will be replaced with the range's lower bound, and the second dollar sign will be replaced with the range's upper bound. To write a dollar sign, use \$.
    exclusiveRightBracket boolean If exclusiveRightBracket is set to true then the facet will be represented by an open range [a,b[, that means it will not contain hits with value equal to b. otherwise the facet will be in inclusive mode [a,b].
    minDocsPerCategory int 1 Minimum number of docs in a category for it to be included in the Refinements panel.
    maxCategories int Maximum number of categories to display in the facet. 0 means all categories will be displayed.
    maxCategoriesPerLevel int 100 Maximum number of facet values in each level of the categories hierarchy. 0 means that all values are selected. The sortFunction is used to select the "best" facet values for each level.
    sortAggregationFunction string Aggregation function used to sort by aggregation values.
    explicitSortOrderValues string Ordered list of values used for explicit sort, comma-separated (use the backslash to escape a comma).
    reverse boolean Reverse sorting order.
    index int Internal.
    dataModelState string
    dataModelClass string If dataModelState is "auto" or "customized", you will find here the name of the DataModelClass that generated this facet.
    dataModelProperty string If dataModelState is "auto" or "customized", you will find here the name of the DataModelProperty that generated this facet.
  • Nested elements:
    Name Type Description
    AggregationFunction* A numerical computation to perform on hits matching each value of the facet.


  • Facet on geographical points based on disk and/or polygons
  • Parent elements:
    • (as FacetsConfig)
  • Attributes:
    Name Type Default value Description
    virtualRoot string Path for the resulting root 'virtual' category. When using a virtual facet (a facet which is not stored in a category field), all created categories are attached to a virtual root path. For example: Top/VirtualRoot/[0;5]
    id string Unique identifier of this facet. Used in Mashup-Builder and client applications to identify the facet.
    type enum(category, h2d, num_explicit, num_fixed, num_dynamic, geo, autotile, value, multi, enum, date, dyndate, autotilev2, concatvalue) Used for convenience in various introspection code
    refinementPolicy enum(exclusive, disjunctive, norefine) exclusive Defines the Refinements panel behavior.
    • Disjunctive: Allows you to select multiple categories at once for refinement (it creates an OR operation). Continues to display all categories when one is selected.
    • Exclusive: Only allows you to select one category for refinement. Hides other categories when one is selected.
    • No refine: Allows you to display all categories without enabling refinements.
    implementation enum(autodetect, favor_cpu, favor_memory) autodetect Internal algorithm for implementation of this facet. Value can be null or one of
    • autodetect
    • favor_cpu
    • favor_memory
    • "favor_cpu" consumes less CPU, at the expense of additional RAM consumption (RAM is consumed for each facet value in the index).
    • "favor_memory" reduces RAM consumption (RAM is only consumed for each facet value in the result set).
    • "autodetect" automatically selects a suitable policy based on the result set and facet data.
    inNavigation boolean True Computes navigation on this facet.
    inHits boolean True Computes the value of this facet for each hit.
    maxSliceCategories int Maximum number of categories returned by each slice for one facet. 0 means no limit. Warning: Results merged by the search server may be incorrect.
    sortFunction enum(count, relevancy, alphanum, num, range, date, aggregation, explicit, lat, lng) count Specifies a sorting function:
    • Aggregation Value: Sorts the categories using one of the aggregation functions specified in "Aggregations". The "Function Name" field that appears below, lets you enter the aggregation function name. Default sorting direction is descending.
    • Alphanum: Sorts the categories lexicographically. The category path is used here, not the title. Default sorting direction is ascending.
    • Count: Sorts the categories by decreasing order, with the number of documents matching the query and having this facet.
    • Date: Sorts the categories by:
      • Default with decreasing year, increasing month, increasing day
      • Reverse with increasing year, decreasing month, decreasing day
    • Explicit order: Sorts the categories using an explicit order. The "Explicit order" field that appears below, lets you specify a comma-separated list of values.
    • Latitude: Sorts the categories by latitude, using the average of points.
    • Longitude: Sorts the categories by longitude, using the average of points.
    • Num: Tries to parse the category path as an integer, and sorts decreasingly. If the category is prefixed by a number it will parse the prefix. In case of failure, it fallbacks to lexicographical sorting. Default sorting direction is ascending.
    • Range: If the categories are ranges in the form [a;b] (as for NumericalFacet), it sorts the categories per increasing midrange value. Default sorting direction is ascending.
    • Relevance: Sorts the categories by decreasing relevance. Relevance is defined by taking into account both the number of documents matching the query and having this facet, and the total number of documents having the facet. The idea is to use a method of ponderation similar to the classical TF-IDF.
    aggregateScores boolean If selected, the category score will be the sum of the scores of all its hits.
    field string The point field on which to perform the synthesis.
    hitsMaxCategories int 100 Maximum number of categories displayed in hits.
    useGeometryAsDomainId boolean True The domain id will be computed with the geometric parameters. Otherwise, an unique id will be used. (recommanded value: false, except for backward compatibility)
    minDocsPerCategory int 1 Minimum number of docs in a category for it to be included in the Refinements panel.
    maxCategories int Maximum number of categories to display in the facet. 0 means all categories will be displayed.
    maxCategoriesPerLevel int 100 Maximum number of facet values in each level of the categories hierarchy. 0 means that all values are selected. The sortFunction is used to select the "best" facet values for each level.
    sortAggregationFunction string Aggregation function used to sort by aggregation values.
    explicitSortOrderValues string Ordered list of values used for explicit sort, comma-separated (use the backslash to escape a comma).
    reverse boolean Reverse sorting order.
    index int Internal.
    dataModelState string
    dataModelClass string If dataModelState is "auto" or "customized", you will find here the name of the DataModelClass that generated this facet.
    dataModelProperty string If dataModelState is "auto" or "customized", you will find here the name of the DataModelProperty that generated this facet.
  • Nested elements:
    Name Type Description
    AggregationFunction* A numerical computation to perform on hits matching each value of the facet.
    GeoDomain* List of GeoDomains


  • No documentation for this element.
  • Parent elements:
    • (as ExplicitGeoFacet)
  • Attributes:
    Name Type Default value Description
    title string
    id int Unique identifier of this domain. If id=0 (its default value) the category path will be the set of vertices. Otherwise, it will be the id value.
    radius double Disk radius in meters
    x double First coordinate of the center for the DiskDomain. If the point type is XY, it will be interpreted as the X coordinate (integer units). For geographic points (GPS), it will be interpreted as the latitude coordinate.
    y double Second coordinate of the center for the DiskDomain. If the point type is XY, it will be interpreted as the Y coordinate (integer units). For geographic points (GPS), it will be interpreted as the longitude coordinate.


  • No documentation for this element.
  • Parent elements:
    • (as ExplicitGeoFacet)
  • Attributes:
    Name Type Default value Description
    title string
    id int Unique identifier of this domain. If id=0 (its default value) the category path will be the set of vertices. Otherwise, it will be the id value.
    vertices string Polygon vertices, as a list of (x,y) coordinates. For example: "0.0,0.0;1.1,0.1;1.1,1.1"


  • Definition of a geographic domain using a KML or KMZ resource
  • Parent elements:
    • (as ExplicitGeoFacet)
  • Attributes:
    Name Type Default value Description
    title string
    id int Unique identifier of this domain. If id=0 (its default value) the category path will be the set of vertices. Otherwise, it will be the id value.
    resource string
    KMZ boolean Is this resource a KMZ resource?


  • No documentation for this element.
  • Parent elements:
    • (as ExplicitGeoFacet)
  • Attributes:
    Name Type Default value Description
    title string
    id int Unique identifier of this domain. If id=0 (its default value) the category path will be the set of vertices. Otherwise, it will be the id value.
    shpResource string
    shxResource string
    dbfResource string


  • Configuration for a facet.
  • Parent elements:
    • (as FacetsConfig)
  • Attributes:
    Name Type Default value Description
    virtualRoot string Path for the resulting root 'virtual' category. When using a virtual facet (a facet which is not stored in a category field), all created categories are attached to a virtual root path. For example: Top/VirtualRoot/[0;5]
    id string Unique identifier of this facet. Used in Mashup-Builder and client applications to identify the facet.
    type enum(category, h2d, num_explicit, num_fixed, num_dynamic, geo, autotile, value, multi, enum, date, dyndate, autotilev2, concatvalue) Used for convenience in various introspection code
    refinementPolicy enum(exclusive, disjunctive, norefine) exclusive Defines the Refinements panel behavior.
    • Disjunctive: Allows you to select multiple categories at once for refinement (it creates an OR operation). Continues to display all categories when one is selected.
    • Exclusive: Only allows you to select one category for refinement. Hides other categories when one is selected.
    • No refine: Allows you to display all categories without enabling refinements.
    implementation enum(autodetect, favor_cpu, favor_memory) autodetect Internal algorithm for implementation of this facet. Value can be null or one of
    • autodetect
    • favor_cpu
    • favor_memory
    • "favor_cpu" consumes less CPU, at the expense of additional RAM consumption (RAM is consumed for each facet value in the index).
    • "favor_memory" reduces RAM consumption (RAM is only consumed for each facet value in the result set).
    • "autodetect" automatically selects a suitable policy based on the result set and facet data.
    inNavigation boolean True Computes navigation on this facet.
    inHits boolean True Computes the value of this facet for each hit.
    maxSliceCategories int Maximum number of categories returned by each slice for one facet. 0 means no limit. Warning: Results merged by the search server may be incorrect.
    sortFunction enum(count, relevancy, alphanum, num, range, date, aggregation, explicit, lat, lng) count Specifies a sorting function:
    • Aggregation Value: Sorts the categories using one of the aggregation functions specified in "Aggregations". The "Function Name" field that appears below, lets you enter the aggregation function name. Default sorting direction is descending.
    • Alphanum: Sorts the categories lexicographically. The category path is used here, not the title. Default sorting direction is ascending.
    • Count: Sorts the categories by decreasing order, with the number of documents matching the query and having this facet.
    • Date: Sorts the categories by:
      • Default with decreasing year, increasing month, increasing day
      • Reverse with increasing year, decreasing month, decreasing day
    • Explicit order: Sorts the categories using an explicit order. The "Explicit order" field that appears below, lets you specify a comma-separated list of values.
    • Latitude: Sorts the categories by latitude, using the average of points.
    • Longitude: Sorts the categories by longitude, using the average of points.
    • Num: Tries to parse the category path as an integer, and sorts decreasingly. If the category is prefixed by a number it will parse the prefix. In case of failure, it fallbacks to lexicographical sorting. Default sorting direction is ascending.
    • Range: If the categories are ranges in the form [a;b] (as for NumericalFacet), it sorts the categories per increasing midrange value. Default sorting direction is ascending.
    • Relevance: Sorts the categories by decreasing relevance. Relevance is defined by taking into account both the number of documents matching the query and having this facet, and the total number of documents having the facet. The idea is to use a method of ponderation similar to the classical TF-IDF.
    aggregateScores boolean If selected, the category score will be the sum of the scores of all its hits.
    field string The point field on which to perform the synthesis.
    xMin double -90 Minimum bounding box X value.
    yMin double -180 Minimum bounding box Y value.
    xMax double 90 Maximum bounding box X value.
    yMax double 180 Maximum bounding box Y value.
    xBinSize double 0.1 Size of a tile in the X direction.
    yBinSize double 0.1 Size of a tile in the Y direction.
    minDocsPerCategory int 1 Minimum number of docs in a category for it to be included in the Refinements panel.
    maxCategories int Maximum number of categories to display in the facet. 0 means all categories will be displayed.
    maxCategoriesPerLevel int 100 Maximum number of facet values in each level of the categories hierarchy. 0 means that all values are selected. The sortFunction is used to select the "best" facet values for each level.
    sortAggregationFunction string Aggregation function used to sort by aggregation values.
    explicitSortOrderValues string Ordered list of values used for explicit sort, comma-separated (use the backslash to escape a comma).
    reverse boolean Reverse sorting order.
    index int Internal.
    dataModelState string
    dataModelClass string If dataModelState is "auto" or "customized", you will find here the name of the DataModelClass that generated this facet.
    dataModelProperty string If dataModelState is "auto" or "customized", you will find here the name of the DataModelProperty that generated this facet.
  • Nested elements:
    Name Type Description
    AggregationFunction* A numerical computation to perform on hits matching each value of the facet.


  • Configuration for a facet.
  • Parent elements:
    • (as FacetsConfig)
  • Attributes:
    Name Type Default value Description
    virtualRoot string Path for the resulting root 'virtual' category. When using a virtual facet (a facet which is not stored in a category field), all created categories are attached to a virtual root path. For example: Top/VirtualRoot/[0;5]
    id string Unique identifier of this facet. Used in Mashup-Builder and client applications to identify the facet.
    type enum(category, h2d, num_explicit, num_fixed, num_dynamic, geo, autotile, value, multi, enum, date, dyndate, autotilev2, concatvalue) Used for convenience in various introspection code
    refinementPolicy enum(exclusive, disjunctive, norefine) exclusive Defines the Refinements panel behavior.
    • Disjunctive: Allows you to select multiple categories at once for refinement (it creates an OR operation). Continues to display all categories when one is selected.
    • Exclusive: Only allows you to select one category for refinement. Hides other categories when one is selected.
    • No refine: Allows you to display all categories without enabling refinements.
    implementation enum(autodetect, favor_cpu, favor_memory) autodetect Internal algorithm for implementation of this facet. Value can be null or one of
    • autodetect
    • favor_cpu
    • favor_memory
    • "favor_cpu" consumes less CPU, at the expense of additional RAM consumption (RAM is consumed for each facet value in the index).
    • "favor_memory" reduces RAM consumption (RAM is only consumed for each facet value in the result set).
    • "autodetect" automatically selects a suitable policy based on the result set and facet data.
    inNavigation boolean True Computes navigation on this facet.
    inHits boolean True Computes the value of this facet for each hit.
    maxSliceCategories int Maximum number of categories returned by each slice for one facet. 0 means no limit. Warning: Results merged by the search server may be incorrect.
    sortFunction enum(count, relevancy, alphanum, num, range, date, aggregation, explicit, lat, lng) count Specifies a sorting function:
    • Aggregation Value: Sorts the categories using one of the aggregation functions specified in "Aggregations". The "Function Name" field that appears below, lets you enter the aggregation function name. Default sorting direction is descending.
    • Alphanum: Sorts the categories lexicographically. The category path is used here, not the title. Default sorting direction is ascending.
    • Count: Sorts the categories by decreasing order, with the number of documents matching the query and having this facet.
    • Date: Sorts the categories by:
      • Default with decreasing year, increasing month, increasing day
      • Reverse with increasing year, decreasing month, decreasing day
    • Explicit order: Sorts the categories using an explicit order. The "Explicit order" field that appears below, lets you specify a comma-separated list of values.
    • Latitude: Sorts the categories by latitude, using the average of points.
    • Longitude: Sorts the categories by longitude, using the average of points.
    • Num: Tries to parse the category path as an integer, and sorts decreasingly. If the category is prefixed by a number it will parse the prefix. In case of failure, it fallbacks to lexicographical sorting. Default sorting direction is ascending.
    • Range: If the categories are ranges in the form [a;b] (as for NumericalFacet), it sorts the categories per increasing midrange value. Default sorting direction is ascending.
    • Relevance: Sorts the categories by decreasing relevance. Relevance is defined by taking into account both the number of documents matching the query and having this facet, and the total number of documents having the facet. The idea is to use a method of ponderation similar to the classical TF-IDF.
    aggregateScores boolean If selected, the category score will be the sum of the scores of all its hits.
    field string The geov2 field on which to perform the synthesis.
    xMin double -90 Minimum bounding box X value.
    yMin double -180 Minimum bounding box Y value.
    xMax double 90 Maximum bounding box X value.
    yMax double 180 Maximum bounding box Y value.
    xNbCells int 10 Number of tiles in the X direction.
    yNbCells int 10 Number of tiles in the Y direction.
    hitsMaxCategories int 100 Maximum number of categories displayed in hits.
    minDocsPerCategory int 1 Minimum number of docs in a category for it to be included in the Refinements panel.
    maxCategories int Maximum number of categories to display in the facet. 0 means all categories will be displayed.
    maxCategoriesPerLevel int 100 Maximum number of facet values in each level of the categories hierarchy. 0 means that all values are selected. The sortFunction is used to select the "best" facet values for each level.
    sortAggregationFunction string Aggregation function used to sort by aggregation values.
    explicitSortOrderValues string Ordered list of values used for explicit sort, comma-separated (use the backslash to escape a comma).
    reverse boolean Reverse sorting order.
    index int Internal.
    dataModelState string
    dataModelClass string If dataModelState is "auto" or "customized", you will find here the name of the DataModelClass that generated this facet.
    dataModelProperty string If dataModelState is "auto" or "customized", you will find here the name of the DataModelProperty that generated this facet.
  • Nested elements:
    Name Type Description
    AggregationFunction* A numerical computation to perform on hits matching each value of the facet.


  • A DynamicDateFacet will generate max 'maxCategories' categories, scaling the resolution to a day, week, month or year level.
  • Parent elements:
    • (as FacetsConfig)
  • Attributes:
    Name Type Default value Description
    virtualRoot string Path for the resulting root 'virtual' category. When using a virtual facet (a facet which is not stored in a category field), all created categories are attached to a virtual root path. For example: Top/VirtualRoot/[0;5]
    id string Unique identifier of this facet. Used in Mashup-Builder and client applications to identify the facet.
    type enum(category, h2d, num_explicit, num_fixed, num_dynamic, geo, autotile, value, multi, enum, date, dyndate, autotilev2, concatvalue) Used for convenience in various introspection code
    refinementPolicy enum(exclusive, disjunctive, norefine) exclusive Defines the Refinements panel behavior.
    • Disjunctive: Allows you to select multiple categories at once for refinement (it creates an OR operation). Continues to display all categories when one is selected.
    • Exclusive: Only allows you to select one category for refinement. Hides other categories when one is selected.
    • No refine: Allows you to display all categories without enabling refinements.
    implementation enum(autodetect, favor_cpu, favor_memory) autodetect Internal algorithm for implementation of this facet. Value can be null or one of
    • autodetect
    • favor_cpu
    • favor_memory
    • "favor_cpu" consumes less CPU, at the expense of additional RAM consumption (RAM is consumed for each facet value in the index).
    • "favor_memory" reduces RAM consumption (RAM is only consumed for each facet value in the result set).
    • "autodetect" automatically selects a suitable policy based on the result set and facet data.
    inNavigation boolean True Computes navigation on this facet.
    inHits boolean True Computes the value of this facet for each hit.
    maxSliceCategories int Maximum number of categories returned by each slice for one facet. 0 means no limit. Warning: Results merged by the search server may be incorrect.
    sortFunction enum(count, relevancy, alphanum, num, range, date, aggregation, explicit, lat, lng) count Specifies a sorting function:
    • Aggregation Value: Sorts the categories using one of the aggregation functions specified in "Aggregations". The "Function Name" field that appears below, lets you enter the aggregation function name. Default sorting direction is descending.
    • Alphanum: Sorts the categories lexicographically. The category path is used here, not the title. Default sorting direction is ascending.
    • Count: Sorts the categories by decreasing order, with the number of documents matching the query and having this facet.
    • Date: Sorts the categories by:
      • Default with decreasing year, increasing month, increasing day
      • Reverse with increasing year, decreasing month, decreasing day
    • Explicit order: Sorts the categories using an explicit order. The "Explicit order" field that appears below, lets you specify a comma-separated list of values.
    • Latitude: Sorts the categories by latitude, using the average of points.
    • Longitude: Sorts the categories by longitude, using the average of points.
    • Num: Tries to parse the category path as an integer, and sorts decreasingly. If the category is prefixed by a number it will parse the prefix. In case of failure, it fallbacks to lexicographical sorting. Default sorting direction is ascending.
    • Range: If the categories are ranges in the form [a;b] (as for NumericalFacet), it sorts the categories per increasing midrange value. Default sorting direction is ascending.
    • Relevance: Sorts the categories by decreasing relevance. Relevance is defined by taking into account both the number of documents matching the query and having this facet, and the total number of documents having the facet. The idea is to use a method of ponderation similar to the classical TF-IDF.
    aggregateScores boolean If selected, the category score will be the sum of the scores of all its hits.
    expr string The date field or virtual expr to use.
    yearOutputFormat string %Y The output format used to generate year-based categories.
    quarterOutputFormat string %Y %Q The output format used to generate quarter-based categories (use %Q to specify the quarter number).
    monthOutputFormat string %b %Y The output format used to generate month-based categories.
    weekOutputFormat string week %V %Y The output format used to generate week-based categories.
    dayOutputFormat string %Y/%m/%d The output format used to generate day-based categories.
    hourOutputFormat string %Y/%m/%d %H The output format used to generate hour-based categories.
    minuteOutputFormat string %Y/%m/%d %H:%M The output format used to generate minute-based categories.
    secondOutputFormat string %Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S The output format used to generate second-based categories.
    enableYearLevel boolean True Enables the year level
    enableQuarterLevel boolean Enables the quarter level
    enableMonthLevel boolean True Enables the month level
    enableWeekLevel boolean Enables the week level
    enableDayLevel boolean True Enables the day level
    enableHourLevel boolean Enables the hour level
    enableMinuteLevel boolean Enables the minute level
    enableSecondLevel boolean Enables the second level
    enableISO8601Compliance boolean True Enables the ISO 8601 standard instead of the American standard. In ISO 8601, weeks start on Monday and a few rules determine the first and last weeks of each year. Use compatible Output formats. Typically, use %V for ISO 8601 instead of %U for American, otherwise week numbering will not be consistent with grouping.
    generateMissingIntervals boolean True Generates missing dates setting their count to 0 and aggregation values to NO_VALUE
    minDocsPerCategory int 1 Minimum number of docs in a category for it to be included in the Refinements panel.
    maxCategories int Maximum number of categories to display in the facet. 0 means all categories will be displayed.
    maxCategoriesPerLevel int 100 Maximum number of facet values in each level of the categories hierarchy. 0 means that all values are selected. The sortFunction is used to select the "best" facet values for each level.
    sortAggregationFunction string Aggregation function used to sort by aggregation values.
    explicitSortOrderValues string Ordered list of values used for explicit sort, comma-separated (use the backslash to escape a comma).
    reverse boolean Reverse sorting order.
    index int Internal.
    dataModelState string
    dataModelClass string If dataModelState is "auto" or "customized", you will find here the name of the DataModelClass that generated this facet.
    dataModelProperty string If dataModelState is "auto" or "customized", you will find here the name of the DataModelProperty that generated this facet.
  • Nested elements:
    Name Type Description
    AggregationFunction* A numerical computation to perform on hits matching each value of the facet.


  • Configuration for a facet.
  • Parent elements:
    • (as FacetsConfig)
  • Attributes:
    Name Type Default value Description
    virtualRoot string Path for the resulting root 'virtual' category. When using a virtual facet (a facet which is not stored in a category field), all created categories are attached to a virtual root path. For example: Top/VirtualRoot/[0;5]
    id string Unique identifier of this facet. Used in Mashup-Builder and client applications to identify the facet.
    type enum(category, h2d, num_explicit, num_fixed, num_dynamic, geo, autotile, value, multi, enum, date, dyndate, autotilev2, concatvalue) Used for convenience in various introspection code
    refinementPolicy enum(exclusive, disjunctive, norefine) exclusive Defines the Refinements panel behavior.
    • Disjunctive: Allows you to select multiple categories at once for refinement (it creates an OR operation). Continues to display all categories when one is selected.
    • Exclusive: Only allows you to select one category for refinement. Hides other categories when one is selected.
    • No refine: Allows you to display all categories without enabling refinements.
    implementation enum(autodetect, favor_cpu, favor_memory) autodetect Internal algorithm for implementation of this facet. Value can be null or one of
    • autodetect
    • favor_cpu
    • favor_memory
    • "favor_cpu" consumes less CPU, at the expense of additional RAM consumption (RAM is consumed for each facet value in the index).
    • "favor_memory" reduces RAM consumption (RAM is only consumed for each facet value in the result set).
    • "autodetect" automatically selects a suitable policy based on the result set and facet data.
    inNavigation boolean True Computes navigation on this facet.
    inHits boolean True Computes the value of this facet for each hit.
    maxSliceCategories int Maximum number of categories returned by each slice for one facet. 0 means no limit. Warning: Results merged by the search server may be incorrect.
    sortFunction enum(count, relevancy, alphanum, num, range, date, aggregation, explicit, lat, lng) count Specifies a sorting function:
    • Aggregation Value: Sorts the categories using one of the aggregation functions specified in "Aggregations". The "Function Name" field that appears below, lets you enter the aggregation function name. Default sorting direction is descending.
    • Alphanum: Sorts the categories lexicographically. The category path is used here, not the title. Default sorting direction is ascending.
    • Count: Sorts the categories by decreasing order, with the number of documents matching the query and having this facet.
    • Date: Sorts the categories by:
      • Default with decreasing year, increasing month, increasing day
      • Reverse with increasing year, decreasing month, decreasing day
    • Explicit order: Sorts the categories using an explicit order. The "Explicit order" field that appears below, lets you specify a comma-separated list of values.
    • Latitude: Sorts the categories by latitude, using the average of points.
    • Longitude: Sorts the categories by longitude, using the average of points.
    • Num: Tries to parse the category path as an integer, and sorts decreasingly. If the category is prefixed by a number it will parse the prefix. In case of failure, it fallbacks to lexicographical sorting. Default sorting direction is ascending.
    • Range: If the categories are ranges in the form [a;b] (as for NumericalFacet), it sorts the categories per increasing midrange value. Default sorting direction is ascending.
    • Relevance: Sorts the categories by decreasing relevance. Relevance is defined by taking into account both the number of documents matching the query and having this facet, and the total number of documents having the facet. The idea is to use a method of ponderation similar to the classical TF-IDF.
    aggregateScores boolean If selected, the category score will be the sum of the scores of all its hits.
    expr string The date field or virtual expr on which the synthesis must be performed.
    startExpr string #datetime(0) A CONSTANT virtual expression that evaluates the time when the synthesis starts (e.g. #now(), #fromunixts(1304865423) or #datetime(1983,2,28)).
    endExpr string #datetime(10000) A CONSTANT virtual expression that evaluates the time when the synthesis ends.
    beforeStart boolean Creates a virtual category for all dates before the start.
    afterEnd boolean Creates a virtual category for all dates after the end.
    withYear boolean True Creates a virtual category for each year.
    yearDesc boolean True
    withMonth boolean True Creates a virtual category for each month.
    monthDesc boolean
    withWeek boolean Creates a virtual category for each week.
    weekDesc boolean
    withDay boolean True Creates a virtual category for each day.
    dayDesc boolean
    withHour boolean Creates a virtual category for each hour.
    hourDesc boolean
    withMinute boolean Creates a virtual category for each minute.
    minuteDesc boolean
    withSecond boolean Creates a virtual category for each second.
    secondDesc boolean
    useAsFirstLevel int Used internally by multidim refinements to tell which level is the first level below root.
    maxCategoryTreeDepth int Maximum depth of the returned category tree. Whatever the level of refinement, there will never be more levels retrieved (this ensures we are not overtaking the maxCategoryTreeDepthFromRoot).
    maxCategoryTreeDepthFromRoot int Maximum depth of the returned category tree, starting from the global root of the category. Setting this attribute to N means that no categories will be kept below this level.
    minDocsPerCategory int 1 Minimum number of docs in a category for it to be included in the Refinements panel.
    maxCategories int Maximum number of categories to display in the facet. 0 means all categories will be displayed.
    maxCategoriesPerLevel int 100 Maximum number of facet values in each level of the categories hierarchy. 0 means that all values are selected. The sortFunction is used to select the "best" facet values for each level.
    sortAggregationFunction string Aggregation function used to sort by aggregation values.
    explicitSortOrderValues string Ordered list of values used for explicit sort, comma-separated (use the backslash to escape a comma).
    reverse boolean Reverse sorting order.
    index int Internal.
    dataModelState string
    dataModelClass string If dataModelState is "auto" or "customized", you will find here the name of the DataModelClass that generated this facet.
    dataModelProperty string If dataModelState is "auto" or "customized", you will find here the name of the DataModelProperty that generated this facet.
  • Nested elements:
    Name Type Description
    AggregationFunction* A numerical computation to perform on hits matching each value of the facet.


  • Configuration for a facet.
  • Parent elements:
    • (as FacetsConfig)
  • Attributes:
    Name Type Default value Description
    virtualRoot string Path for the resulting root 'virtual' category. When using a virtual facet (a facet which is not stored in a category field), all created categories are attached to a virtual root path. For example: Top/VirtualRoot/[0;5]
    id string Unique identifier of this facet. Used in Mashup-Builder and client applications to identify the facet.
    type enum(category, h2d, num_explicit, num_fixed, num_dynamic, geo, autotile, value, multi, enum, date, dyndate, autotilev2, concatvalue) Used for convenience in various introspection code
    refinementPolicy enum(exclusive, disjunctive, norefine) exclusive Defines the Refinements panel behavior.
    • Disjunctive: Allows you to select multiple categories at once for refinement (it creates an OR operation). Continues to display all categories when one is selected.
    • Exclusive: Only allows you to select one category for refinement. Hides other categories when one is selected.
    • No refine: Allows you to display all categories without enabling refinements.
    implementation enum(autodetect, favor_cpu, favor_memory) autodetect Internal algorithm for implementation of this facet. Value can be null or one of
    • autodetect
    • favor_cpu
    • favor_memory
    • "favor_cpu" consumes less CPU, at the expense of additional RAM consumption (RAM is consumed for each facet value in the index).
    • "favor_memory" reduces RAM consumption (RAM is only consumed for each facet value in the result set).
    • "autodetect" automatically selects a suitable policy based on the result set and facet data.
    inNavigation boolean True Computes navigation on this facet.
    inHits boolean True Computes the value of this facet for each hit.
    maxSliceCategories int Maximum number of categories returned by each slice for one facet. 0 means no limit. Warning: Results merged by the search server may be incorrect.
    sortFunction enum(count, relevancy, alphanum, num, range, date, aggregation, explicit, lat, lng) count Specifies a sorting function:
    • Aggregation Value: Sorts the categories using one of the aggregation functions specified in "Aggregations". The "Function Name" field that appears below, lets you enter the aggregation function name. Default sorting direction is descending.
    • Alphanum: Sorts the categories lexicographically. The category path is used here, not the title. Default sorting direction is ascending.
    • Count: Sorts the categories by decreasing order, with the number of documents matching the query and having this facet.
    • Date: Sorts the categories by:
      • Default with decreasing year, increasing month, increasing day
      • Reverse with increasing year, decreasing month, decreasing day
    • Explicit order: Sorts the categories using an explicit order. The "Explicit order" field that appears below, lets you specify a comma-separated list of values.
    • Latitude: Sorts the categories by latitude, using the average of points.
    • Longitude: Sorts the categories by longitude, using the average of points.
    • Num: Tries to parse the category path as an integer, and sorts decreasingly. If the category is prefixed by a number it will parse the prefix. In case of failure, it fallbacks to lexicographical sorting. Default sorting direction is ascending.
    • Range: If the categories are ranges in the form [a;b] (as for NumericalFacet), it sorts the categories per increasing midrange value. Default sorting direction is ascending.
    • Relevance: Sorts the categories by decreasing relevance. Relevance is defined by taking into account both the number of documents matching the query and having this facet, and the total number of documents having the facet. The idea is to use a method of ponderation similar to the classical TF-IDF.
    aggregateScores boolean If selected, the category score will be the sum of the scores of all its hits.
    field string The Value field on which to perform the synthesis.
    hitsMaxCategories int 100 Maximum number of categories displayed in hits.
    minDocsPerCategory int 1 Minimum number of docs in a category for it to be included in the Refinements panel.
    maxCategories int Maximum number of categories to display in the facet. 0 means all categories will be displayed.
    maxCategoriesPerLevel int 100 Maximum number of facet values in each level of the categories hierarchy. 0 means that all values are selected. The sortFunction is used to select the "best" facet values for each level.
    sortAggregationFunction string Aggregation function used to sort by aggregation values.
    explicitSortOrderValues string Ordered list of values used for explicit sort, comma-separated (use the backslash to escape a comma).
    reverse boolean Reverse sorting order.
    index int Internal.
    dataModelState string
    dataModelClass string If dataModelState is "auto" or "customized", you will find here the name of the DataModelClass that generated this facet.
    dataModelProperty string If dataModelState is "auto" or "customized", you will find here the name of the DataModelProperty that generated this facet.
  • Nested elements:
    Name Type Description
    AggregationFunction* A numerical computation to perform on hits matching each value of the facet.


  • A facet implementing a related-term specific synthesis.
  • Parent elements:
    • (as FacetsConfig)
  • Attributes:
    Name Type Default value Description
    field string The Value field on which to perform the synthesis.
    hitsMaxCategories int 100 Maximum number of categories displayed in hits.
    virtualRoot string Path for the resulting root 'virtual' category. When using a virtual facet (a facet which is not stored in a category field), all created categories are attached to a virtual root path. For example: Top/VirtualRoot/[0;5]
    id string Unique identifier of this facet. Used in Mashup-Builder and client applications to identify the facet.
    type enum(category, h2d, num_explicit, num_fixed, num_dynamic, geo, autotile, value, multi, enum, date, dyndate, autotilev2, concatvalue) Used for convenience in various introspection code
    refinementPolicy enum(exclusive, disjunctive, norefine) exclusive Defines the Refinements panel behavior.
    • Disjunctive: Allows you to select multiple categories at once for refinement (it creates an OR operation). Continues to display all categories when one is selected.
    • Exclusive: Only allows you to select one category for refinement. Hides other categories when one is selected.
    • No refine: Allows you to display all categories without enabling refinements.
    implementation enum(autodetect, favor_cpu, favor_memory) autodetect Internal algorithm for implementation of this facet. Value can be null or one of
    • autodetect
    • favor_cpu
    • favor_memory
    • "favor_cpu" consumes less CPU, at the expense of additional RAM consumption (RAM is consumed for each facet value in the index).
    • "favor_memory" reduces RAM consumption (RAM is only consumed for each facet value in the result set).
    • "autodetect" automatically selects a suitable policy based on the result set and facet data.
    inNavigation boolean True Computes navigation on this facet.
    inHits boolean True Computes the value of this facet for each hit.
    maxSliceCategories int Maximum number of categories returned by each slice for one facet. 0 means no limit. Warning: Results merged by the search server may be incorrect.
    sortFunction enum(count, relevancy, alphanum, num, range, date, aggregation, explicit, lat, lng) count Specifies a sorting function:
    • Aggregation Value: Sorts the categories using one of the aggregation functions specified in "Aggregations". The "Function Name" field that appears below, lets you enter the aggregation function name. Default sorting direction is descending.
    • Alphanum: Sorts the categories lexicographically. The category path is used here, not the title. Default sorting direction is ascending.
    • Count: Sorts the categories by decreasing order, with the number of documents matching the query and having this facet.
    • Date: Sorts the categories by:
      • Default with decreasing year, increasing month, increasing day
      • Reverse with increasing year, decreasing month, decreasing day
    • Explicit order: Sorts the categories using an explicit order. The "Explicit order" field that appears below, lets you specify a comma-separated list of values.
    • Latitude: Sorts the categories by latitude, using the average of points.
    • Longitude: Sorts the categories by longitude, using the average of points.
    • Num: Tries to parse the category path as an integer, and sorts decreasingly. If the category is prefixed by a number it will parse the prefix. In case of failure, it fallbacks to lexicographical sorting. Default sorting direction is ascending.
    • Range: If the categories are ranges in the form [a;b] (as for NumericalFacet), it sorts the categories per increasing midrange value. Default sorting direction is ascending.
    • Relevance: Sorts the categories by decreasing relevance. Relevance is defined by taking into account both the number of documents matching the query and having this facet, and the total number of documents having the facet. The idea is to use a method of ponderation similar to the classical TF-IDF.
    aggregateScores boolean If selected, the category score will be the sum of the scores of all its hits.
    dictionary string The dictionary containing keywords.
    minCorpusFrequency int 2 Minimum number of occurrences in the whole index for a term to be possibly selected for synthesis.
    corpusLowPassFilter double 0.5 Filters out terms occurring more than this threshold in the whole index.
    localLowPassFilter double 0.9 Filters out terms occurring more than this threshold in the result set.
    blacklist string The related-terms blacklist.
    maxRelatedTermsHitsPerSlice int 5000 Maximum number of hits per slice used to compute related terms synthesis. Set to 0 for exhaustive. Note that the number of hits processed per slice to compute related terms synthesis will never exceed FacetsConfig's maxHits.
    minDocsPerCategory int 1 Minimum number of docs in a category for it to be included in the Refinements panel.
    maxCategories int Maximum number of categories to display in the facet. 0 means all categories will be displayed.
    maxCategoriesPerLevel int 100 Maximum number of facet values in each level of the categories hierarchy. 0 means that all values are selected. The sortFunction is used to select the "best" facet values for each level.
    sortAggregationFunction string Aggregation function used to sort by aggregation values.
    explicitSortOrderValues string Ordered list of values used for explicit sort, comma-separated (use the backslash to escape a comma).
    reverse boolean Reverse sorting order.
    index int Internal.
    dataModelState string
    dataModelClass string If dataModelState is "auto" or "customized", you will find here the name of the DataModelClass that generated this facet.
    dataModelProperty string If dataModelState is "auto" or "customized", you will find here the name of the DataModelProperty that generated this facet.
  • Nested elements:
    Name Type Description
    AggregationFunction* A numerical computation to perform on hits matching each value of the facet.


  • Configuration for a facet.
  • Parent elements:
    • (as FacetsConfig)
  • Attributes:
    Name Type Default value Description
    virtualRoot string Path for the resulting root 'virtual' category. When using a virtual facet (a facet which is not stored in a category field), all created categories are attached to a virtual root path. For example: Top/VirtualRoot/[0;5]
    id string Unique identifier of this facet. Used in Mashup-Builder and client applications to identify the facet.
    type enum(category, h2d, num_explicit, num_fixed, num_dynamic, geo, autotile, value, multi, enum, date, dyndate, autotilev2, concatvalue) Used for convenience in various introspection code
    refinementPolicy enum(exclusive, disjunctive, norefine) exclusive Defines the Refinements panel behavior.
    • Disjunctive: Allows you to select multiple categories at once for refinement (it creates an OR operation). Continues to display all categories when one is selected.
    • Exclusive: Only allows you to select one category for refinement. Hides other categories when one is selected.
    • No refine: Allows you to display all categories without enabling refinements.
    implementation enum(autodetect, favor_cpu, favor_memory) autodetect Internal algorithm for implementation of this facet. Value can be null or one of
    • autodetect
    • favor_cpu
    • favor_memory
    • "favor_cpu" consumes less CPU, at the expense of additional RAM consumption (RAM is consumed for each facet value in the index).
    • "favor_memory" reduces RAM consumption (RAM is only consumed for each facet value in the result set).
    • "autodetect" automatically selects a suitable policy based on the result set and facet data.
    inNavigation boolean True Computes navigation on this facet.
    inHits boolean True Computes the value of this facet for each hit.
    maxSliceCategories int Maximum number of categories returned by each slice for one facet. 0 means no limit. Warning: Results merged by the search server may be incorrect.
    sortFunction enum(count, relevancy, alphanum, num, range, date, aggregation, explicit, lat, lng) count Specifies a sorting function:
    • Aggregation Value: Sorts the categories using one of the aggregation functions specified in "Aggregations". The "Function Name" field that appears below, lets you enter the aggregation function name. Default sorting direction is descending.
    • Alphanum: Sorts the categories lexicographically. The category path is used here, not the title. Default sorting direction is ascending.
    • Count: Sorts the categories by decreasing order, with the number of documents matching the query and having this facet.
    • Date: Sorts the categories by:
      • Default with decreasing year, increasing month, increasing day
      • Reverse with increasing year, decreasing month, decreasing day
    • Explicit order: Sorts the categories using an explicit order. The "Explicit order" field that appears below, lets you specify a comma-separated list of values.
    • Latitude: Sorts the categories by latitude, using the average of points.
    • Longitude: Sorts the categories by longitude, using the average of points.
    • Num: Tries to parse the category path as an integer, and sorts decreasingly. If the category is prefixed by a number it will parse the prefix. In case of failure, it fallbacks to lexicographical sorting. Default sorting direction is ascending.
    • Range: If the categories are ranges in the form [a;b] (as for NumericalFacet), it sorts the categories per increasing midrange value. Default sorting direction is ascending.
    • Relevance: Sorts the categories by decreasing relevance. Relevance is defined by taking into account both the number of documents matching the query and having this facet, and the total number of documents having the facet. The idea is to use a method of ponderation similar to the classical TF-IDF.
    aggregateScores boolean If selected, the category score will be the sum of the scores of all its hits.
    fieldA string The Value field on which to perform the synthesis.
    fieldB string The Value field on which to perform the synthesis.
    hitsMaxCategories int 100 Maximum number of categories displayed in hits.
    minDocsPerCategory int 1 Minimum number of docs in a category for it to be included in the Refinements panel.
    maxCategories int Maximum number of categories to display in the facet. 0 means all categories will be displayed.
    maxCategoriesPerLevel int 100 Maximum number of facet values in each level of the categories hierarchy. 0 means that all values are selected. The sortFunction is used to select the "best" facet values for each level.
    sortAggregationFunction string Aggregation function used to sort by aggregation values.
    explicitSortOrderValues string Ordered list of values used for explicit sort, comma-separated (use the backslash to escape a comma).
    reverse boolean Reverse sorting order.
    index int Internal.
    dataModelState string
    dataModelClass string If dataModelState is "auto" or "customized", you will find here the name of the DataModelClass that generated this facet.
    dataModelProperty string If dataModelState is "auto" or "customized", you will find here the name of the DataModelProperty that generated this facet.
  • Nested elements:
    Name Type Description
    AggregationFunction* A numerical computation to perform on hits matching each value of the facet.


  • A virtual facet implemented using the Lua scripting language.
  • Parent elements:
    • (as FacetsConfig)
  • Attributes:
    Name Type Default value Description
    virtualRoot string Path for the resulting root 'virtual' category. When using a virtual facet (a facet which is not stored in a category field), all created categories are attached to a virtual root path. For example: Top/VirtualRoot/[0;5]
    id string Unique identifier of this facet. Used in Mashup-Builder and client applications to identify the facet.
    type enum(category, h2d, num_explicit, num_fixed, num_dynamic, geo, autotile, value, multi, enum, date, dyndate, autotilev2, concatvalue) Used for convenience in various introspection code
    refinementPolicy enum(exclusive, disjunctive, norefine) exclusive Defines the Refinements panel behavior.
    • Disjunctive: Allows you to select multiple categories at once for refinement (it creates an OR operation). Continues to display all categories when one is selected.
    • Exclusive: Only allows you to select one category for refinement. Hides other categories when one is selected.
    • No refine: Allows you to display all categories without enabling refinements.
    implementation enum(autodetect, favor_cpu, favor_memory) autodetect Internal algorithm for implementation of this facet. Value can be null or one of
    • autodetect
    • favor_cpu
    • favor_memory
    • "favor_cpu" consumes less CPU, at the expense of additional RAM consumption (RAM is consumed for each facet value in the index).
    • "favor_memory" reduces RAM consumption (RAM is only consumed for each facet value in the result set).
    • "autodetect" automatically selects a suitable policy based on the result set and facet data.
    inNavigation boolean True Computes navigation on this facet.
    inHits boolean True Computes the value of this facet for each hit.
    maxSliceCategories int Maximum number of categories returned by each slice for one facet. 0 means no limit. Warning: Results merged by the search server may be incorrect.
    sortFunction enum(count, relevancy, alphanum, num, range, date, aggregation, explicit, lat, lng) count Specifies a sorting function:
    • Aggregation Value: Sorts the categories using one of the aggregation functions specified in "Aggregations". The "Function Name" field that appears below, lets you enter the aggregation function name. Default sorting direction is descending.
    • Alphanum: Sorts the categories lexicographically. The category path is used here, not the title. Default sorting direction is ascending.
    • Count: Sorts the categories by decreasing order, with the number of documents matching the query and having this facet.
    • Date: Sorts the categories by:
      • Default with decreasing year, increasing month, increasing day
      • Reverse with increasing year, decreasing month, decreasing day
    • Explicit order: Sorts the categories using an explicit order. The "Explicit order" field that appears below, lets you specify a comma-separated list of values.
    • Latitude: Sorts the categories by latitude, using the average of points.
    • Longitude: Sorts the categories by longitude, using the average of points.
    • Num: Tries to parse the category path as an integer, and sorts decreasingly. If the category is prefixed by a number it will parse the prefix. In case of failure, it fallbacks to lexicographical sorting. Default sorting direction is ascending.
    • Range: If the categories are ranges in the form [a;b] (as for NumericalFacet), it sorts the categories per increasing midrange value. Default sorting direction is ascending.
    • Relevance: Sorts the categories by decreasing relevance. Relevance is defined by taking into account both the number of documents matching the query and having this facet, and the total number of documents having the facet. The idea is to use a method of ponderation similar to the classical TF-IDF.
    aggregateScores boolean If selected, the category score will be the sum of the scores of all its hits.
    luaCode string The lua code for the facet.
    minDocsPerCategory int 1 Minimum number of docs in a category for it to be included in the Refinements panel.
    maxCategories int Maximum number of categories to display in the facet. 0 means all categories will be displayed.
    maxCategoriesPerLevel int 100 Maximum number of facet values in each level of the categories hierarchy. 0 means that all values are selected. The sortFunction is used to select the "best" facet values for each level.
    sortAggregationFunction string Aggregation function used to sort by aggregation values.
    explicitSortOrderValues string Ordered list of values used for explicit sort, comma-separated (use the backslash to escape a comma).
    reverse boolean Reverse sorting order.
    index int Internal.
    dataModelState string
    dataModelClass string If dataModelState is "auto" or "customized", you will find here the name of the DataModelClass that generated this facet.
    dataModelProperty string If dataModelState is "auto" or "customized", you will find here the name of the DataModelProperty that generated this facet.
  • Nested elements:
    Name Type Description
    AggregationFunction* A numerical computation to perform on hits matching each value of the facet.


  • Configuration for a facet.
  • Parent elements:
    • (as FacetsConfig)
  • Attributes:
    Name Type Default value Description
    virtualRoot string Path for the resulting root 'virtual' category. When using a virtual facet (a facet which is not stored in a category field), all created categories are attached to a virtual root path. For example: Top/VirtualRoot/[0;5]
    id string Unique identifier of this facet. Used in Mashup-Builder and client applications to identify the facet.
    type enum(category, h2d, num_explicit, num_fixed, num_dynamic, geo, autotile, value, multi, enum, date, dyndate, autotilev2, concatvalue) Used for convenience in various introspection code
    refinementPolicy enum(exclusive, disjunctive, norefine) exclusive Defines the Refinements panel behavior.
    • Disjunctive: Allows you to select multiple categories at once for refinement (it creates an OR operation). Continues to display all categories when one is selected.
    • Exclusive: Only allows you to select one category for refinement. Hides other categories when one is selected.
    • No refine: Allows you to display all categories without enabling refinements.
    implementation enum(autodetect, favor_cpu, favor_memory) autodetect Internal algorithm for implementation of this facet. Value can be null or one of
    • autodetect
    • favor_cpu
    • favor_memory
    • "favor_cpu" consumes less CPU, at the expense of additional RAM consumption (RAM is consumed for each facet value in the index).
    • "favor_memory" reduces RAM consumption (RAM is only consumed for each facet value in the result set).
    • "autodetect" automatically selects a suitable policy based on the result set and facet data.
    inNavigation boolean True Computes navigation on this facet.
    inHits boolean True Computes the value of this facet for each hit.
    maxSliceCategories int Maximum number of categories returned by each slice for one facet. 0 means no limit. Warning: Results merged by the search server may be incorrect.
    sortFunction enum(count, relevancy, alphanum, num, range, date, aggregation, explicit, lat, lng) count Specifies a sorting function:
    • Aggregation Value: Sorts the categories using one of the aggregation functions specified in "Aggregations". The "Function Name" field that appears below, lets you enter the aggregation function name. Default sorting direction is descending.
    • Alphanum: Sorts the categories lexicographically. The category path is used here, not the title. Default sorting direction is ascending.
    • Count: Sorts the categories by decreasing order, with the number of documents matching the query and having this facet.
    • Date: Sorts the categories by:
      • Default with decreasing year, increasing month, increasing day
      • Reverse with increasing year, decreasing month, decreasing day
    • Explicit order: Sorts the categories using an explicit order. The "Explicit order" field that appears below, lets you specify a comma-separated list of values.
    • Latitude: Sorts the categories by latitude, using the average of points.
    • Longitude: Sorts the categories by longitude, using the average of points.
    • Num: Tries to parse the category path as an integer, and sorts decreasingly. If the category is prefixed by a number it will parse the prefix. In case of failure, it fallbacks to lexicographical sorting. Default sorting direction is ascending.
    • Range: If the categories are ranges in the form [a;b] (as for NumericalFacet), it sorts the categories per increasing midrange value. Default sorting direction is ascending.
    • Relevance: Sorts the categories by decreasing relevance. Relevance is defined by taking into account both the number of documents matching the query and having this facet, and the total number of documents having the facet. The idea is to use a method of ponderation similar to the classical TF-IDF.
    aggregateScores boolean If selected, the category score will be the sum of the scores of all its hits.
    id1 string id of the first facet on which to perform the synthesis
    id2 string id of the second facet on which to perform the synthesis
    withDimSwitch boolean True Adds a '__dimension_switch__' virtual category between categories of the first and second dimensions.
    secondarySortFunction enum(count, relevancy, alphanum, num, range, date, aggregation, explicit, lat, lng) count The function to use to sort on the second dimension (see 'sortFunction' in Facet).
    secondaryReverse boolean Reverses the secondary sort (see 'reverse' in Facet).
    secondarySortAggregationFunction string The aggregation function used to sort by aggregation values.
    secondaryExplicitSortOrderValues string The ordered list of values used to sort, comma-separated (use the backslash to escape a comma)
    hierarchical2DFacetRepresentation boolean True Enables the use of asHierarchical2DFacet() in search client.
    minDocsPerCategory int 1 Minimum number of docs in a category for it to be included in the Refinements panel.
    maxCategories int Maximum number of categories to display in the facet. 0 means all categories will be displayed.
    maxCategoriesPerLevel int 100 Maximum number of facet values in each level of the categories hierarchy. 0 means that all values are selected. The sortFunction is used to select the "best" facet values for each level.
    sortAggregationFunction string Aggregation function used to sort by aggregation values.
    explicitSortOrderValues string Ordered list of values used for explicit sort, comma-separated (use the backslash to escape a comma).
    reverse boolean Reverse sorting order.
    index int Internal.
    dataModelState string
    dataModelClass string If dataModelState is "auto" or "customized", you will find here the name of the DataModelClass that generated this facet.
    dataModelProperty string If dataModelState is "auto" or "customized", you will find here the name of the DataModelProperty that generated this facet.
  • Nested elements:
    Name Type Description
    AggregationFunction* A numerical computation to perform on hits matching each value of the facet.


  • Configuration for a facet.
  • Parent elements:
    • (as FacetsConfig)
  • Attributes:
    Name Type Default value Description
    id string Unique identifier of this facet. Used in Mashup-Builder and client applications to identify the facet.
    type enum(category, h2d, num_explicit, num_fixed, num_dynamic, geo, autotile, value, multi, enum, date, dyndate, autotilev2, concatvalue) Used for convenience in various introspection code
    refinementPolicy enum(exclusive, disjunctive, norefine) exclusive Defines the Refinements panel behavior.
    • Disjunctive: Allows you to select multiple categories at once for refinement (it creates an OR operation). Continues to display all categories when one is selected.
    • Exclusive: Only allows you to select one category for refinement. Hides other categories when one is selected.
    • No refine: Allows you to display all categories without enabling refinements.
    implementation enum(autodetect, favor_cpu, favor_memory) autodetect Internal algorithm for implementation of this facet. Value can be null or one of
    • autodetect
    • favor_cpu
    • favor_memory
    • "favor_cpu" consumes less CPU, at the expense of additional RAM consumption (RAM is consumed for each facet value in the index).
    • "favor_memory" reduces RAM consumption (RAM is only consumed for each facet value in the result set).
    • "autodetect" automatically selects a suitable policy based on the result set and facet data.
    inNavigation boolean True Computes navigation on this facet.
    inHits boolean True Computes the value of this facet for each hit.
    maxSliceCategories int Maximum number of categories returned by each slice for one facet. 0 means no limit. Warning: Results merged by the search server may be incorrect.
    sortFunction enum(count, relevancy, alphanum, num, range, date, aggregation, explicit, lat, lng) count Specifies a sorting function:
    • Aggregation Value: Sorts the categories using one of the aggregation functions specified in "Aggregations". The "Function Name" field that appears below, lets you enter the aggregation function name. Default sorting direction is descending.
    • Alphanum: Sorts the categories lexicographically. The category path is used here, not the title. Default sorting direction is ascending.
    • Count: Sorts the categories by decreasing order, with the number of documents matching the query and having this facet.
    • Date: Sorts the categories by:
      • Default with decreasing year, increasing month, increasing day
      • Reverse with increasing year, decreasing month, decreasing day
    • Explicit order: Sorts the categories using an explicit order. The "Explicit order" field that appears below, lets you specify a comma-separated list of values.
    • Latitude: Sorts the categories by latitude, using the average of points.
    • Longitude: Sorts the categories by longitude, using the average of points.
    • Num: Tries to parse the category path as an integer, and sorts decreasingly. If the category is prefixed by a number it will parse the prefix. In case of failure, it fallbacks to lexicographical sorting. Default sorting direction is ascending.
    • Range: If the categories are ranges in the form [a;b] (as for NumericalFacet), it sorts the categories per increasing midrange value. Default sorting direction is ascending.
    • Relevance: Sorts the categories by decreasing relevance. Relevance is defined by taking into account both the number of documents matching the query and having this facet, and the total number of documents having the facet. The idea is to use a method of ponderation similar to the classical TF-IDF.
    aggregateScores boolean If selected, the category score will be the sum of the scores of all its hits.
    virtualRoot string The root of the resulting 'virtual' category.
    enumFacetId string Id of the referred EnumFacet.
    minDocsPerCategory int 1 Minimum number of docs in a category for it to be included in the Refinements panel.
    maxCategories int Maximum number of categories to display in the facet. 0 means all categories will be displayed.
    maxCategoriesPerLevel int 100 Maximum number of facet values in each level of the categories hierarchy. 0 means that all values are selected. The sortFunction is used to select the "best" facet values for each level.
    sortAggregationFunction string Aggregation function used to sort by aggregation values.
    explicitSortOrderValues string Ordered list of values used for explicit sort, comma-separated (use the backslash to escape a comma).
    reverse boolean Reverse sorting order.
    index int Internal.
    dataModelState string
    dataModelClass string If dataModelState is "auto" or "customized", you will find here the name of the DataModelClass that generated this facet.
    dataModelProperty string If dataModelState is "auto" or "customized", you will find here the name of the DataModelProperty that generated this facet.
  • Nested elements:
    Name Type Description
    AggregationFunction* A numerical computation to perform on hits matching each value of the facet.


  • Configuration for a facet.
  • Parent elements:
    • (as FacetsConfig)
  • Attributes:
    Name Type Default value Description
    id string Unique identifier of this facet. Used in Mashup-Builder and client applications to identify the facet.
    type enum(category, h2d, num_explicit, num_fixed, num_dynamic, geo, autotile, value, multi, enum, date, dyndate, autotilev2, concatvalue) Used for convenience in various introspection code
    refinementPolicy enum(exclusive, disjunctive, norefine) exclusive Defines the Refinements panel behavior.
    • Disjunctive: Allows you to select multiple categories at once for refinement (it creates an OR operation). Continues to display all categories when one is selected.
    • Exclusive: Only allows you to select one category for refinement. Hides other categories when one is selected.
    • No refine: Allows you to display all categories without enabling refinements.
    implementation enum(autodetect, favor_cpu, favor_memory) autodetect Internal algorithm for implementation of this facet. Value can be null or one of
    • autodetect
    • favor_cpu
    • favor_memory
    • "favor_cpu" consumes less CPU, at the expense of additional RAM consumption (RAM is consumed for each facet value in the index).
    • "favor_memory" reduces RAM consumption (RAM is only consumed for each facet value in the result set).
    • "autodetect" automatically selects a suitable policy based on the result set and facet data.
    inNavigation boolean True Computes navigation on this facet.
    inHits boolean True Computes the value of this facet for each hit.
    maxSliceCategories int Maximum number of categories returned by each slice for one facet. 0 means no limit. Warning: Results merged by the search server may be incorrect.
    sortFunction enum(count, relevancy, alphanum, num, range, date, aggregation, explicit, lat, lng) count Specifies a sorting function:
    • Aggregation Value: Sorts the categories using one of the aggregation functions specified in "Aggregations". The "Function Name" field that appears below, lets you enter the aggregation function name. Default sorting direction is descending.
    • Alphanum: Sorts the categories lexicographically. The category path is used here, not the title. Default sorting direction is ascending.
    • Count: Sorts the categories by decreasing order, with the number of documents matching the query and having this facet.
    • Date: Sorts the categories by:
      • Default with decreasing year, increasing month, increasing day
      • Reverse with increasing year, decreasing month, decreasing day
    • Explicit order: Sorts the categories using an explicit order. The "Explicit order" field that appears below, lets you specify a comma-separated list of values.
    • Latitude: Sorts the categories by latitude, using the average of points.
    • Longitude: Sorts the categories by longitude, using the average of points.
    • Num: Tries to parse the category path as an integer, and sorts decreasingly. If the category is prefixed by a number it will parse the prefix. In case of failure, it fallbacks to lexicographical sorting. Default sorting direction is ascending.
    • Range: If the categories are ranges in the form [a;b] (as for NumericalFacet), it sorts the categories per increasing midrange value. Default sorting direction is ascending.
    • Relevance: Sorts the categories by decreasing relevance. Relevance is defined by taking into account both the number of documents matching the query and having this facet, and the total number of documents having the facet. The idea is to use a method of ponderation similar to the classical TF-IDF.
    aggregateScores boolean If selected, the category score will be the sum of the scores of all its hits.
    virtualRoot string The virtual root used for the tree representation.
    additionalTreeRepresentation boolean
    withAdditionalTreeRepresentationDimSwitch boolean Adds a '__dimension_switch__' virtual category between each dimension of the tree reprentation. This is required if you're working with hierarhical dimensions.
    minDocsPerCategory int 1 Minimum number of docs in a category for it to be included in the Refinements panel.
    maxCategories int Maximum number of categories to display in the facet. 0 means all categories will be displayed.
    maxCategoriesPerLevel int 100 Maximum number of facet values in each level of the categories hierarchy. 0 means that all values are selected. The sortFunction is used to select the "best" facet values for each level.
    sortAggregationFunction string Aggregation function used to sort by aggregation values.
    explicitSortOrderValues string Ordered list of values used for explicit sort, comma-separated (use the backslash to escape a comma).
    reverse boolean Reverse sorting order.
    index int Internal.
    dataModelState string
    dataModelClass string If dataModelState is "auto" or "customized", you will find here the name of the DataModelClass that generated this facet.
    dataModelProperty string If dataModelState is "auto" or "customized", you will find here the name of the DataModelProperty that generated this facet.
  • Nested elements:
    Name Type Description
    AggregationFunction* A numerical computation to perform on hits matching each value of the facet.


  • Determines the features of one dimension for a MultiDimensionFacet.
  • Parent elements:
    • (as MultiDimensionFacet)
  • Attributes:
    Name Type Default value Description
    id string The existing 1d facet id to use for this dimension.
    sortFunction enum(count, relevancy, alphanum, num, range, date, aggregation, explicit, lat, lng) count The sort function on this dimension (does not apply to other dimensions).
    reverse boolean Reverses the sort (see 'reverse' in Facet).
    sortAggregationFunction string The aggregation function used to sort by aggregation values.
    explicitSortOrderValues string The ordered list of values used to sort, comma-separated (use the backslash to escape a comma).
    maxCategories int The maximum number of categories after sorting in this dimension.


  • No documentation for this element.
  • Parent elements:
    • (as SearchLogic)
  • Attributes:
    Name Type Default value Description
    fullHits int 10 Number of full hits to retrieve per page. -1 means unlimited.
  • Nested elements:
    Name Type Description


  • No documentation for this element.
  • Parent elements:
    • (as HitConfig)
  • Nested elements:
    Name Type Description


  • No documentation for this element.
  • Parent elements:
    • (as AdvancedPipeline)
  • Attributes:
    Name Type Default value Description
    indexField string CSV index field to retrieve.
  • Nested elements:
    Name Type Description
    KeyValue exa.bee.KeyValue*


  • Decodes url or idna encoded strings
  • Parent elements:
    • (as Meta)
  • Attributes:
    Name Type Default value Description
    name string Name of the meta subject of the operation. Not required when this is inside a 'Meta' tag.
    encoding enum(url, idna) Value can be one of
    • url
    • idna


  • No documentation for this element.
  • Parent elements:
    • (as Meta)
  • Attributes:
    Name Type Default value Description
    name string Name of the meta subject of the operation. Not required when this is inside a 'Meta' tag.
    minValues int 0 Minimum number of values to select.
    maxValues int 50 Maximum number of values to select.
    maxBytesToProcess int 131072 Maximum number of bytes to process in the input text. The remaining bytes are not taken into account for the value selection operation. (0=deactivated)
    relaxAndNodesPolicy enum(never, toplevel, always) never Relax query AND nodes (handle them as if they were OR nodes). Value can be null or one of
    • never
    • toplevel
    • always
    facetIds string
    extraPrefixHandlers string
    analysisConfig string Analysis config in which analysisPipeline is searched for tokenization config and extra semantic processors.
    analysisPipeline string Pipeline in analysisConfig searched for tokenization config and extra semantic processors.


  • No documentation for this element.
  • Parent elements:
    • (as Meta)
  • Attributes:
    Name Type Default value Description
    name string Name of the meta subject of the operation. Not required when this is inside a 'Meta' tag.
    minLength int 100 Minimum length of the snippet (in characters).
    maxLength int 150 Maximum length of the snippet (in characters).
    maxSentenceSegmentLength int 150 Maximum length of sentence segments in the snippet (in characters).
    minNbWordsInRelevantSentence int 10 Minimum number of words for a sentence to be considered for snippetization
    maxSentenceSegments int 3 Maximum number of sentence segments in the snippet.
    maxBytesToProcess int 131072 Maximum number of bytes to process in the input text. The remaining bytes are not taken into account for the snippet operation. (0=deactivated)
    removeDuplicateSegments boolean Remove duplicate segments from the snippet. Using this option with a large number of segments may have a negative impact on performance.
    maxConsecutiveSeparators int 0 Maximum number of consecutive separators. When there are more than this number of separators, they are replaced with a single space character.
    splitOnSentences boolean True Don't span over sentence boundaries.
    highlight boolean True Highlight the snippet's tokens matching the query.
    minimalPatternHighlight boolean If true, only highlights the alphanumerical part of the pattern. For example, *foo* will only highlight foo in the word football.
    relaxAndNodesPolicy enum(never, toplevel, always) toplevel Relax query AND nodes (handle them as if they were OR nodes). Value can be null or one of
    • never
    • toplevel
    • always
    ifMeta string Fallback meta if one of the ifMetasMatch meta matches the query.
    ifMetasMatch string Comma-separated list of metas to test against the user query. If a match is found, the summary is filled with the ifMeta value.
    highlightFacetIds string Comma-separated list of facets id for which you want to highlight the values of the refines in the current meta.
    highlightExtraPrefixHandlers string Comma-separated list of prefix handlers for which you want to highlight the query in the current meta. eg: if highlightExtraPrefixHandlers="spellslike" spellslike:foo will highlight foo and its alternate forms in the current meta
    analysisConfig string Analysis config in which analysisPipeline is searched for tokenization config and extra semantic processors.
    analysisPipeline string Pipeline in analysisConfig searched for tokenization config and extra semantic processors.


  • No documentation for this element.
  • Parent elements:
    • (as Meta)
  • Attributes:
    Name Type Default value Description
    name string Name of the meta subject of the operation. Not required when this is inside a 'Meta' tag.


  • No documentation for this element.
  • Parent elements:
    • (as Meta)
  • Attributes:
    Name Type Default value Description
    name string Name of the meta subject of the operation. Not required when this is inside a 'Meta' tag.


  • No documentation for this element.
  • Parent elements:
    • (as Meta)
  • Attributes:
    Name Type Default value Description
    name string Name of the meta subject of the operation. Not required when this is inside a 'Meta' tag.
    outputFormat string %Y/%m/%d Date format


  • No documentation for this element.
  • Parent elements:
    • (as Meta)
  • Attributes:
    Name Type Default value Description
    name string Name of the meta subject of the operation. Not required when this is inside a 'Meta' tag.
    outputFormat string %Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S Datetime format


  • No documentation for this element.
  • Parent elements:
    • (as Meta)
  • Attributes:
    Name Type Default value Description
    name string Name of the meta subject of the operation. Not required when this is inside a 'Meta' tag.
    outputFormat string Prints Meta according to this format, controls the output as in C printf.


  • No documentation for this element.
  • Parent elements:
    • (as Meta)
  • Attributes:
    Name Type Default value Description
    name string Name of the meta subject of the operation. Not required when this is inside a 'Meta' tag.
    highlightFacetIds string
    highlightExtraPrefixHandlers string
    minNbWordsInRelevantSentence int 10 Minimum number of words for a sentence to be considered for snippetization
    maxBytesToProcess int 131072 Maximum number of bytes to process in the input text. The remaining bytes are not taken into account for the operation. (0=deactivated)
    maxConsecutiveSeparators int 0 Maximum number of consecutive separators. When there are more than this number of separators, they are replaced with a single space character.
    relaxAndNodesPolicy enum(never, toplevel, always) toplevel Relax query AND nodes (handle them as if they were OR nodes). Value can be null or one of
    • never
    • toplevel
    • always
    minimalPatternHighlight boolean If true, only highlights the alphanumerical part of the pattern. For example, *foo* will only highlight foo in the word football.
    analysisConfig string Analysis config in which analysisPipeline is searched for tokenization config and extra semantic processors.
    analysisPipeline string Pipeline in analysisConfig searched for tokenization config and extra semantic processors.


  • Truncates a meta value if it exceeds a configured threshold value.
  • Parent elements:
    • (as Meta)
  • Attributes:
    Name Type Default value Description
    name string Name of the meta subject of the operation. Not required when this is inside a 'Meta' tag.
    maxLength int 150 Max character length after which the content will be truncated.
    strict boolean Truncates even if a blank character is not met.


  • No documentation for this element.
  • Parent elements:
    • (as Meta)
  • Attributes:
    Name Type Default value Description
    name string Name of the meta subject of the operation. Not required when this is inside a 'Meta' tag.
    classId string The fully-qualified name of the class performing the operation.
  • Nested elements:
    Name Type Description
    KeyValue exa.bee.KeyValue*


  • Insert hit information retrieved from facets.
  • Parent elements:
    • (as AdvancedPipeline)
  • Nested elements:
    Name Type Description
    replace exa.bee.KeyValue* Key = hit info key to create. Value = facet id to fetch from then remove
    add exa.bee.KeyValue* Key = hit info key to create. Value = facet id to fetch from


  • Inserts in the hit information whether the source supports fetch, thumbnails and preview
  • Parent elements:
    • (as AdvancedPipeline)


  • No documentation for this element.
  • Parent elements:
    • (as AdvancedPipeline)
  • Attributes:
    Name Type Default value Description
    classId string The fully-qualified name of the class performing the operation.
  • Nested elements:
    Name Type Description
    KeyValue exa.bee.KeyValue*


  • No documentation for this element.
  • Parent elements:
    • (as AdvancedPipeline)
  • Attributes:
    Name Type Default value Description
    prefixHandlerName string similar The prefix handler name used in the generated query.
    metaName string similardoc_query Name of the generated meta containing the resulting query.
    minNumberOfKeywordPerDoc long 4 Documents with fewer keywords than this constant are ignored. Value must be higher or equal to 0.
    similarityVirtualField string similarity Name of the virtual field computing the final similarity score.
    similarityThreshold double The mininum similarity score for two documents to be considered similar. Value must be between 0 and 1.
    languageConstraint boolean True Forces similar documents to be in the same language.
    keywordsMetaName string keyword Name of the retrieved meta containing the keywords.


  • No documentation for this element.
  • Parent elements:
    • (as AdvancedPipeline)
  • Attributes:
    Name Type Default value Description
    indexField string CSV index field to retrieve.
    contextName string
    name string Name of the meta to create from this field. If not set, the index field name is used.
    keepMetaName boolean True When set to true, a key:value stored in the field will create a meta "key" which value is "value". Otherwise, this will generate a meta "name" which value is "value".
  • Nested elements:
    Name Type Description
    MatchRule* List of rules to define which document metas should be mapped to this dynamic property.


  • No documentation for this element.
  • Parent elements:
    • (as DynamicFieldElementSource)
    • (as MultiContextField)
  • Attributes:
    Name Type Default value Description
    pattern string If null, property name is used
    mode enum(prefix, suffix, substring, exact)


  • No documentation for this element.
  • Parent elements:
    • (as AdvancedPipeline)
  • Attributes:
    Name Type Default value Description
    expr string


  • No documentation for this element.
  • Parent elements:
    • (as AdvancedPipeline)
  • Attributes:
    Name Type Default value Description
    indexField string Index field or Virtual Expression to retrieve.
    name string Name of the meta to create from this field. If not set, the index field name is used.
    type string The type of the field to retrieve FIXME
    multivalued boolean Is the field to retrieve multivalued? FIXME
    dataModelState string Is this retrieved field managed by a data model? @enum{null,auto,customized, error}. If null, this retrieved field is not related to a data model. If "auto", this retrieved field is auto-generated by a data model If "customized", this retrieved field was auto-generated by a data model and then customized. If "error", there is a conflict between this retrieved field and the data model.
    dataModelClass string If dataModelState is "auto" or "customized", you will find here the name of the DataModelClass that generated this RetrievedField.
    dataModelProperty string If dataModelState is "auto" or "customized", you will find here the name of the DataModelProperty that generated this RetrievedField.
  • Nested elements:
    Name Type Description
    fromDataModel If dataModelState is "customized", you will find here the original retrieved field generated by the data model. Use this to easily revert to "auto" state from "customized".


  • No documentation for this element.
  • Parent elements:
    • (as HitConfig)
  • Attributes:
    Name Type Default value Description
    categoryFieldName string categories
    categoryRoot string Top/dataModelClass
    categoryForm enum(exact, lowercase, normalized) normalized


  • No documentation for this element.
  • Parent elements:
    • (as HitConfig)
  • Attributes:
    Name Type Default value Description
    name string
    dataModelState string Is this meta managed by a data model? @enum{null,auto,customized, error}. If null, this hit category group is not related to a data model. If "auto", this hit category group is auto-generated by a data model If "customized", this hit category group was auto-generated by a data model and then customized. If "error", there is a conflict between this hit category group and the data model
    dataModelClass string If dataModelState is "auto" or "customized", you will find here the name of the DataModelClass that generated this meta.
    dataModelProperty string If dataModelState is "auto" or "customized", you will find here the name of the DataModelProperty that generated this meta.
  • Nested elements:
    Name Type Description


  • Specify from which index field the meta will be retrieved.
  • Parent elements:
    • (as Meta)
  • Attributes:
    Name Type Default value Description
    indexField string Index field, Virtual field or Virtual Expression for this meta source.


  • Specifies from which index dynamic field the meta will be retrieved.
  • Parent elements:
    • (as Meta)
  • Attributes:
    Name Type Default value Description
    indexField string Dynamic index field for this meta source.
    name string Specifies the meta name used to retrieve the value in the Dynamic Index Field. If null, it retrieves all meta/value pairs.
    keepMetaName boolean True When set to true, a key:value stored in the field will create a meta "key" which value is "value". Otherwise, this will generate a meta "name" which value is "value".
  • Nested elements:
    Name Type Description
    MatchRule* List of rules to define which metas contained in this dynamic field will be processed and displayed.


  • Specifies from which CSV-encoded index field the meta will be retrieved.
  • Parent elements:
    • (as Meta)
  • Attributes:
    Name Type Default value Description
    indexField string CSV-encoded index field for this meta source.
    metaNameInMultiField string CSV column name.


  • No documentation for this element.
  • Parent elements:
    • (as HitConfig)
  • Nested elements:
    Name Type Description


  • Specifies from which CSV-encoded index field the metas will be retrieved. Retrieves all columns once.
  • Parent elements:
    • (as Metas)
  • Attributes:
    Name Type Default value Description
    indexField string CSV-encoded index field for this meta source.


  • No documentation for this element.
  • Parent elements:
    • (as SearchLogic)
  • Attributes:
    Name Type Default value Description
    maxKeptHits int Number of "best" hits that will be kept for navigation and full hits. It limits the number of hits that can be used for navigation and full hits fetch. Reducing this parameter can slightly increase performance in some situations (many slices, IO-bound). The "nhits" value in answer is at most equal to this limit. 0 means no limit. Note: Heapsort executor is used if this setting is defined in ranked mode. If not in ranked mode, this setting is ignored.
    maxHitsPerSlice int Maximum number of hits that a single index slice can fetch.
    mainHeapFlushInterval int Unused setting
    sliceHeapFlushInterval int Each time the slice heap receives this number of hits, it will be flushed to the main heap. This parameter only impacts performance. If value is 0, the system will pick up an appropriate value. Note: Only used in unranked and heapsort. Not used in localsort.
    maxQueryTimeMS int Maximum time spent in the "hits matching" part of the search internal "query" part of the search. After this delay, hits matching is interrupted, partial results will be returned. 0 means no limit.
    maxFetchedHits int When this total number of hits matching the query have been found (on any slice), the query is interrupted. These hits are ranked and the "best" ones are selected for navigation and full hits. Reducing this parameter improves performance but it means that a potentially "better" hit located further in the index will not be found. Above this limit, the "nmatches" value in answer will be estimated. 0 means no limit.
    enoughSlicesPercentage int 100 The query is interrupted if at least this percentage of active slices finished fetching hits.
    interruptGraceDelayMS int 100 After the query is interrupted, the slices have a small time period to flush their heaps. Hits that arrive to the main heap after this time period are dropped.
    maxTotalTimeMS int Maximum time for the entire search (hits matching, navigation and hits computation). After this delay, the search query is aborted. 0 means no limit.
    fullGraceDelayMS int 500 Additional time after maxTotalTime before forcing the full hits processor to stop. Note that this elapsed time is only checked between two full hits.
    hitsSampling double 100.0 Only fetch a sample of the matches. This is useful to improve search performance while still getting a good hits distribution.
    usesConsecutiveQueries boolean Set this optio to True when you plan to use consecutive queries, then the dedup will occur.
    maxPathsToConsider long 20000000 If this value is not zero, when doing expand queries without using the "expand=true" mode, the slices will only consider the first maxExploredPaths paths they find for deciding which DIDs are contained in the graph.
    needSecuBlockSize long If this value is not zero, when doing attrgraph queries, each document that need to be postfiltered will have its Fullhit rewritten once said number of documents to postfilter has been reached.
  • Nested elements:
    Name Type Description
    ContentGroupLimitsConfig* Optional specific per content group limits.


  • Specific search limits for a content group. May override global limits.
  • Parent elements:
    • (as LimitsConfig)
  • Attributes:
    Name Type Default value Description
    contentGroup string Name of the content group.
    maxHitsPerSlice int On each slice, when this number of hits matching the query have been found, the query is interrupted. These hits are returned to the searcher, ranked, and the "best" ones are selected for navigation and full hits. Reducing this parameter improves performance but it means that a potentially "better" hit located further in the slice would not be found. If this limit triggers on any slice, the "nmatches" value in answer will be estimated. 0 means no limit.


  • No documentation for this element.
  • Parent elements:
    • (as SearchLogic)
  • Attributes:
    Name Type Default value Description
    additionalHits int The number of additional hits to retrieve
    blacklistUrl string
    maxQueryStart int 100


  • No documentation for this element.
  • Parent elements:
    • (as SearchLogic)
  • Attributes:
    Name Type Default value Description
    blackListURL string URL to a query-blacklist resource
  • Nested elements:
    Name Type Description


  • Configure node restriction policy for search queries
  • Parent elements:
    • (as QueryRestrictionConfig)
  • Nested elements:
    Name Type Description


  • Restrict occurences of a given node within a search query
  • Parent elements:
    • (as NodeRestrictionConfig)
  • Attributes:
    Name Type Default value Description
    node enum(AlphanumValue, AlphanumBWPattern, NumericalValue, CategoryValue, TrueNode, FalseNode, NoOp)
    maximumCount int -1 Maximum number of occurences allowed for a given node.
    action enum(discard, cleanup) discard


  • Configure operator restriction policy for search queries
  • Parent elements:
    • (as QueryRestrictionConfig)
  • Nested elements:
    Name Type Description


  • Configure operator count restriction policy for search queries
  • Parent elements:
    • (as OperatorRestrictionConfig)
  • Attributes:
    Name Type Default value Description
    maximumOperatorCount int -1 Maximum number of operators allowed in a query.
    maximumProximityOperatorCount int -1 Maximum number of proximity operators allowed in a query. The proximity operators are: NEAR NEXT AFTER BEFORE
    action enum(discard, cleanup) discard Action when maximumOperatorCount is reached: drop query or remove extra operators. The 'cleanup' mode does not guarantee the order in which extra operators are discarded.


  • Restrict occurrences of a given operator within a search query
  • Parent elements:
    • (as OperatorRestrictionConfig)
  • Attributes:
    Name Type Default value Description
    maximumArity int -1 Maximum number of children allowed for a given operator.
    action enum(discard, cleanup, textual) discard


  • Configure term count restriction policy for search queries
  • Parent elements:
    • (as QueryRestrictionConfig)
  • Attributes:
    Name Type Default value Description
    maximumTermCount int -1 Maximum number of alphanumeric tokens allowed in a query.
    action enum(discard, cleanup) discard Action if maximumTermCount is reached: drop query or cleanup extra values.


  • No documentation for this element.
  • Parent elements:
    • (as SearchLogic)
  • Attributes:
    Name Type Default value Description
    dictionaryName string The dictionary containing keywords.
    enabled boolean Enables related terms synthesis.
    number int 10 Maximum number of related terms computed for a query.
    minCorpusFrequencyFilter int 2 Minimum number of occurrences in the whole index for a term to be possibly selected for synthesis.
    corpusLowPassFilter double 0.5 Filters out terms occurring more than this threshold in the whole index.
    optimizedForExhaustiveRankedSynthesis boolean If true, each slice will sort the DIDs before computing the synthesis to improve attributes fetching locality.
    sortFunction enum(count, alphanum) count Sort function Value can be one of
    • count
    • alphanum
    localLowPassFilter double 0.9 Filters out terms occurring more than this threshold in the result set.
    blacklist string References the related terms blacklist resource.
    indexField string keywordv2 The index field where related-terms have been indexed.
    maxSliceCategories int 200 Maximum number of categories returned by each slice for one facet. 0 means no limit. Warning: Results merged by the search server may be incorrect.
    maxRelatedTermsHitsPerSlice int Maximum number of hits per slice used to compute related terms synthesis. Set to 0 for exhaustive. Note that the number of hits processed per slice to compute related terms synthesis will never exceed FacetsConfig's maxHits.


  • How to score and rank documents. A document rank, like a query result, can depend on many parameters:
    • the static document rank
    • the query term relative frequency
    • the form, position and rank of the query term in the matching document
    • proximity of query terms in the matching document
  • Parent elements:
    • (as SearchLogic)
  • Attributes:
    Name Type Default value Description
    enabled boolean True Enables all relevance calculation. Globally disabling relevance calculation disables the following features:
    • term scoring
    • proximity scoring
    • sorting
    • node properties
    • using ranking elements for faceting
    • using ranking elements for facet aggregations
    • retrieving ranking elements
    <note>If your query contains grouping, either by a Search API parameter or in the product configuration set in the Administration Console &gt; Search Logic, the relevance feature will be forced to true. </note> <note>If your query contains a refinement on a disjunctive facet, the relevance feature will be forced to true.</note> In some cases, it provides significant performance boosts, notably for exhaustive counting and faceting.
    exactPhraseScoreMergePolicy enum(SUM, MAX) SUM Specifies how to merge the underlying word scores of an exact phrase. Setting the policy to 'MAX' will score the phrase as a single term.
  • Nested elements:
    Name Type Description
    GroupConfig* Configures collapsing TODO.
    ProximityBoostConfig How to boost a document score depending on the proximity of the query terms.
    SortConfig Configures the fields to use to sort documents in the result list.
    TermScoreConfig How to compute the score of a term in a matching document.


  • Collaspes hits in search results, by grouping hits with the same values, then sorting them within a group to keep only the top N hits. The other hits for the group do not display in the search results. The GroupBy child elemement specifies the grouping criteria. The order of GroupBy child elements does not affect sort order. The SortHitsInGroupBy child elements defines lexicographical order to sort hits within the group. By default, it uses SortConfiguration order. The Aggregation child elements specify the summary operation (SUM, MIN, MAX, and so on) to perform on all hits (discarded + top/bottom N) within a group.
  • Parent elements:
    • (as RelevanceConfig)
  • Attributes:
    Name Type Default value Description
    topN int 1 Maximum number of hits to display for a group. The remaining hits do not display in search results. Must be strictly positive.
  • Nested elements:
    Name Type Description
    Aggregation* Aggregation(s) to be evaluated sequentially on all the hits within a group, and stored as a virtual expression meta. To display the aggregation value in the grouped hit(s), add this meta name as a Hit content meta.
    GroupBy* Virtual expressions used to group, or collapse, hits in search results. Hits with the same value for an expression form one group. Hits with undefined values for the expression are never grouped. If empty, displays all hits in the search results. As with any virtual expression, it requires RAM-based index fields.
    SortHitsInGroupBy* Ordered list of expressions for sorting hits. The sort direction identifies the top N hits of a group. Hits with defined values are always listed higher than hits with undefined values. If empty, it uses the SortConfig by default. As with any virtual expression, it requires RAM-based index fields.


  • Combines the values of the specified expr for all the hits of the group and output the value to the specified meta. For example, if you have hits:
    • H1 with values: sort_field=100, group_field=12, value_field=57
    • H2 with values: sort_field=50, group_field=12, value_field=23
    With a sort by sort_field and a group by group_field, the GroupBy will only keep the hit H1 because its sort_field has the best value.
    • with a function on value_field of type "MIN", the value of value_field in the grouped hit will be 23 (minimum value over grouped hits)
    • with a function on value_field of type "MAX", the value of value_field in the grouped hit will be 57 (maximum value over grouped hits)
    • with a function on value_field of type "SUM", the value of value_field in the grouped hit will be 80 (sum of values for grouped hits)
    • with a function on value_field of type "AVG", the value of value_field in the grouped hit will be 40 (average of values for grouped hits)
  • Parent elements:
    • (as GroupConfig)
  • Attributes:
    Name Type Default value Description
    expr string Field to compute on the grouped hits.
    aggregationField string
    function enum(AVG, MAX, MIN, SUM, STDDEV, CONCAT) MAX Aggregation function to apply on the specified expression.
    • MIN/MAX use the lowest/highest value of all hits in the group
    • SUM adds the values of all hits in the group
    • AVG calculates the mean of values of all hits in the group
    • STDDEV calculates the standard deviation of values of all hits in the group
    • CONCAT joins all the values from all the hits in the group. Only works with alphanumerical values.
    separator string Character to separate concatenated strings.


  • A comparative element used to identify group of documents.
  • Parent elements:
    • (as GroupConfig)
  • Attributes:
    Name Type Default value Description
    expr string Virtual expression to compare.
    LSB int Position of the least significant bit to be considered. Applies to integer values only, ignored otherwize.
    MSB int 63 Position of the most significant bit to be considered. Applies to integer values only, ignored otherwize.
    limit int Maximum number of characters to consider when comparing string values. 0 means the string is compared till the end. Applies to alphanumerical values only, ignored otherwize.


  • A comparative element used to sort documents of a group.
  • Parent elements:
    • (as SortConfig)
  • Attributes:
    Name Type Default value Description
    name string Unique sort name.
    expr string Virtual expression to compare.
    LSB int Position of the least significant bit to be considered. Applies to integer values only.
    MSB int 63 Position of the most significant bit to be considered. Applies to integer values only.
    limit int Maximum number of characters to use when matching string values. 0 means the entire string is used for matching. Applies to alphanumerical values only.
    min long Minimum value needed for a the document to be returned by the query. Applies to integer and double values only. 0 means keep all documents. Discards documents with a value below the minimum. Keeps documents with undefined value for this field.
    order enum(asc, desc) desc Sort order Value can be null or one of
    • asc
    • desc
    active boolean True Defines if the sort is applied by default.


  • Controls the behavior of the @proximity element
  • Parent elements:
    • (as RelevanceConfig)
  • Attributes:
    Name Type Default value Description
    enabled boolean True Enables proximity calculation globally. When disabled, @proximity is always 1.0
    maxDistance int 100 Do not apply proximity boost if words are separated by more than 'maxDistance' words.


  • Define the order of returned documents.
  • Parent elements:
    • (as RelevanceConfig)
  • Attributes:
    Name Type Default value Description
    discardInvalidSort boolean Auto discard sortBy not allowed rather than sending an error.
  • Nested elements:
    Name Type Description
    SortBy* Ordered list of expresion that defines a lexicographical order (documents having the same value for the first criteria are then ordered using the second critera, and so on).


  • Configures a sort criterion. An expression is calculated for every document matching the query and the results are then sorted according to calculated values.
  • Parent elements:
    • (as SortConfig)
  • Attributes:
    Name Type Default value Description
    name string Unique sort name.
    expr string Virtual expression to compare.
    LSB int Position of the least significant bit to be considered. Applies to integer values only.
    MSB int 63 Position of the most significant bit to be considered. Applies to integer values only.
    limit int Maximum number of characters to use when matching string values. 0 means the entire string is used for matching. Applies to alphanumerical values only.
    min long Minimum value needed for a the document to be returned by the query. Applies to integer and double values only. 0 means keep all documents. Discards documents with a value below the minimum. Keeps documents with undefined value for this field.
    order enum(asc, desc) desc Sort order Value can be null or one of
    • asc
    • desc
    active boolean True Defines if the sort is applied by default.


  • No documentation for this element.
  • Parent elements:
    • (as RelevanceConfig)
  • Attributes:
    Name Type Default value Description
    type enum(RANK_TFIDF, TFIDF, RANK, BM25, BM25F, NO_RANKING, IDF, RANK_IDF, CUSTOM, CUSTOM_LUA) NO_RANKING Select the ranking policy ( Value can be null or one of
    • TFIDF
    • RANK
    • BM25
    • BM25F
    • IDF
    • RANK_IDF
    • CUSTOM
    ) for the terms
    scoreMap string Comma-separated list of target weights for the ranking scores. XXX: Should be cleanly documented elsewhere.
    customExpr string
    customLuaScript string


  • No documentation for this element.
  • Parent elements:
    • (as SearchLogic)
  • Attributes:
    Name Type Default value Description
    secondarySortKey boolean Allows disambiguating documents having the same score, on a configurable key. The rest of the comparator configuration is similar to the primary sort. If this option is enabled, the documents will be compared by score, and in case of equality, only by the key extracted from the configurable index field.
    indexField string Index field on which we want to sort. You can only sort on an unsigned index field.
    ascending boolean Inverse the total order relation.
    LSB int Least Significant Bit of the key inside the field.
    MSB int 63 Most Significant Bit of the key inside the field.
    hasInvalidValue boolean Should one of the keys be considered as excluded from the set and always put at the end
    invalidValue long If hasInvalidValue is true, what is the invalid value?


  • No documentation for this element.
  • Parent elements:
    • (as SearchLogic)
  • Attributes:
    Name Type Default value Description
    enabled boolean Enables spellcheck on queries.
    blacklistedPrefixHandlers string A list of comma-separated prefix handler names defining which parts of the query will NOT be spell checked .
    enabledRefine boolean Suggests alternate expressions even if facets have been used to filter hits.
    computeCorrectedNHits boolean Calculates and displays the number of hits that will be returned for each suggested expression. This can impact performance as CloudView must perform the query for each suggestion. Warning: This option is not compatible with disjunctive facets. The count will not report any values.
    hitThreshold int Only performs spell check if the query returns less than N hits. However, if N=0, spell check is always performed. For example, if N=4, spell check is only activated for queries that return 3 or less hits.
    cancelBadCorrections boolean Leaves out alternate expressions that would return less hits than the original query. This requires computeCorrectedNHits to be true.
    autoCorrect boolean Automatically performs (uncorrected query) OR (corrected query 1) OR (corrected query 2) ... If cancelBadCorrections and autoCorrect are both true, the query is performed three times:
    • The uncorrected query is performed to calculate the number of hits.
    • The corrected queries are performed to calculate the number of hits.
    • The corrected queries that yield more hits than the uncorrected query are added to the uncorrected query, and the resulting query is performed and returned to the user.
    graceDelayMS int 50 Maximum time to wait for spell checking after query processing has finished. If the spell check exceeds this time, it is cancelled and a warning displays. After this time expires, spellcheck is cancelled. If computeCorrectedNHits is enabled, the additional time this takes will leave less time for spell check to finish. If 'Automatically correct' is selected, this timeout is ignored.
    querySizeLimit int 16 Queries with more than this count of chunks are considered computer-generated queries for which the spellchecking is disabled.
    dictionaryName string Dictionary used for spell checking and white and black lists
  • Nested elements:
    Name Type Description
    SpellCheckParameters com.exalead.linguistic.v10.SpellCheckParameters Low-level parameters.


  • com.exalead.linguistic.v10.SpellCheckParameters
  • No documentation for this element.
  • Parent elements:
    • (as SpellCheckerConfig)
  • Attributes:
    Name Type Default value Description
    maxApprox int 40 Maximum number of alternate spellings to retrieve for each word.
    insertion double 0.8 Damerau-Levenshtein distance incurred for inserting a letter.
    deletion double 0.9 Damerau-Levenshtein distance incurred for deleting a letter.
    substitution double 0.9 Damerau-Levenshtein distance incurred for substituting a letter.
    transposition double 0.9 Damerau-Levenshtein distance incurred for transposing letters.
    first double 0.1 Additional Damerau-Levenshtein distance incurred for any operation on the first letter of a word.
    blank double 0.5 Damerau-Levenshtein distance incurred for inserting or deleting a space.
    phoneticDist double 0.1 Damerau-Levenshtein distance incurred for phonetic matches.
    precision double 1.0 The higher the precision, the less often alternatives are proposed; the lower, the more recall.
    minLengthCandidate int 4 Minimum length for a word to trigger a distance 1 spell check.
    minLengthCandidate2 int 8 Minimum length for a word to trigger a distance 2 spell check.
    minLengthMultiWordCandidate int 2 Minimum length for a word anywhere in a multi-word expression to trigger a distance 1 spell check.
    minLengthMultiWordCandidate2 int 8 Minimum length for a word anywhere in a multi-word expression to trigger a distance 2 spell check.
    minLengthInsideMultiWordCandidate int 1 Minimum length for a word in the middle of a multi-word expression to trigger a distance 1 spell check.
    minLengthInsideMultiWordCandidate2 int 6 Minimum length for a word in the middle of a multi-word expression to trigger a distance 2 spell check.
    minNGramLengthForDist2 int 12 Minimum length for a multi-word expression to trigger a distance 2 spell check.
    filterWhiteList boolean Applies minimum length criteria on white list entries.
    filterPhonetic boolean True Applies the minimum length criteria on phonetic matches.
    tokenizeResults boolean Tokenizes the suggested expression, and annotates each token with the corresponding word from the original query. This allows for additional processing after spellchecking, such as lemmatization, and normalization. For example, for a suggested expression of 3 tokens: - If true: each token has an annotation representing the associated word from the original user query. - If false: The first token is annotated with 3 tokens and a length of 3.
    maxSuggestions int 1 Suggests no more than N alternate expressions
    allSuggestionsMustAlwaysBeRetrieved boolean Suggests alternate expressions even when they have a lower score than the corresponding expression from the original query. The score is determined by an algorithm that considers both the Damerau-Levenshtein distance and frequency in the corpus.
    whitelist string Reference a dictionary's spellcheck whitelist resource. Used to always suggest expressions for the listed words.
    blacklist string Reference a dictionary's spellcheck blacklist resource. Used to never suggest expressions for the listed words.
  • Nested elements:
    Name Type Description
    SpellCheckBlackList com.exalead.linguistic.v10.SpellCheckBlackList Never suggest expressions for these words.
    SpellCheckWhiteList com.exalead.linguistic.v10.SpellCheckWhiteList Always suggest expressions for these words.


  • com.exalead.linguistic.v10.SpellCheckBlackList
  • No documentation for this element.
  • Parent elements:
    • com.exalead.linguistic.v10.SpellCheckParameters (as SpellCheckParameters)
  • Nested elements:
    Name Type Description
    Entry com.exalead.linguistic.v10.Entry*


  • com.exalead.linguistic.v10.Entry
  • No documentation for this element.
  • Parent elements:
    • com.exalead.linguistic.v10.SpellCheckBlackList (as SpellCheckBlackList)
  • Attributes:
    Name Type Default value Description
    lang iso code
    expression string
    level enum(exact, lowercase, normalized) normalized


  • com.exalead.linguistic.v10.SpellCheckWhiteList
  • No documentation for this element.
  • Parent elements:
    • com.exalead.linguistic.v10.SpellCheckParameters (as SpellCheckParameters)
  • Nested elements:
    Name Type Description
    SpellCheckEntry com.exalead.linguistic.v10.SpellCheckEntry*


  • com.exalead.linguistic.v10.SpellCheckEntry
  • No documentation for this element.
  • Parent elements:
    • com.exalead.linguistic.v10.SpellCheckWhiteList (as SpellCheckWhiteList)
  • Attributes:
    Name Type Default value Description
    lang iso code
    expression string
    level enum(exact, lowercase, normalized) normalized
    suggestion string


  • No documentation for this element.
  • Parent elements:
    • (as SearchLogic)
  • Attributes:
    Name Type Default value Description
    add boolean True If true, the hours and minutes will be added. Otherwise, they will be substracted.
    hours int Difference of hours to apply.
    minutes int Difference of minutes to apply.


  • No documentation for this element.
  • Parent elements:
    • (as SearchLogic)
  • Attributes:
    Name Type Default value Description
    defaultPrefixHandler string text Prefix handler to use for content that is not contained within a specific prefix handler.
    missingPrefixBehaviour enum(error, remove, ignore, and, replace_by_false) error Action to perform when a prefix:value query does not reference a valid prefix:
    • error: fails the query
    • remove: removes the whole prefix node
    • ignore: does as if the query was a "value" without prefix
    • and: performs a query "prefix AND value"
    • replace_by_false: replaces the whole node by a false node
    phraseQueryTriggerChars string .-& List of chars inside a word that trigger a sequence match, for example, a.b will be rewritten as "a b".
    queryTemplate string #and(#query(_default_) #query(refine) #query(security) #query(restriction) #query(date_restriction) #query(geo_restriction)) Default query template to use (conjunction of query, refine, security and content restriction by default)
    defaultLanguage string xx Default language of the query
  • Nested elements:
    Name Type Description
    SemanticQueryAnalysisConfig Semantic analysis and rewriting of queries


  • No documentation for this element.
  • Parent elements:
    • (as UQLConfig)
  • Nested elements:
    Name Type Description


  • No documentation for this element.
  • Parent elements:
    • (as globalFinalProcessors)
    • (as globalPostParseProcessors)
    • (as globalPreParseProcessors)
    • (as postMapProcessors)
    • (as preLinguisticProcessors)
    • (as preMapProcessors)
    • (as preParseProcessors)
    • (as preTransformProcessors)
  • Attributes:
    Name Type Default value Description
    classId string Must implement
  • Nested elements:
    Name Type Description
    KeyValue exa.bee.KeyValue*


  • No documentation for this element.
  • Parent elements:
    • (as UQLConfig)
  • Attributes:
    Name Type Default value Description
    allowOptions boolean Allows word options in user query.
    nearDistance int 16 Default distance for NEAR queries
    fallbackOnError boolean If the standard parsing fails, parses the query with a relaxed grammar, meaning it will split words on white spaces. Note that in some cases, operators and prefix handlers will not be taken into account for the query. For example, a query that ends with an AND will normally return an error. If this option is selected, CloudView will search for "AND" instead of considering it as an operator. See also missingPrefixBehaviour in UQLConfig
    fallbackReportMode enum(quiet, local, global) local Specifies how to report a search error in 'Troubleshooting > Logs':
    • quiet: No log.
    • local: Error is reported in the Process log.
    • global: Error is reported in both Process and Global logs.
    maxQuerySize int Queries larger than N are rejected. 0 means no limit. @unimplemented.
    oversizedQueryReportMode enum(quiet, local, global) local Specifies how to report an oversized query error in 'Troubleshooting > Logs':
    • quiet: No log.
    • local: Error is reported in the Process log.
    • global: Error is reported in both Process and Global logs.
    implicitSequenceOperator enum(AND, OR) AND The default query operator. If a user enters this query: exalead cloudview (without quotes), by default, it will be parsed as "exalead AND cloudview".


  • No documentation for this element.
  • Parent elements:
    • (as UQLConfig)
  • Attributes:
    Name Type Default value Description
    performRegexpExpansion boolean Allows query expansion on regular expressions.
    minPrefixSize int 3 Minimum number of characters required before wilcard (*) for pattern expansion to be carried out.
    minSuffixSize int 3 Minimum number of characters required after wilcard (*) for pattern expansion to be carried out.
    expansionTimeout long Query expansion timeout for each pattern.
    allLanguages boolean Performs query expansion on all languages, whatever the language of the orignal query.
    rejectedPatternAction enum(normalize, remove, error, keep) error Action to perform when a pattern is rejected (because the prefix or suffix is too short, or the regular expression is disabled):
    • normalize: Transforms the pattern into a simple string match.
    • remove: Removes the pattern from the query.
    • error: Returns an error.
    rejectedPatternReportMode enum(quiet, local, global) local Specifies how to report a rejected pattern error in 'Troubleshooting > Logs':
    • quiet: No log.
    • local: Error is reported in the Process log.
    • global: Error is reported in both Process and Global logs.
    errorAction enum(normalize, remove, error) error Action to take when expansion fails:
    • normalize: Transforms the pattern into a simple string match.
    • remove: Removes the pattern from the query.
    • error: Returns an error.
    errorReportMode enum(quiet, local, global) local Specifies how to report an expansion error in 'Troubleshooting > Logs':
    • quiet: No log.
    • local: Error is reported in the Process log.
    • global: Error is reported in both Process and Global logs.


  • No documentation for this element.
  • Parent elements:
    • (as UQLConfig)
  • Attributes:
    Name Type Default value Description
    timeoutMS int 500
    unavailableDictionaryAction enum(error, ignore) error Action to execute if the dictionary cannot be contacted for expansion.
    • error: fails the query
    • ignore: does not perform expansion, then continues
    unavailableDictionaryReportMode enum(quiet, global, local) global Value can be null or one of
    • quiet
    • global
    • local
    detectCJ boolean Tries to detect Chinese and Japanese in the query and override the language of the request accordingly. If false, it uses the user-specified language for expansion.
    langDetect boolean True Tries to detect the text language from its unicode range. If false, it uses the user-specified language for expansion (xx is the default one).
    langDetectThreshold double 0.6 If langDetect is True, it tries to detect the text language. That language will be used only if its proportion is superior to langDetectThreshold of the string length
    longFormsPruningThreshold int 20 Prunes forms spanning several shorter forms from query nodes larger than N tokens, to avoid combination.
    performExactPhraseExpansion boolean Activates query expansion on expressions contained within quotation marks.
  • Nested elements:
    Name Type Description
    LangDetectMapping com.exalead.linguistic.v10.LangDetectMapping


  • com.exalead.linguistic.v10.LangDetectMapping
  • Maps unicode range to a default language for its automatic atribution
  • Parent elements:
    • (as QueryExpansionConfig)
  • Attributes:
    Name Type Default value Description
    defaultDefault iso code xx
    defaultArabic iso code ar
    defaultCyrillic iso code ru


  • Serve as a function for query expansion config in query prefix handlers. @see QueryPrefixHandler#queryExpansionConfig
  • Parent elements:
    • (as UQLConfig)
  • Attributes:
    Name Type Default value Description
    name string Name of the module. Referenced to target this module in query expansion config.
    classId string Full name of the Java class implementing the custom module.
  • Nested elements:
    Name Type Description
    KeyValue exa.bee.KeyValue*


  • Expands the query using a phonetic resource.
  • Parent elements:
    • (as UQLConfig)
  • Attributes:
    Name Type Default value Description
    name string Name of the module. Referenced to target this module in query expansion config.
    language string Optional language code. If not specified, all are supported.
    resourceFile string Optional phonetic rules file. If not specified, the default rules file is used.


  • Serve as a function for query expansion config in query prefix handlers. @see QueryPrefixHandler#queryExpansionConfig
  • Parent elements:
    • (as UQLConfig)
  • Attributes:
    Name Type Default value Description
    name string Name of the module. Referenced to target this module in query expansion config.


  • Extracts the root of a word.
  • Parent elements:
    • (as UQLConfig)
  • Attributes:
    Name Type Default value Description
    name string Name of the module. Referenced to target this module in query expansion config.
    resourceDir string Optional resource directory. @unimplemented


  • Expands the query using related terms. Related terms are popular ngrams detected at indexing time. They allow to match popular concepts spanning several words.
  • Parent elements:
    • (as UQLConfig)
  • Attributes:
    Name Type Default value Description
    name string Name of the module. Referenced to target this module in query expansion config.
    minSpan int 3 Minimum number of words (excluding stop words) in a generated related term.
    maxSpan int 6 Maximal number of words (excluding stop words) in a generated related term.
    keepLongestMatch boolean True Keeps only the longest match. For example, if you have 5 tokens ('a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e') and 4 related terms 'a', 'a-c', 'b-c-d' and 'd-e'. This option will only keep 'b-c-d' and will remove all other related terms.
    withPartOfSpeech boolean True Automatically adds a PartOfSpeechTagger to the list of processors.


  • Serve as a function for query expansion config in query prefix handlers. @see QueryPrefixHandler#queryExpansionConfig
  • Parent elements:
    • (as UQLConfig)
  • Attributes:
    Name Type Default value Description
    name string Name of the module. Referenced to target this module in query expansion config.
    minSpan int 2 Minimum number of words (excluding stop words) in a generated related term.
    maxSpan int 3 Maximal number of words (excluding stop words) in a generated related term.
    keepLongestMatch boolean True Keeps only the longest match. For example, if you have 5 tokens ('a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e') and 4 related terms 'a', 'a-c', 'b-c-d' and 'd-e'. This option will only keep 'b-c-d' and will remove all other related terms.
    withLemmatizer boolean True Adds a Lemmatizer to the list of processors automatically.
    withStopWordDict boolean True Adds a StopWord dictionary to the list of processors automatically.
    addCanonicalForm boolean


  • Semantic module expanding the query using the lemmatized forms of terms. The lemmatized form is the semantic root of a word.
  • Parent elements:
    • (as UQLConfig)
  • Attributes:
    Name Type Default value Description
    name string Name of the module. Referenced to target this module in query expansion config.
    language string Language in which the lemmatization should be enabled. If null, all languages are enabled.
    resourceDir string Optional resource dir, default value is resource:///lemmatizer/LANGUAGE


  • Query expansion module embedding a semantic processing pipeline. The resulting annotation can be used to expand the query.
  • Parent elements:
    • (as UQLConfig)
  • Attributes:
    Name Type Default value Description
    name string Name of the module. Referenced to target this module in query expansion config.
    annotation string The annotation name to use for expansion.
    indexKind int 2 The targeted index kind (0: exact search, 1: lowercase search, 2: normalized search).
  • Nested elements:
    Name Type Description
    SemanticProcessor com.exalead.indexing.analysis.v10.SemanticProcessor* The underlying semantic processors plugged in the pipeline.


  • com.exalead.indexing.analysis.v10.Anchorer
  • Adds an annotation on the first and last tokens of either a processed sequence (first/last) or a range defined by an annotation a (first_a/last_a)
  • Parent elements:
    • (as SemanticProcessorModule)
    • (as SemanticQueryAnalysisConfig)
  • Attributes:
    Name Type Default value Description
    name string Name of the Semantic Processor. This name is only used for tracing and debugging purposes.
    contexts string Comma-separated list of the ContextNames of the Document Chunks on which this processor should be applied. If this list is empty, all DocumentChunks are processed.
    dataModelState string Is this semantic processor managed by a data model? @enum{null,auto,customized, error}. If null, this semantic processor is not related to the data model. If "auto", this semantic processor is auto-generated by the data model.
    dataModelClass string If dataModelState is either "auto" or "customized", you will find here the name of the DataModelClass that generated this DocumentProcessor.
    dataModelProperty string If dataModelState is either "auto" or "customized", you will find here the name of the DataModelProperty that generated this DocumentProcessor.
    disabled boolean Disables the DocumentProcessor
    tagsToAnchor string List of comma-separated tags on which to work
    finalAnnotationOnNextToken boolean If true, sets final annotation on the token after the last token of annotation a
    finalCannotBeSepSpace boolean If final can't be a space, the annotation last may be set on the next non-blank token
  • Nested elements:
    Name Type Description
    fromDataModel com.exalead.indexing.analysis.v10.SemanticProcessor If dataModelState is "customized", you will find here the original semantic processor generated by the data model. Use this to easily revert to "auto" state from "customized". @IgnoreForValueConstructor


  • com.exalead.indexing.analysis.v10.CompoundWordSplitter
  • Annotates compound words that use CamelCase (like SearchServer) or underscores (like my_variable) to separate the root words. This allows users to search for the root words individually. Annotations generated:
    • "compound": for example, compound="search server"
  • Parent elements:
    • (as SemanticProcessorModule)
    • (as SemanticQueryAnalysisConfig)
  • Attributes:
    Name Type Default value Description
    name string Name of the Semantic Processor. This name is only used for tracing and debugging purposes.
    contexts string Comma-separated list of the ContextNames of the Document Chunks on which this processor should be applied. If this list is empty, all DocumentChunks are processed.
    dataModelState string Is this semantic processor managed by a data model? @enum{null,auto,customized, error}. If null, this semantic processor is not related to the data model. If "auto", this semantic processor is auto-generated by the data model.
    dataModelClass string If dataModelState is either "auto" or "customized", you will find here the name of the DataModelClass that generated this DocumentProcessor.
    dataModelProperty string If dataModelState is either "auto" or "customized", you will find here the name of the DataModelProperty that generated this DocumentProcessor.
    disabled boolean Disables the DocumentProcessor
    tokenizeAnnotations boolean True Subtokenizes "SearchServer" into "Search" "Server" automatically, and keep original annotations.
    doCamelCase boolean True Separates compound words before each capital letter. For example, the annotation for "CamelCase" is compound="camel case".
    doUnderscore boolean True Separates multi-word strings wherever there is an underscore. For example, the annotation for "under_score" is compound="under score".
  • Nested elements:
    Name Type Description
    fromDataModel com.exalead.indexing.analysis.v10.SemanticProcessor If dataModelState is "customized", you will find here the original semantic processor generated by the data model. Use this to easily revert to "auto" state from "customized". @IgnoreForValueConstructor


  • com.exalead.indexing.analysis.v10.OntologyMatcher
  • An OntologyMatcher detects concepts defined in an ontology in the textual content of the Document Chunks. Typically, an ontology contains a list of business terms to be detected. Resulting Annotations are mapped to enable navigation by business concepts. Annotations generated:
    • Depends on the resource (See Pkg).
  • Parent elements:
    • (as SemanticProcessorModule)
    • (as SemanticQueryAnalysisConfig)
  • Attributes:
    Name Type Default value Description
    name string Name of the Semantic Processor. This name is only used for tracing and debugging purposes.
    contexts string Comma-separated list of the ContextNames of the Document Chunks on which this processor should be applied. If this list is empty, all DocumentChunks are processed.
    dataModelState string Is this semantic processor managed by a data model? @enum{null,auto,customized, error}. If null, this semantic processor is not related to the data model. If "auto", this semantic processor is auto-generated by the data model.
    dataModelClass string If dataModelState is either "auto" or "customized", you will find here the name of the DataModelClass that generated this DocumentProcessor.
    dataModelProperty string If dataModelState is either "auto" or "customized", you will find here the name of the DataModelProperty that generated this DocumentProcessor.
    disabled boolean Disables the DocumentProcessor
    enableApproxMatching boolean Enables approximative matching in ontology. Approximative matching uses the Damerau-Levenshtein edit distance.
    minWordSizeForDist1 int 3 Minimum number of chars in token to enable the Damerau-Levenshtein distance of 1.
    minWordSizeForDist2 int 8 Minimum number of chars in token to enable the Damerau-Levenshtein distance of 2.
    resourceDir string URL for the directory containing the ontology (data://, file;// or resource://).
    restrictLanguage boolean True Keeps only the expression added with language == Language.XX or with the document language. For example, if the Ontology contains an expression added with language=En, it will be extracted only for an English document if restrictLanguage is set to true.
    keepLongestMatch boolean True Keeps only the longest match. For example, if you have 5 tokens ('a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e') and 4 annotations 'a', 'a-c', 'b-c-d' and 'd-e', this option will only keep 'b-c-d' and remove all other annotations.
    keepLongestMatchInterTag boolean Keeps only the longest match (tag independant). For example, if you have 5 tokens ('a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e') and 4 annotations 'a', 'a-c', 'b-c-d' and 'd-e', this option will only keep 'b-c-d' and remove all other annotations.
    tokenizeAnnotations boolean If you have some multi-tokens annotations (like "super market" annotation on token "supermarket", this option will automatically subtokenize "supermarket" in "super" "market" and keep original annotations. If you enable this option, keepLongestMatch and keepLongestMatcherInterTag will be set to true.
    annotationsToIgnore string Sets the list of annotations to be ignored (comma-separated). This feature allows you to define a list of words/expressions to ignore in the recognition of this ontology. For example, if you add:
    • the expressions "of" and "the" with the tag "toIgnore" in ontology A,
    • and the expression "website embassy" in ontology B with tagsToIgnore="toIgnore",
    ... you will be able to match "website of the embassy", "website of embassy" and "website embassy".
    ignoreSpaces boolean If your ontology was compiled with matchOnSeparators=false, this allows 'lemonde' to retrieve 'le monde' or 'le monde' to retrieve 'lemonde'. If your ontology was compiled with matchOnSeparators=true, this allows 'le monde' to retrieve 'le monde'.
    annotationPrefix string A prefix to add to each annotation tag. For example, if the package of the entry matched in the ontology is "" and the annotationPrefix is "myOntology_", an annotation will be added with the tag "".
    trustLevelBasedDedup boolean Keeps only the annotation with the highest trust level when several entries from a package match the same text chunk.
  • Nested elements:
    Name Type Description
    fromDataModel com.exalead.indexing.analysis.v10.SemanticProcessor If dataModelState is "customized", you will find here the original semantic processor generated by the data model. Use this to easily revert to "auto" state from "customized". @IgnoreForValueConstructor


  • com.exalead.indexing.analysis.v10.NamedEntitiesMatcher
  • The Named Entities Matcher detects named entities such as people, organizations, or places, in the textual content of the document. It generates annotations like NE.person or NE.organization, using ontology-based matching and/or rule-based matching.
  • Parent elements:
    • (as SemanticProcessorModule)
    • (as SemanticQueryAnalysisConfig)
  • Attributes:
    Name Type Default value Description
    name string Name of the Semantic Processor. This name is only used for tracing and debugging purposes.
    contexts string Comma-separated list of the ContextNames of the Document Chunks on which this processor should be applied. If this list is empty, all DocumentChunks are processed.
    dataModelState string Is this semantic processor managed by a data model? @enum{null,auto,customized, error}. If null, this semantic processor is not related to the data model. If "auto", this semantic processor is auto-generated by the data model.
    dataModelClass string If dataModelState is either "auto" or "customized", you will find here the name of the DataModelClass that generated this DocumentProcessor.
    dataModelProperty string If dataModelState is either "auto" or "customized", you will find here the name of the DataModelProperty that generated this DocumentProcessor.
    disabled boolean Disables the DocumentProcessor
    resourceDir string URL for the resource (data://, file;// or resource://).
    rules string ne Defines which entities will be extracted:
    • The default value, ne triggers the extraction of people, organizations, locations and events.
    • The value ne-all triggers the extraction of all types of entities.
    prefix string NE Prefix to add in front of each annotation generated by the named entity matcher.
    language string Languages for which the processor is activated; if no language is specified, the processor is activated for all languages.
    partOfSpeechFiltering boolean True It discards annotations for parts of text made of a name followed by a verb or an adverb with the first letter in uppercase. This filter is useful if your documents contain a lot of titles with several capitalized words (what is called 'Title Case'). It applies to NE.person, and NE.organization.
    useKnownWordsForDisambiguisation boolean True Uses a resource of known words to disambiguate named entities candidates. It works only for English and French.
  • Nested elements:
    Name Type Description
    fromDataModel com.exalead.indexing.analysis.v10.SemanticProcessor If dataModelState is "customized", you will find here the original semantic processor generated by the data model. Use this to easily revert to "auto" state from "customized". @IgnoreForValueConstructor


  • com.exalead.indexing.analysis.v10.Classifier
  • A Classifier classifies a whole document according to the existing annotations on selected Document Chunks. The annotations are matched against a learning resource.
  • Parent elements:
    • (as SemanticProcessorModule)
    • (as SemanticQueryAnalysisConfig)
  • Attributes:
    Name Type Default value Description
    name string Name of the Semantic Processor. This name is only used for tracing and debugging purposes.
    contexts string Comma-separated list of the ContextNames of the Document Chunks on which this processor should be applied. If this list is empty, all DocumentChunks are processed.
    dataModelState string Is this semantic processor managed by a data model? @enum{null,auto,customized, error}. If null, this semantic processor is not related to the data model. If "auto", this semantic processor is auto-generated by the data model.
    dataModelClass string If dataModelState is either "auto" or "customized", you will find here the name of the DataModelClass that generated this DocumentProcessor.
    dataModelProperty string If dataModelState is either "auto" or "customized", you will find here the name of the DataModelProperty that generated this DocumentProcessor.
    disabled boolean Disables the DocumentProcessor
    resourceDir string URL for the vocabulary resource (data://, file;// or resource://)
    annotationName string Name of the annotation to add.
    language iso code Language for which the vocabulary classifier is activated.
    excludedLanguages string Language for which the vocabulary classifier is deactivated (works only if language=xx, comma-separated).
    addAnnotationsOnKeywords boolean If true, it adds annotations to all matching tokens.
    maxAnnotations int -1 Maximum number of annotations per document.
    minTrustLevel int The minimum trust level of categories to keep.
    maxKeywords int -1 The maximum number of keywords to keep.
    minKeywords int 1 The minimum number of keywords per class.
    collapseToken boolean If true, all identical tokens are collapsed.
    extraPrefixAnnotations string The optional list of prefix annotations to keep (comma-separated).
    extraAnnotationsMinTrustLevel int 100 The minimum trust level to keep an extra annotation.
  • Nested elements:
    Name Type Description
    fromDataModel com.exalead.indexing.analysis.v10.SemanticProcessor If dataModelState is "customized", you will find here the original semantic processor generated by the data model. Use this to easily revert to "auto" state from "customized". @IgnoreForValueConstructor


  • com.exalead.indexing.analysis.v10.HierarchicalClassifier
  • A Classifier classifies a whole document according to the existing annotations on selected Document Chunks. The annotations are matched against a learning resource.
  • Parent elements:
    • (as SemanticProcessorModule)
    • (as SemanticQueryAnalysisConfig)
  • Attributes:
    Name Type Default value Description
    resourceDir string URL for the vocabulary resource (data://, file;// or resource://)
    annotationName string Name of the annotation to add.
    language iso code Language for which the vocabulary classifier is activated.
    excludedLanguages string Language for which the vocabulary classifier is deactivated (works only if language=xx, comma-separated).
    addAnnotationsOnKeywords boolean If true, it adds annotations to all matching tokens.
    maxAnnotations int -1 Maximum number of annotations per document.
    minTrustLevel int The minimum trust level of categories to keep.
    maxKeywords int -1 The maximum number of keywords to keep.
    minKeywords int 1 The minimum number of keywords per class.
    collapseToken boolean If true, all identical tokens are collapsed.
    extraPrefixAnnotations string The optional list of prefix annotations to keep (comma-separated).
    extraAnnotationsMinTrustLevel int 100 The minimum trust level to keep an extra annotation.
    name string Name of the Semantic Processor. This name is only used for tracing and debugging purposes.
    contexts string Comma-separated list of the ContextNames of the Document Chunks on which this processor should be applied. If this list is empty, all DocumentChunks are processed.
    dataModelState string Is this semantic processor managed by a data model? @enum{null,auto,customized, error}. If null, this semantic processor is not related to the data model. If "auto", this semantic processor is auto-generated by the data model.
    dataModelClass string If dataModelState is either "auto" or "customized", you will find here the name of the DataModelClass that generated this DocumentProcessor.
    dataModelProperty string If dataModelState is either "auto" or "customized", you will find here the name of the DataModelProperty that generated this DocumentProcessor.
    disabled boolean Disables the DocumentProcessor
  • Nested elements:
    Name Type Description
    fromDataModel com.exalead.indexing.analysis.v10.SemanticProcessor If dataModelState is "customized", you will find here the original semantic processor generated by the data model. Use this to easily revert to "auto" state from "customized". @IgnoreForValueConstructor


  • com.exalead.indexing.analysis.v10.RulesMatcher
  • A RuleMatcher applies a rule engine on the textual content of the DocumentChunks. The rules are defined in a separate XML 'resourceFile' and are a combination of regular expression, word matching and boolean operators over content. Annotations generated:
    • The matching rule defined in the XML specifies the annotation to generate
  • Parent elements:
    • (as SemanticProcessorModule)
    • (as SemanticQueryAnalysisConfig)
  • Attributes:
    Name Type Default value Description
    name string Name of the Semantic Processor. This name is only used for tracing and debugging purposes.
    contexts string Comma-separated list of the ContextNames of the Document Chunks on which this processor should be applied. If this list is empty, all DocumentChunks are processed.
    dataModelState string Is this semantic processor managed by a data model? @enum{null,auto,customized, error}. If null, this semantic processor is not related to the data model. If "auto", this semantic processor is auto-generated by the data model.
    dataModelClass string If dataModelState is either "auto" or "customized", you will find here the name of the DataModelClass that generated this DocumentProcessor.
    dataModelProperty string If dataModelState is either "auto" or "customized", you will find here the name of the DataModelProperty that generated this DocumentProcessor.
    disabled boolean Disables the DocumentProcessor
    resourceFile string URL for the resource (data://, file;// or resource://).
    language iso code Language for which this processor is activated.
  • Nested elements:
    Name Type Description
    fromDataModel com.exalead.indexing.analysis.v10.SemanticProcessor If dataModelState is "customized", you will find here the original semantic processor generated by the data model. Use this to easily revert to "auto" state from "customized". @IgnoreForValueConstructor


  • com.exalead.indexing.analysis.v10.RelatedTerms
  • Extracts all possible related terms. Only one instance of this processor may exist per input context. Annotations generated:
    • "relatedTerm": RelatedTerm identifier (stored in the dictionary and in the index)
    • "relatedTermDisplay": display form of the RelatedTerm (stored in the dictionary)
  • Parent elements:
    • (as SemanticProcessorModule)
    • (as SemanticQueryAnalysisConfig)
  • Attributes:
    Name Type Default value Description
    name string Name of the Semantic Processor. This name is only used for tracing and debugging purposes.
    contexts string Comma-separated list of the ContextNames of the Document Chunks on which this processor should be applied. If this list is empty, all DocumentChunks are processed.
    dataModelState string Is this semantic processor managed by a data model? @enum{null,auto,customized, error}. If null, this semantic processor is not related to the data model. If "auto", this semantic processor is auto-generated by the data model.
    dataModelClass string If dataModelState is either "auto" or "customized", you will find here the name of the DataModelClass that generated this DocumentProcessor.
    dataModelProperty string If dataModelState is either "auto" or "customized", you will find here the name of the DataModelProperty that generated this DocumentProcessor.
    disabled boolean Disables the DocumentProcessor
    relatedTermsMinSpan int 3 Minimum number of words (excluding stop words) in an automatically extracted term (not applicable to whitelist).
    relatedTermsMaxSpan int 6 Maximum number of words (excluding stop words) in an automatically extracted term (not applicable to whitelist).
    maxRelatedTermsPerDoc int 64 The maximum number of related terms per document.
    keepLongestMatch boolean True Keeps only the longest term when several overlap. For example, if you have 5 tokens ('a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e') and 4 related terms 'a', 'a-c', 'b-c-d' and 'd-e', this option will only keep 'b-c-d' and remove all other related terms.
    dictionaryName string Name of the dictionary populated by terms extracted by this processor. If null, use the default dictionary.
    preprocResourceDir string URL for the resource of the related terms preprocessor (data://, file;// or resource://). If null, we use the standard preprocessor of the product.
    whitelistResource string Path to a related terms whitelist resource.
    blacklistResource string Path to a related terms blacklist resource.
    withPartOfSpeech boolean True Adds a PartOfSpeechTagger to the list of processors automatically. Improves quality of automatically extracted terms.
  • Nested elements:
    Name Type Description
    fromDataModel com.exalead.indexing.analysis.v10.SemanticProcessor If dataModelState is "customized", you will find here the original semantic processor generated by the data model. Use this to easily revert to "auto" state from "customized". @IgnoreForValueConstructor


  • com.exalead.indexing.analysis.v10.PartOfSpeechTagger
  • A PartOfSpeechTagger detects the part of speech for each word in the text of Document Chunks. It improves the quality of other processors, such as the named entity detector or the sentiment analyzer. Annotations generated:
    • "tagger"
  • Parent elements:
    • (as SemanticProcessorModule)
    • (as SemanticQueryAnalysisConfig)
  • Attributes:
    Name Type Default value Description
    name string Name of the Semantic Processor. This name is only used for tracing and debugging purposes.
    contexts string Comma-separated list of the ContextNames of the Document Chunks on which this processor should be applied. If this list is empty, all DocumentChunks are processed.
    dataModelState string Is this semantic processor managed by a data model? @enum{null,auto,customized, error}. If null, this semantic processor is not related to the data model. If "auto", this semantic processor is auto-generated by the data model.
    dataModelClass string If dataModelState is either "auto" or "customized", you will find here the name of the DataModelClass that generated this DocumentProcessor.
    dataModelProperty string If dataModelState is either "auto" or "customized", you will find here the name of the DataModelProperty that generated this DocumentProcessor.
    disabled boolean Disables the DocumentProcessor
    resourceDir string URL for the resource (data://, file;// or resource://).
    language string Languages for which the processor is activated; if no language is specified, the processor is activated for all languages.
  • Nested elements:
    Name Type Description
    fromDataModel com.exalead.indexing.analysis.v10.SemanticProcessor If dataModelState is "customized", you will find here the original semantic processor generated by the data model. Use this to easily revert to "auto" state from "customized". @IgnoreForValueConstructor


  • com.exalead.indexing.analysis.v10.Phonetizer
  • Creates a phonetic form for each word. This processor is used:
    • as a helper for other processors (like Ontology Matcher, or Semantic Extractor), which need to perform phonetic matches.
    • to perform search-time phonetic analysis using the Phonetic expansion module (this creates the dictionary of phonetic forms that will be used by the expansion module at search-time).
    • to greatly improve the quality of spell checking.
    Annotations generated:
    • "phonetic"
  • Parent elements:
    • (as SemanticProcessorModule)
    • (as SemanticQueryAnalysisConfig)
  • Attributes:
    Name Type Default value Description
    name string Name of the Semantic Processor. This name is only used for tracing and debugging purposes.
    contexts string Comma-separated list of the ContextNames of the Document Chunks on which this processor should be applied. If this list is empty, all DocumentChunks are processed.
    dataModelState string Is this semantic processor managed by a data model? @enum{null,auto,customized, error}. If null, this semantic processor is not related to the data model. If "auto", this semantic processor is auto-generated by the data model.
    dataModelClass string If dataModelState is either "auto" or "customized", you will find here the name of the DataModelClass that generated this DocumentProcessor.
    dataModelProperty string If dataModelState is either "auto" or "customized", you will find here the name of the DataModelProperty that generated this DocumentProcessor.
    disabled boolean Disables the DocumentProcessor
    resourceFile string URL for the resource (data://, file;// or resource://).
    language string Languages for which the processor is activated; if no language is specified, the processor is activated for all languages.
  • Nested elements:
    Name Type Description
    fromDataModel com.exalead.indexing.analysis.v10.SemanticProcessor If dataModelState is "customized", you will find here the original semantic processor generated by the data model. Use this to easily revert to "auto" state from "customized". @IgnoreForValueConstructor


  • com.exalead.indexing.analysis.v10.NGramsExtractor
  • Extracts normalized word-grams. N-grams are useful for spell checking and statistical processings. Annotations generated:
    • "ngram"
  • Parent elements:
    • (as SemanticProcessorModule)
    • (as SemanticQueryAnalysisConfig)
  • Attributes:
    Name Type Default value Description
    name string Name of the Semantic Processor. This name is only used for tracing and debugging purposes.
    contexts string Comma-separated list of the ContextNames of the Document Chunks on which this processor should be applied. If this list is empty, all DocumentChunks are processed.
    dataModelState string Is this semantic processor managed by a data model? @enum{null,auto,customized, error}. If null, this semantic processor is not related to the data model. If "auto", this semantic processor is auto-generated by the data model.
    dataModelClass string If dataModelState is either "auto" or "customized", you will find here the name of the DataModelClass that generated this DocumentProcessor.
    dataModelProperty string If dataModelState is either "auto" or "customized", you will find here the name of the DataModelProperty that generated this DocumentProcessor.
    disabled boolean Disables the DocumentProcessor
    min int 2 Minimum ngram size
    max int 3 Maximum ngram size
  • Nested elements:
    Name Type Description
    fromDataModel com.exalead.indexing.analysis.v10.SemanticProcessor If dataModelState is "customized", you will find here the original semantic processor generated by the data model. Use this to easily revert to "auto" state from "customized". @IgnoreForValueConstructor


  • com.exalead.indexing.analysis.v10.Lemmatizer
  • Creates a lemmatized form for each word (nouns and adjectives only). This processor is mostly used as a helper for other processors (like Ontology Matcher, or Semantic Extractor), which need to perform lemmatized matches. Annotations generated:
    • "lemma": normalized lemmatized form of the word (singular/masculine)
    • "lemma_lowercase": lemmatized form of the word (singular/masculine)
    • "fsingular": normalized singular form of the word
    • "fsingular_lowercase": singular form of the word
    • "masculine": if the token is a masculine word
    • "feminine": if the token is a feminine word
    • "neuter": if the token is neuter
    • "singular": if the word is singular
    • "plural": if the word is plural
    • "unnumbered": if the word is unnumbered
    • "pos": the static Part of Speech
  • Parent elements:
    • (as SemanticProcessorModule)
    • (as SemanticQueryAnalysisConfig)
  • Attributes:
    Name Type Default value Description
    name string Name of the Semantic Processor. This name is only used for tracing and debugging purposes.
    contexts string Comma-separated list of the ContextNames of the Document Chunks on which this processor should be applied. If this list is empty, all DocumentChunks are processed.
    dataModelState string Is this semantic processor managed by a data model? @enum{null,auto,customized, error}. If null, this semantic processor is not related to the data model. If "auto", this semantic processor is auto-generated by the data model.
    dataModelClass string If dataModelState is either "auto" or "customized", you will find here the name of the DataModelClass that generated this DocumentProcessor.
    dataModelProperty string If dataModelState is either "auto" or "customized", you will find here the name of the DataModelProperty that generated this DocumentProcessor.
    disabled boolean Disables the DocumentProcessor
    resourceDir string URL for the resource (data://, file;// or resource://).
    language string Languages for which the processor is activated; if no language is specified, the processor is activated for all languages.
    lemmatizeNormalizedAnnotations boolean
  • Nested elements:
    Name Type Description
    fromDataModel com.exalead.indexing.analysis.v10.SemanticProcessor If dataModelState is "customized", you will find here the original semantic processor generated by the data model. Use this to easily revert to "auto" state from "customized". @IgnoreForValueConstructor


  • com.exalead.indexing.analysis.v10.AcronymDetector
  • Detects acronyms like 'o.n.u' and extracts 'onu'. '.', '-' and ' ' are the standard acronym separators. Custom alphanumeric separators can be added with the "separators" attribute. Annotations generated:
    • "acronym"
  • Parent elements:
    • (as SemanticProcessorModule)
    • (as SemanticQueryAnalysisConfig)
  • Attributes:
    Name Type Default value Description
    name string Name of the Semantic Processor. This name is only used for tracing and debugging purposes.
    contexts string Comma-separated list of the ContextNames of the Document Chunks on which this processor should be applied. If this list is empty, all DocumentChunks are processed.
    dataModelState string Is this semantic processor managed by a data model? @enum{null,auto,customized, error}. If null, this semantic processor is not related to the data model. If "auto", this semantic processor is auto-generated by the data model.
    dataModelClass string If dataModelState is either "auto" or "customized", you will find here the name of the DataModelClass that generated this DocumentProcessor.
    dataModelProperty string If dataModelState is either "auto" or "customized", you will find here the name of the DataModelProperty that generated this DocumentProcessor.
    disabled boolean Disables the DocumentProcessor
    addNormalizerAnnotation boolean
    separators string List of allowed separators chars separated by ',' (can only be alphanumerical, for example, 'and' to handle '1 and 1')
    language string Languages for which the processor is activated; if no language is specified, the processor is activated for all languages.
    strict boolean True In strict mode, the only separator is dot.
  • Nested elements:
    Name Type Description
    fromDataModel com.exalead.indexing.analysis.v10.SemanticProcessor If dataModelState is "customized", you will find here the original semantic processor generated by the data model. Use this to easily revert to "auto" state from "customized". @IgnoreForValueConstructor


  • com.exalead.indexing.analysis.v10.Normalizer
  • Normalizes all tags given in input tags field. Annotations generated:
  • Parent elements:
    • (as SemanticProcessorModule)
    • (as SemanticQueryAnalysisConfig)
  • Attributes:
    Name Type Default value Description
    name string Name of the Semantic Processor. This name is only used for tracing and debugging purposes.
    contexts string Comma-separated list of the ContextNames of the Document Chunks on which this processor should be applied. If this list is empty, all DocumentChunks are processed.
    dataModelState string Is this semantic processor managed by a data model? @enum{null,auto,customized, error}. If null, this semantic processor is not related to the data model. If "auto", this semantic processor is auto-generated by the data model.
    dataModelClass string If dataModelState is either "auto" or "customized", you will find here the name of the DataModelClass that generated this DocumentProcessor.
    dataModelProperty string If dataModelState is either "auto" or "customized", you will find here the name of the DataModelProperty that generated this DocumentProcessor.
    disabled boolean Disables the DocumentProcessor
    inputTags string Normalize all tags of "inputTags" (comma-separated list of tags).
    trustLevel int 100
    transliteration boolean True When normalizing, convert some characters to their latin equivalent
  • Nested elements:
    Name Type Description
    fromDataModel com.exalead.indexing.analysis.v10.SemanticProcessor If dataModelState is "customized", you will find here the original semantic processor generated by the data model. Use this to easily revert to "auto" state from "customized". @IgnoreForValueConstructor


  • com.exalead.indexing.analysis.v10.FarTextAnnotator
  • A FarTextAnnotator annotates alphanumeric tokens with 'annotation' if they are farther than 'startOffset'
  • Parent elements:
    • (as SemanticProcessorModule)
    • (as SemanticQueryAnalysisConfig)
  • Attributes:
    Name Type Default value Description
    name string Name of the Semantic Processor. This name is only used for tracing and debugging purposes.
    contexts string Comma-separated list of the ContextNames of the Document Chunks on which this processor should be applied. If this list is empty, all DocumentChunks are processed.
    dataModelState string Is this semantic processor managed by a data model? @enum{null,auto,customized, error}. If null, this semantic processor is not related to the data model. If "auto", this semantic processor is auto-generated by the data model.
    dataModelClass string If dataModelState is either "auto" or "customized", you will find here the name of the DataModelClass that generated this DocumentProcessor.
    dataModelProperty string If dataModelState is either "auto" or "customized", you will find here the name of the DataModelProperty that generated this DocumentProcessor.
    disabled boolean Disables the DocumentProcessor
    startOffset int 8192
    annotation string fartext
  • Nested elements:
    Name Type Description
    fromDataModel com.exalead.indexing.analysis.v10.SemanticProcessor If dataModelState is "customized", you will find here the original semantic processor generated by the data model. Use this to easily revert to "auto" state from "customized". @IgnoreForValueConstructor


  • com.exalead.indexing.analysis.v10.Chunker
  • A chunker detects noun groups. Annotations generated:
    • "gadv": adverbal group
    • "gadj": adjectival group
    • "gnoun": noun group
    • "gverb": verbal group
    • "gprep": prepositional group
  • Parent elements:
    • (as SemanticProcessorModule)
    • (as SemanticQueryAnalysisConfig)
  • Attributes:
    Name Type Default value Description
    name string Name of the Semantic Processor. This name is only used for tracing and debugging purposes.
    contexts string Comma-separated list of the ContextNames of the Document Chunks on which this processor should be applied. If this list is empty, all DocumentChunks are processed.
    dataModelState string Is this semantic processor managed by a data model? @enum{null,auto,customized, error}. If null, this semantic processor is not related to the data model. If "auto", this semantic processor is auto-generated by the data model.
    dataModelClass string If dataModelState is either "auto" or "customized", you will find here the name of the DataModelClass that generated this DocumentProcessor.
    dataModelProperty string If dataModelState is either "auto" or "customized", you will find here the name of the DataModelProperty that generated this DocumentProcessor.
    disabled boolean Disables the DocumentProcessor
    resourceDir string URL for the resource (data://, file;// or resource://).
    language string Languages for which the processor is activated; if no language is specified, the processor is activated for all languages.
  • Nested elements:
    Name Type Description
    fromDataModel com.exalead.indexing.analysis.v10.SemanticProcessor If dataModelState is "customized", you will find here the original semantic processor generated by the data model. Use this to easily revert to "auto" state from "customized". @IgnoreForValueConstructor


  • com.exalead.indexing.analysis.v10.SentimentAnalyzer
  • Analyzes the nouns and adjectives present in the text. It detects topics and annotates the document with:
    • a global rating of good, bad or neutral
    • a rating per topic
    • the adjective(s) used in the document
    @require Tokenizer, Lemmatizer, PartOfSpeechTagger, RelatedTermsPreprocessor, RelatedTermsExtractor, NamedEntitiesMatcher, Chunker @annotations "sentiment" annotation on nouns with a modulated ("really", "quite", "not") appreciation @document-annotations "document_sentiment" annotation on the document with either "good", "bad" or "neutral" and a confidence ratio @attribute resourceDir (defaults to resource://sentiment/sentiment.bin): @attribute language (defaults to all supported languages): @attribute summarize (defaults to false): @attribute annotateGlobally (defaults to false): @attribute showPackage (defaults to false): @attribute packageCount (defaults to false): @attribute nounPackage DEPRECATED (defaults to true): @attribute ignorePartOfSpeech (defaults to false):
  • Parent elements:
    • (as SemanticProcessorModule)
    • (as SemanticQueryAnalysisConfig)
  • Attributes:
    Name Type Default value Description
    name string Name of the Semantic Processor. This name is only used for tracing and debugging purposes.
    contexts string Comma-separated list of the ContextNames of the Document Chunks on which this processor should be applied. If this list is empty, all DocumentChunks are processed.
    dataModelState string Is this semantic processor managed by a data model? @enum{null,auto,customized, error}. If null, this semantic processor is not related to the data model. If "auto", this semantic processor is auto-generated by the data model.
    dataModelClass string If dataModelState is either "auto" or "customized", you will find here the name of the DataModelClass that generated this DocumentProcessor.
    dataModelProperty string If dataModelState is either "auto" or "customized", you will find here the name of the DataModelProperty that generated this DocumentProcessor.
    disabled boolean Disables the DocumentProcessor
    resourceDir string URL for the resource (data://, file;// or resource://).
    language iso code
    annotateGlobally boolean
    annotatePronouns boolean
    ignorePartOfSpeech boolean
    ignoreRelatedTerms boolean
    legacyAnnotations boolean
    notApplicableAnnotations boolean True
    normalizeTrustLevels boolean True
    nounPackage boolean True
    packageCount boolean
    showPackage boolean
    suggest boolean
    summarize boolean
    suggestOutput string
  • Nested elements:
    Name Type Description
    fromDataModel com.exalead.indexing.analysis.v10.SemanticProcessor If dataModelState is "customized", you will find here the original semantic processor generated by the data model. Use this to easily revert to "auto" state from "customized". @IgnoreForValueConstructor


  • com.exalead.indexing.analysis.v10.FastRulesMatcher
  • Annotates a document using a set of XML rules, compiled for efficiency. The rules are described with the query language using the AND, OR and NOT operators, as well as 'context' matching operators. The rules can also match whole chunks (and not just words) per regular expressions. Annotations generated:
    • Depending on the resources (See FastRulesDefinition)
  • Parent elements:
    • (as SemanticProcessorModule)
    • (as SemanticQueryAnalysisConfig)
  • Attributes:
    Name Type Default value Description
    name string Name of the Semantic Processor. This name is only used for tracing and debugging purposes.
    contexts string Comma-separated list of the ContextNames of the Document Chunks on which this processor should be applied. If this list is empty, all DocumentChunks are processed.
    dataModelState string Is this semantic processor managed by a data model? @enum{null,auto,customized, error}. If null, this semantic processor is not related to the data model. If "auto", this semantic processor is auto-generated by the data model.
    dataModelClass string If dataModelState is either "auto" or "customized", you will find here the name of the DataModelClass that generated this DocumentProcessor.
    dataModelProperty string If dataModelState is either "auto" or "customized", you will find here the name of the DataModelProperty that generated this DocumentProcessor.
    disabled boolean Disables the DocumentProcessor
    resourceDir string Directory containing the matcher resources. Must not be empty.
    allowsExprStartingBySeparators boolean If you have expressions starting with a separator (",", ";", "&", ...), then you must set this option to true.
  • Nested elements:
    Name Type Description
    fromDataModel com.exalead.indexing.analysis.v10.SemanticProcessor If dataModelState is "customized", you will find here the original semantic processor generated by the data model. Use this to easily revert to "auto" state from "customized". @IgnoreForValueConstructor


  • com.exalead.indexing.analysis.v10.SnowballStemmer
  • Creates the stemmed form of each word. This uses the Snowball stemming algorithms. This processor is mostly used as a helper for other processors (like Ontology Matcher, or Semantic Extractor), which need to perform stemmed matches. Annotations generated:
    • "stem"
  • Parent elements:
    • (as SemanticProcessorModule)
    • (as SemanticQueryAnalysisConfig)
  • Attributes:
    Name Type Default value Description
    name string Name of the Semantic Processor. This name is only used for tracing and debugging purposes.
    contexts string Comma-separated list of the ContextNames of the Document Chunks on which this processor should be applied. If this list is empty, all DocumentChunks are processed.
    dataModelState string Is this semantic processor managed by a data model? @enum{null,auto,customized, error}. If null, this semantic processor is not related to the data model. If "auto", this semantic processor is auto-generated by the data model.
    dataModelClass string If dataModelState is either "auto" or "customized", you will find here the name of the DataModelClass that generated this DocumentProcessor.
    dataModelProperty string If dataModelState is either "auto" or "customized", you will find here the name of the DataModelProperty that generated this DocumentProcessor.
    disabled boolean Disables the DocumentProcessor
  • Nested elements:
    Name Type Description
    fromDataModel com.exalead.indexing.analysis.v10.SemanticProcessor If dataModelState is "customized", you will find here the original semantic processor generated by the data model. Use this to easily revert to "auto" state from "customized". @IgnoreForValueConstructor


  • com.exalead.indexing.analysis.v10.DebugSemanticProcessor
  • Dumps all annotated tokens in the specified format on Standard Output, or in @c outputFile. (Log of the 'Analysis' process)
  • Parent elements:
    • (as SemanticProcessorModule)
    • (as SemanticQueryAnalysisConfig)
  • Attributes:
    Name Type Default value Description
    name string Name of the Semantic Processor. This name is only used for tracing and debugging purposes.
    contexts string Comma-separated list of the ContextNames of the Document Chunks on which this processor should be applied. If this list is empty, all DocumentChunks are processed.
    dataModelState string Is this semantic processor managed by a data model? @enum{null,auto,customized, error}. If null, this semantic processor is not related to the data model. If "auto", this semantic processor is auto-generated by the data model.
    dataModelClass string If dataModelState is either "auto" or "customized", you will find here the name of the DataModelClass that generated this DocumentProcessor.
    dataModelProperty string If dataModelState is either "auto" or "customized", you will find here the name of the DataModelProperty that generated this DocumentProcessor.
    disabled boolean Disables the DocumentProcessor
    outputFile string
    format enum(html, xml) html Output format.
  • Nested elements:
    Name Type Description
    fromDataModel com.exalead.indexing.analysis.v10.SemanticProcessor If dataModelState is "customized", you will find here the original semantic processor generated by the data model. Use this to easily revert to "auto" state from "customized". @IgnoreForValueConstructor


  • com.exalead.indexing.analysis.v10.SQI
  • Deprecated)
  • A SemanticProcessor applies semantic processing on the textual content of the DocumentChunks. A Semantic Processor creates SemanticAnnotations on tokens. These SemanticAnnotations can then be used in the Mapping.
  • Parent elements:
    • (as SemanticProcessorModule)
    • (as SemanticQueryAnalysisConfig)
  • Attributes:
    Name Type Default value Description
    name string Name of the Semantic Processor. This name is only used for tracing and debugging purposes.
    contexts string Comma-separated list of the ContextNames of the Document Chunks on which this processor should be applied. If this list is empty, all DocumentChunks are processed.
    dataModelState string Is this semantic processor managed by a data model? @enum{null,auto,customized, error}. If null, this semantic processor is not related to the data model. If "auto", this semantic processor is auto-generated by the data model.
    dataModelClass string If dataModelState is either "auto" or "customized", you will find here the name of the DataModelClass that generated this DocumentProcessor.
    dataModelProperty string If dataModelState is either "auto" or "customized", you will find here the name of the DataModelProperty that generated this DocumentProcessor.
    disabled boolean Disables the DocumentProcessor
    resourceDir string URL for the resource (data://, file:// or resource://)
    breakOnSentence boolean If true, there will be maximum one match per sentence, and no match for inter-sentence. This option will add the SentenceFinder automatically.
    breakOnParagraph boolean True If true, there will be maximum one match per paragraph, and no match for inter-paragraph.
    breakOnLine boolean If true, there will be maximum one match per line, and no match for inter-line.
    matchAllRules boolean True If true, it returns the full list of matched rules. If false, it returns the first matched rule only.
  • Nested elements:
    Name Type Description
    fromDataModel com.exalead.indexing.analysis.v10.SemanticProcessor If dataModelState is "customized", you will find here the original semantic processor generated by the data model. Use this to easily revert to "auto" state from "customized". @IgnoreForValueConstructor


  • com.exalead.indexing.analysis.v10.SemanticExtractor
  • The resource describes the features to extract, with their term, type and range for numerical values according to a set of rules. Annotations generated:
    • Depending on the resource (See SemanticExtractorConfig)
  • Parent elements:
    • (as SemanticProcessorModule)
    • (as SemanticQueryAnalysisConfig)
  • Attributes:
    Name Type Default value Description
    name string Name of the Semantic Processor. This name is only used for tracing and debugging purposes.
    contexts string Comma-separated list of the ContextNames of the Document Chunks on which this processor should be applied. If this list is empty, all DocumentChunks are processed.
    dataModelState string Is this semantic processor managed by a data model? @enum{null,auto,customized, error}. If null, this semantic processor is not related to the data model. If "auto", this semantic processor is auto-generated by the data model.
    dataModelClass string If dataModelState is either "auto" or "customized", you will find here the name of the DataModelClass that generated this DocumentProcessor.
    dataModelProperty string If dataModelState is either "auto" or "customized", you will find here the name of the DataModelProperty that generated this DocumentProcessor.
    disabled boolean Disables the DocumentProcessor
    resourceDir string URL of the compiled semantic extractor file. Use the format data://, file:// or resource://.
    prefix string Output annotations prefix
    breakOnSentence boolean If true, there will be maximum one match per sentence, and no match for inter-sentence. This option will add the SentenceFinder automatically.
    breakOnParagraph boolean True If true, there will be maximum one match per paragraph, and no match for inter-paragraph.
    breakOnLine boolean If true, there will be maximum one match per line, and no match for inter-line.
    matchAllRules boolean True If true, it returns the full list of matched rules. If false, it returns only the first matched rule.
    language iso code Language for which the extractor is activated. If null, all languages are activated.
    annotateUnusedTokensWith string Used in the context of query rewriting by the Semantic Query Analyzer.
    overlappingMatches boolean True If true, reports all matches even if their locations overlap. Only makes sense when matchAllRules is true.
  • Nested elements:
    Name Type Description
    fromDataModel com.exalead.indexing.analysis.v10.SemanticProcessor If dataModelState is "customized", you will find here the original semantic processor generated by the data model. Use this to easily revert to "auto" state from "customized". @IgnoreForValueConstructor


  • com.exalead.indexing.analysis.v10.ProximityProcessor
  • A proximity processor detects and annotates pieces of text where several annotations occur given distance constraints. Possible constraints (non mutually exclusive):
    • token window size
    • distance between annotations
    • sentence/paragraph scope
    Annotations generated:
    • Depending on the resource (See Proximity)
  • Parent elements:
    • (as SemanticProcessorModule)
    • (as SemanticQueryAnalysisConfig)
  • Attributes:
    Name Type Default value Description
    name string Name of the Semantic Processor. This name is only used for tracing and debugging purposes.
    contexts string Comma-separated list of the ContextNames of the Document Chunks on which this processor should be applied. If this list is empty, all DocumentChunks are processed.
    dataModelState string Is this semantic processor managed by a data model? @enum{null,auto,customized, error}. If null, this semantic processor is not related to the data model. If "auto", this semantic processor is auto-generated by the data model.
    dataModelClass string If dataModelState is either "auto" or "customized", you will find here the name of the DataModelClass that generated this DocumentProcessor.
    dataModelProperty string If dataModelState is either "auto" or "customized", you will find here the name of the DataModelProperty that generated this DocumentProcessor.
    disabled boolean Disables the DocumentProcessor
    resourceFile string URL for the resource (data://, file:// or resource://)
  • Nested elements:
    Name Type Description
    fromDataModel com.exalead.indexing.analysis.v10.SemanticProcessor If dataModelState is "customized", you will find here the original semantic processor generated by the data model. Use this to easily revert to "auto" state from "customized". @IgnoreForValueConstructor


  • com.exalead.indexing.analysis.v10.AnnotationManager
  • An annotation manager implements basic operations on annotations: copy/removal/selection according to a number of conditions like:
    • Removal of overlaping annotations
    • Selection of the most frequent annotations
    • Copy of an annotation unless blacklisted
  • Parent elements:
    • (as SemanticProcessorModule)
    • (as SemanticQueryAnalysisConfig)
  • Attributes:
    Name Type Default value Description
    name string Name of the Semantic Processor. This name is only used for tracing and debugging purposes.
    contexts string Comma-separated list of the ContextNames of the Document Chunks on which this processor should be applied. If this list is empty, all DocumentChunks are processed.
    dataModelState string Is this semantic processor managed by a data model? @enum{null,auto,customized, error}. If null, this semantic processor is not related to the data model. If "auto", this semantic processor is auto-generated by the data model.
    dataModelClass string If dataModelState is either "auto" or "customized", you will find here the name of the DataModelClass that generated this DocumentProcessor.
    dataModelProperty string If dataModelState is either "auto" or "customized", you will find here the name of the DataModelProperty that generated this DocumentProcessor.
    disabled boolean Disables the DocumentProcessor
    resourceFile string URL for the resource (data://, file:// or resource://)
  • Nested elements:
    Name Type Description
    fromDataModel com.exalead.indexing.analysis.v10.SemanticProcessor If dataModelState is "customized", you will find here the original semantic processor generated by the data model. Use this to easily revert to "auto" state from "customized". @IgnoreForValueConstructor


  • com.exalead.indexing.analysis.v10.CustomSemanticProcessor
  • A custom semantic processor allows you to plug in custom code in the semantic pipeline.
  • Parent elements:
    • (as SemanticProcessorModule)
    • (as SemanticQueryAnalysisConfig)
  • Attributes:
    Name Type Default value Description
    name string Name of the Semantic Processor. This name is only used for tracing and debugging purposes.
    contexts string Comma-separated list of the ContextNames of the Document Chunks on which this processor should be applied. If this list is empty, all DocumentChunks are processed.
    dataModelState string Is this semantic processor managed by a data model? @enum{null,auto,customized, error}. If null, this semantic processor is not related to the data model. If "auto", this semantic processor is auto-generated by the data model.
    dataModelClass string If dataModelState is either "auto" or "customized", you will find here the name of the DataModelClass that generated this DocumentProcessor.
    dataModelProperty string If dataModelState is either "auto" or "customized", you will find here the name of the DataModelProperty that generated this DocumentProcessor.
    disabled boolean Disables the DocumentProcessor
    classId string The specified class must implement the {@code com.exalead.indexing.analysis.semantic.CustomSemanticProcessorInterface} Exascript interface.
  • Nested elements:
    Name Type Description
    fromDataModel com.exalead.indexing.analysis.v10.SemanticProcessor If dataModelState is "customized", you will find here the original semantic processor generated by the data model. Use this to easily revert to "auto" state from "customized". @IgnoreForValueConstructor
    KeyValue exa.bee.KeyValue*


  • Synonyms module broadening the scope of a user query.
  • Parent elements:
    • (as UQLConfig)
  • Attributes:
    Name Type Default value Description
    name string Name of the module. Referenced to target this module in query expansion config.
    resourceFile string The compiled synonyms configuration file, cannot be null.
    scoreMultiWordsExpressionsAsSingleWords boolean If true, the multi-words synonym will have the maximum score of the underlying words multiplied by the number of original words spanned. By default, the sum is calculated.


  • Defines a list of words that should not be normalized.
  • Parent elements:
    • (as UQLConfig)
  • Attributes:
    Name Type Default value Description
    name string Name of the module. Referenced to target this module in query expansion config.
    resourceFile string resource://normalization-exceptions/synonyms.bin The compiled normalization exceptions, cannot be null.


  • Serve as a function for query expansion config in query prefix handlers. @see QueryPrefixHandler#queryExpansionConfig
  • Parent elements:
    • (as UQLConfig)
  • Attributes:
    Name Type Default value Description
    name string Name of the module. Referenced to target this module in query expansion config.


  • Replaces its content with the expansion of its template attribute, in which the __QUERY__ placeholder has itself been replaced by the content. This prefix handler can be used as default prefix handler with some limitations (not compatible with linguistic prefix handlers like spellslike:).
  • Parent elements:
    • (as MultiQueryPrefixHandler)
    • (as UQLConfig)
  • Attributes:
    Name Type Default value Description
    name string Name of the prefix handler that should be handled. This is the prefix name that can be used in user queries. For example, the query prefix handler named 'soundslike' allows you to write this query: 'soundslike:fowbar'
    aliases string Comma-separated list of aliases for this prefix handler. Any of these aliases can be used in the query for this prefix handler.
    queryExpansionConfig string Specifies how to expand the text content of this prefix handler. Note that this is sometimes meaningless, if the content is not a semantic chunk of data.
    dataModelState string Is this query prefix handler managed by a data model? @enum{null,auto,customized}. If null, this prefix handler is not related to a data model. If "auto", this prefix handler is auto-generated by a data model. If "customized", this prefix handler was auto-generated by a data model and then customized.
    dataModelClass string If dataModelState is "auto" or "customized", you will find here the name of the DataModelClass that generated this QueryPrefixHandler.
    dataModelProperty string If dataModelState is "auto" or "customized", you will find here the name of the DataModelProperty that generated this QueryPrefixHandler.
    prefixMatch boolean The prefix handler matches all strings beginning with "name". For example, a prefix handler with name="prop" prefixMatch="true" will match "props:value" and "property:value".
    template string Template to use to replace the content of this prefix handler. Occurrences of __QUERY__ inside of this template are replaced by the content itself.
  • Nested elements:
    Name Type Description
    fromDataModel If dataModelState is "customized", you will find here the original prefix handler generated by the data model. Use this to easily revert to "auto" state from "customized".


  • Searches for paths in a category field
  • Parent elements:
    • (as MultiQueryPrefixHandler)
    • (as UQLConfig)
  • Attributes:
    Name Type Default value Description
    indexField string Index field to be targeted by this prefix.
    name string Name of the prefix handler that should be handled. This is the prefix name that can be used in user queries. For example, the query prefix handler named 'soundslike' allows you to write this query: 'soundslike:fowbar'
    aliases string Comma-separated list of aliases for this prefix handler. Any of these aliases can be used in the query for this prefix handler.
    queryExpansionConfig string Specifies how to expand the text content of this prefix handler. Note that this is sometimes meaningless, if the content is not a semantic chunk of data.
    dataModelState string Is this query prefix handler managed by a data model? @enum{null,auto,customized}. If null, this prefix handler is not related to a data model. If "auto", this prefix handler is auto-generated by a data model. If "customized", this prefix handler was auto-generated by a data model and then customized.
    dataModelClass string If dataModelState is "auto" or "customized", you will find here the name of the DataModelClass that generated this QueryPrefixHandler.
    dataModelProperty string If dataModelState is "auto" or "customized", you will find here the name of the DataModelProperty that generated this QueryPrefixHandler.
    prefixMatch boolean The prefix handler matches all strings beginning with "name". For example, a prefix handler with name="prop" prefixMatch="true" will match "props:value" and "property:value".
    root string Root category for this prefix
    form enum(exact, lowercase, normalized) normalized Form of the category path. Value can be null or one of
    • exact
    • lowercase
    • normalized
    tokenizationConfig string
  • Nested elements:
    Name Type Description
    fromDataModel If dataModelState is "customized", you will find here the original prefix handler generated by the data model. Use this to easily revert to "auto" state from "customized".


  • Base class to configure a prefix handler targeting an index field.
  • Parent elements:
    • (as MultiQueryPrefixHandler)
    • (as UQLConfig)
  • Attributes:
    Name Type Default value Description
    indexField string Index field to be targeted by this prefix.
    name string Name of the prefix handler that should be handled. This is the prefix name that can be used in user queries. For example, the query prefix handler named 'soundslike' allows you to write this query: 'soundslike:fowbar'
    aliases string Comma-separated list of aliases for this prefix handler. Any of these aliases can be used in the query for this prefix handler.
    queryExpansionConfig string Specifies how to expand the text content of this prefix handler. Note that this is sometimes meaningless, if the content is not a semantic chunk of data.
    dataModelState string Is this query prefix handler managed by a data model? @enum{null,auto,customized}. If null, this prefix handler is not related to a data model. If "auto", this prefix handler is auto-generated by a data model. If "customized", this prefix handler was auto-generated by a data model and then customized.
    dataModelClass string If dataModelState is "auto" or "customized", you will find here the name of the DataModelClass that generated this QueryPrefixHandler.
    dataModelProperty string If dataModelState is "auto" or "customized", you will find here the name of the DataModelProperty that generated this QueryPrefixHandler.
    prefixMatch boolean The prefix handler matches all strings beginning with "name". For example, a prefix handler with name="prop" prefixMatch="true" will match "props:value" and "property:value".
    excluded boolean Specifies whether the category must be included or excluded.
  • Nested elements:
    Name Type Description
    fromDataModel If dataModelState is "customized", you will find here the original prefix handler generated by the data model. Use this to easily revert to "auto" state from "customized".


  • Searches for numerical values in a dynamic field.
  • Parent elements:
    • (as MultiQueryPrefixHandler)
    • (as UQLConfig)
  • Attributes:
    Name Type Default value Description
    meta string Meta name to search within. If null, you need to use the syntax prefix:meta:VALUE
    invalidValueAction enum(remove, ignore, error) error What to do when an invalid numerical value is passed:
    • remove: removes the whole prefix XXX
    • ignore: ? XXX
    • error: fails the query
    indexField string Index field to be targeted by this prefix.
    name string Name of the prefix handler that should be handled. This is the prefix name that can be used in user queries. For example, the query prefix handler named 'soundslike' allows you to write this query: 'soundslike:fowbar'
    aliases string Comma-separated list of aliases for this prefix handler. Any of these aliases can be used in the query for this prefix handler.
    queryExpansionConfig string Specifies how to expand the text content of this prefix handler. Note that this is sometimes meaningless, if the content is not a semantic chunk of data.
    dataModelState string Is this query prefix handler managed by a data model? @enum{null,auto,customized}. If null, this prefix handler is not related to a data model. If "auto", this prefix handler is auto-generated by a data model. If "customized", this prefix handler was auto-generated by a data model and then customized.
    dataModelClass string If dataModelState is "auto" or "customized", you will find here the name of the DataModelClass that generated this QueryPrefixHandler.
    dataModelProperty string If dataModelState is "auto" or "customized", you will find here the name of the DataModelProperty that generated this QueryPrefixHandler.
    prefixMatch boolean The prefix handler matches all strings beginning with "name". For example, a prefix handler with name="prop" prefixMatch="true" will match "props:value" and "property:value".
    defaultOperator enum(eq, le, lt, ge, gt, ne, range) eq Default numerical operator to use if the field is given with ':'
  • Nested elements:
    Name Type Description
    fromDataModel If dataModelState is "customized", you will find here the original prefix handler generated by the data model. Use this to easily revert to "auto" state from "customized".


  • Searches for dates and/or times in a dynamic field.
  • Parent elements:
    • (as MultiQueryPrefixHandler)
    • (as UQLConfig)
  • Attributes:
    Name Type Default value Description
    meta string Meta name to search within. If null, you need to use the syntax prefix:meta:VALUE
    invalidValueAction enum(remove, ignore, error) error What to do when an invalid numerical value is passed:
    • remove: removes the whole prefix XXX
    • ignore: ? XXX
    • error: fails the query
    indexField string Index field to be targeted by this prefix.
    name string Name of the prefix handler that should be handled. This is the prefix name that can be used in user queries. For example, the query prefix handler named 'soundslike' allows you to write this query: 'soundslike:fowbar'
    aliases string Comma-separated list of aliases for this prefix handler. Any of these aliases can be used in the query for this prefix handler.
    queryExpansionConfig string Specifies how to expand the text content of this prefix handler. Note that this is sometimes meaningless, if the content is not a semantic chunk of data.
    dataModelState string Is this query prefix handler managed by a data model? @enum{null,auto,customized}. If null, this prefix handler is not related to a data model. If "auto", this prefix handler is auto-generated by a data model. If "customized", this prefix handler was auto-generated by a data model and then customized.
    dataModelClass string If dataModelState is "auto" or "customized", you will find here the name of the DataModelClass that generated this QueryPrefixHandler.
    dataModelProperty string If dataModelState is "auto" or "customized", you will find here the name of the DataModelProperty that generated this QueryPrefixHandler.
    prefixMatch boolean The prefix handler matches all strings beginning with "name". For example, a prefix handler with name="prop" prefixMatch="true" will match "props:value" and "property:value".
    time boolean Allows a "date+time" input.
    defaultOperator enum(eq, le, lt, ge, gt, ne, range) eq Default numerical operator to use if the field is given with ':'
  • Nested elements:
    Name Type Description
    fromDataModel If dataModelState is "customized", you will find here the original prefix handler generated by the data model. Use this to easily revert to "auto" state from "customized".


  • Deprecated)
  • Root class for prefix handlers searching for alphanumerical values in a dynamic field.
  • Parent elements:
    • (as MultiQueryPrefixHandler)
    • (as UQLConfig)
  • Attributes:
    Name Type Default value Description
    semanticContent boolean true Is the content of this prefix "semantic"? If false, the content will not be tokenized nor passed through the linguistic expansion phase.
    indexFields string Comma-separated list of index fields to be targeted by this prefix handler.
    performMAX boolean Should we perform a MAX-like query rather than simple OR when targeting multiple fields?
    patternMaxMatches int 50 Max number of matches for the patterns under this prefix handler.
    tokenizationConfig string Tokenization Config to use.
    meta string Meta name to search within. If null, you need to use the syntax prefix:meta:VALUE
    invalidValueAction enum(remove, ignore, error) error What to do when an invalid numerical value is passed:
    • remove: removes the whole prefix XXX
    • ignore: ? XXX
    • error: fails the query
    indexField string Index field to be targeted by this prefix.
    name string Name of the prefix handler that should be handled. This is the prefix name that can be used in user queries. For example, the query prefix handler named 'soundslike' allows you to write this query: 'soundslike:fowbar'
    aliases string Comma-separated list of aliases for this prefix handler. Any of these aliases can be used in the query for this prefix handler.
    queryExpansionConfig string Specifies how to expand the text content of this prefix handler. Note that this is sometimes meaningless, if the content is not a semantic chunk of data.
    dataModelState string Is this query prefix handler managed by a data model? @enum{null,auto,customized}. If null, this prefix handler is not related to a data model. If "auto", this prefix handler is auto-generated by a data model. If "customized", this prefix handler was auto-generated by a data model and then customized.
    dataModelClass string If dataModelState is "auto" or "customized", you will find here the name of the DataModelClass that generated this QueryPrefixHandler.
    dataModelProperty string If dataModelState is "auto" or "customized", you will find here the name of the DataModelProperty that generated this QueryPrefixHandler.
    prefixMatch boolean The prefix handler matches all strings beginning with "name". For example, a prefix handler with name="prop" prefixMatch="true" will match "props:value" and "property:value".
    matchingMode enum(exact, lowercase, normalized, exact_lowercase, exact_lowercase_normalized, lowercase_normalized) normalized The matching mode defines how the query words are looked up in the index. Value can be null or one of
    • exact
    • lowercase
    • normalized
    • exact_lowercase
    • exact_lowercase_normalized
    • lowercase_normalized
  • Nested elements:
    Name Type Description
    fromDataModel If dataModelState is "customized", you will find here the original prefix handler generated by the data model. Use this to easily revert to "auto" state from "customized".


  • Root class for prefix handlers searching for alphanumerical values in a dynamic field.
  • Parent elements:
    • (as MultiQueryPrefixHandler)
    • (as UQLConfig)
  • Attributes:
    Name Type Default value Description
    semanticContent boolean true Is the content of this prefix "semantic"? If false, the content will not be tokenized nor passed through the linguistic expansion phase.
    indexFields string Comma-separated list of index fields to be targeted by this prefix handler.
    performMAX boolean Should we perform a MAX-like query rather than simple OR when targeting multiple fields?
    patternMaxMatches int 50 Max number of matches for the patterns under this prefix handler.
    tokenizationConfig string Tokenization Config to use.
    meta string Meta name to search within. If null, you need to use the syntax prefix:meta:VALUE
    invalidValueAction enum(remove, ignore, error) error What to do when an invalid numerical value is passed:
    • remove: removes the whole prefix XXX
    • ignore: ? XXX
    • error: fails the query
    indexField string Index field to be targeted by this prefix.
    name string Name of the prefix handler that should be handled. This is the prefix name that can be used in user queries. For example, the query prefix handler named 'soundslike' allows you to write this query: 'soundslike:fowbar'
    aliases string Comma-separated list of aliases for this prefix handler. Any of these aliases can be used in the query for this prefix handler.
    queryExpansionConfig string Specifies how to expand the text content of this prefix handler. Note that this is sometimes meaningless, if the content is not a semantic chunk of data.
    dataModelState string Is this query prefix handler managed by a data model? @enum{null,auto,customized}. If null, this prefix handler is not related to a data model. If "auto", this prefix handler is auto-generated by a data model. If "customized", this prefix handler was auto-generated by a data model and then customized.
    dataModelClass string If dataModelState is "auto" or "customized", you will find here the name of the DataModelClass that generated this QueryPrefixHandler.
    dataModelProperty string If dataModelState is "auto" or "customized", you will find here the name of the DataModelProperty that generated this QueryPrefixHandler.
    prefixMatch boolean The prefix handler matches all strings beginning with "name". For example, a prefix handler with name="prop" prefixMatch="true" will match "props:value" and "property:value".
    kind int
  • Nested elements:
    Name Type Description
    fromDataModel If dataModelState is "customized", you will find here the original prefix handler generated by the data model. Use this to easily revert to "auto" state from "customized".


  • Searches for numerical values in a numerical field (integer or double)
  • Parent elements:
    • (as MultiQueryPrefixHandler)
    • (as UQLConfig)
  • Attributes:
    Name Type Default value Description
    defaultOperator enum(eq, le, lt, ge, gt, ne, range) eq Default numerical operator to use if the field is given with ':'
    invalidValueAction enum(remove, ignore, error) error What to do when an invalid numerical value is passed:
    • remove: removes the whole prefix XXX
    • ignore: ? XXX
    • error: fails the query
    useRetrieved boolean Search using the "retrieved" part of the index. Searching in the retrieved part of a numerical field is faster when this condition is not very restrictive (i.e. when it does not divide the result set by more than 5). It also provides the ability to restrict search to a range of bits in the numerical field. However, it can only be used on retrievable fields. Note that using this prefix handler is the only way to search in virtual fields.
    lsb int Least significant bit to search in (only if using retrieved)
    msb int 63 Most significant bit to search in (only if using retrieved)
    indexField string Index field to be targeted by this prefix.
    name string Name of the prefix handler that should be handled. This is the prefix name that can be used in user queries. For example, the query prefix handler named 'soundslike' allows you to write this query: 'soundslike:fowbar'
    aliases string Comma-separated list of aliases for this prefix handler. Any of these aliases can be used in the query for this prefix handler.
    queryExpansionConfig string Specifies how to expand the text content of this prefix handler. Note that this is sometimes meaningless, if the content is not a semantic chunk of data.
    dataModelState string Is this query prefix handler managed by a data model? @enum{null,auto,customized}. If null, this prefix handler is not related to a data model. If "auto", this prefix handler is auto-generated by a data model. If "customized", this prefix handler was auto-generated by a data model and then customized.
    dataModelClass string If dataModelState is "auto" or "customized", you will find here the name of the DataModelClass that generated this QueryPrefixHandler.
    dataModelProperty string If dataModelState is "auto" or "customized", you will find here the name of the DataModelProperty that generated this QueryPrefixHandler.
    prefixMatch boolean The prefix handler matches all strings beginning with "name". For example, a prefix handler with name="prop" prefixMatch="true" will match "props:value" and "property:value".
  • Nested elements:
    Name Type Description
    fromDataModel If dataModelState is "customized", you will find here the original prefix handler generated by the data model. Use this to easily revert to "auto" state from "customized".


  • Searches for dates and/or times in a date field.
  • Parent elements:
    • (as MultiQueryPrefixHandler)
    • (as UQLConfig)
  • Attributes:
    Name Type Default value Description
    defaultOperator enum(eq, le, lt, ge, gt, ne, range) eq Default numerical operator to use if the field is given with ':'
    invalidValueAction enum(remove, ignore, error) error What to do when an invalid numerical value is passed:
    • remove: removes the whole prefix XXX
    • ignore: ? XXX
    • error: fails the query
    useRetrieved boolean Search using the "retrieved" part of the index. Searching in the retrieved part of a numerical field is faster when this condition is not very restrictive (i.e. when it does not divide the result set by more than 5). It also provides the ability to restrict search to a range of bits in the numerical field. However, it can only be used on retrievable fields. Note that using this prefix handler is the only way to search in virtual fields.
    lsb int Least significant bit to search in (only if using retrieved)
    msb int 63 Most significant bit to search in (only if using retrieved)
    indexField string Index field to be targeted by this prefix.
    name string Name of the prefix handler that should be handled. This is the prefix name that can be used in user queries. For example, the query prefix handler named 'soundslike' allows you to write this query: 'soundslike:fowbar'
    aliases string Comma-separated list of aliases for this prefix handler. Any of these aliases can be used in the query for this prefix handler.
    queryExpansionConfig string Specifies how to expand the text content of this prefix handler. Note that this is sometimes meaningless, if the content is not a semantic chunk of data.
    dataModelState string Is this query prefix handler managed by a data model? @enum{null,auto,customized}. If null, this prefix handler is not related to a data model. If "auto", this prefix handler is auto-generated by a data model. If "customized", this prefix handler was auto-generated by a data model and then customized.
    dataModelClass string If dataModelState is "auto" or "customized", you will find here the name of the DataModelClass that generated this QueryPrefixHandler.
    dataModelProperty string If dataModelState is "auto" or "customized", you will find here the name of the DataModelProperty that generated this QueryPrefixHandler.
    prefixMatch boolean The prefix handler matches all strings beginning with "name". For example, a prefix handler with name="prop" prefixMatch="true" will match "props:value" and "property:value".
    time boolean Allows a "date+time" input.
    format string
  • Nested elements:
    Name Type Description
    fromDataModel If dataModelState is "customized", you will find here the original prefix handler generated by the data model. Use this to easily revert to "auto" state from "customized".


  • Searches for dates and/or times in a date field, in Unix Timestamp format.
  • Parent elements:
    • (as MultiQueryPrefixHandler)
    • (as UQLConfig)
  • Attributes:
    Name Type Default value Description
    defaultOperator enum(eq, le, lt, ge, gt, ne, range) eq Default numerical operator to use if the field is given with ':'
    invalidValueAction enum(remove, ignore, error) error What to do when an invalid numerical value is passed:
    • remove: removes the whole prefix XXX
    • ignore: ? XXX
    • error: fails the query
    useRetrieved boolean Search using the "retrieved" part of the index. Searching in the retrieved part of a numerical field is faster when this condition is not very restrictive (i.e. when it does not divide the result set by more than 5). It also provides the ability to restrict search to a range of bits in the numerical field. However, it can only be used on retrievable fields. Note that using this prefix handler is the only way to search in virtual fields.
    lsb int Least significant bit to search in (only if using retrieved)
    msb int 63 Most significant bit to search in (only if using retrieved)
    indexField string Index field to be targeted by this prefix.
    name string Name of the prefix handler that should be handled. This is the prefix name that can be used in user queries. For example, the query prefix handler named 'soundslike' allows you to write this query: 'soundslike:fowbar'
    aliases string Comma-separated list of aliases for this prefix handler. Any of these aliases can be used in the query for this prefix handler.
    queryExpansionConfig string Specifies how to expand the text content of this prefix handler. Note that this is sometimes meaningless, if the content is not a semantic chunk of data.
    dataModelState string Is this query prefix handler managed by a data model? @enum{null,auto,customized}. If null, this prefix handler is not related to a data model. If "auto", this prefix handler is auto-generated by a data model. If "customized", this prefix handler was auto-generated by a data model and then customized.
    dataModelClass string If dataModelState is "auto" or "customized", you will find here the name of the DataModelClass that generated this QueryPrefixHandler.
    dataModelProperty string If dataModelState is "auto" or "customized", you will find here the name of the DataModelProperty that generated this QueryPrefixHandler.
    prefixMatch boolean The prefix handler matches all strings beginning with "name". For example, a prefix handler with name="prop" prefixMatch="true" will match "props:value" and "property:value".
    time boolean True Generates a DateTime. Otherwise, it generates a Date.
  • Nested elements:
    Name Type Description
    fromDataModel If dataModelState is "customized", you will find here the original prefix handler generated by the data model. Use this to easily revert to "auto" state from "customized".


  • Searches in an alphanumerical field using the anchoring position (i.e. restricting the match to be at a specific position).
  • Parent elements:
    • (as MultiQueryPrefixHandler)
    • (as UQLConfig)
  • Attributes:
    Name Type Default value Description
    indexField string Index field to be targeted by this prefix.
    name string Name of the prefix handler that should be handled. This is the prefix name that can be used in user queries. For example, the query prefix handler named 'soundslike' allows you to write this query: 'soundslike:fowbar'
    aliases string Comma-separated list of aliases for this prefix handler. Any of these aliases can be used in the query for this prefix handler.
    queryExpansionConfig string Specifies how to expand the text content of this prefix handler. Note that this is sometimes meaningless, if the content is not a semantic chunk of data.
    dataModelState string Is this query prefix handler managed by a data model? @enum{null,auto,customized}. If null, this prefix handler is not related to a data model. If "auto", this prefix handler is auto-generated by a data model. If "customized", this prefix handler was auto-generated by a data model and then customized.
    dataModelClass string If dataModelState is "auto" or "customized", you will find here the name of the DataModelClass that generated this QueryPrefixHandler.
    dataModelProperty string If dataModelState is "auto" or "customized", you will find here the name of the DataModelProperty that generated this QueryPrefixHandler.
    prefixMatch boolean The prefix handler matches all strings beginning with "name". For example, a prefix handler with name="prop" prefixMatch="true" will match "props:value" and "property:value".
    matchingMode enum(exact, lowercase, normalized, exact_lowercase, exact_lowercase_normalized, lowercase_normalized) normalized The matching mode defines how the query words are looked up in the index. Value can be null or one of
    • exact
    • lowercase
    • normalized
    • exact_lowercase
    • exact_lowercase_normalized
    • lowercase_normalized
    positionMatchMode enum(exact, startsWith, endsWith) exact Choose between 'exact', 'startsWith' and 'endsWith'
    tokenizationConfig string
  • Nested elements:
    Name Type Description
    fromDataModel If dataModelState is "customized", you will find here the original prefix handler generated by the data model. Use this to easily revert to "auto" state from "customized".


  • Searches for parts of URLs.
  • Parent elements:
    • (as MultiQueryPrefixHandler)
    • (as UQLConfig)
  • Attributes:
    Name Type Default value Description
    indexField string Index field to be targeted by this prefix.
    name string Name of the prefix handler that should be handled. This is the prefix name that can be used in user queries. For example, the query prefix handler named 'soundslike' allows you to write this query: 'soundslike:fowbar'
    aliases string Comma-separated list of aliases for this prefix handler. Any of these aliases can be used in the query for this prefix handler.
    queryExpansionConfig string Specifies how to expand the text content of this prefix handler. Note that this is sometimes meaningless, if the content is not a semantic chunk of data.
    dataModelState string Is this query prefix handler managed by a data model? @enum{null,auto,customized}. If null, this prefix handler is not related to a data model. If "auto", this prefix handler is auto-generated by a data model. If "customized", this prefix handler was auto-generated by a data model and then customized.
    dataModelClass string If dataModelState is "auto" or "customized", you will find here the name of the DataModelClass that generated this QueryPrefixHandler.
    dataModelProperty string If dataModelState is "auto" or "customized", you will find here the name of the DataModelProperty that generated this QueryPrefixHandler.
    prefixMatch boolean The prefix handler matches all strings beginning with "name". For example, a prefix handler with name="prop" prefixMatch="true" will match "props:value" and "property:value".
    additionalIndexField string
    groupsByToRemove string Names of the GroupBy nodes to remove (comma-separated).
  • Nested elements:
    Name Type Description
    fromDataModel If dataModelState is "customized", you will find here the original prefix handler generated by the data model. Use this to easily revert to "auto" state from "customized".


  • Sets the geographic field for WITHIN and DISTANCE searches
  • Parent elements:
    • (as MultiQueryPrefixHandler)
    • (as UQLConfig)
  • Attributes:
    Name Type Default value Description
    indexField string Index field to be targeted by this prefix.
    name string Name of the prefix handler that should be handled. This is the prefix name that can be used in user queries. For example, the query prefix handler named 'soundslike' allows you to write this query: 'soundslike:fowbar'
    aliases string Comma-separated list of aliases for this prefix handler. Any of these aliases can be used in the query for this prefix handler.
    queryExpansionConfig string Specifies how to expand the text content of this prefix handler. Note that this is sometimes meaningless, if the content is not a semantic chunk of data.
    dataModelState string Is this query prefix handler managed by a data model? @enum{null,auto,customized}. If null, this prefix handler is not related to a data model. If "auto", this prefix handler is auto-generated by a data model. If "customized", this prefix handler was auto-generated by a data model and then customized.
    dataModelClass string If dataModelState is "auto" or "customized", you will find here the name of the DataModelClass that generated this QueryPrefixHandler.
    dataModelProperty string If dataModelState is "auto" or "customized", you will find here the name of the DataModelProperty that generated this QueryPrefixHandler.
    prefixMatch boolean The prefix handler matches all strings beginning with "name". For example, a prefix handler with name="prop" prefixMatch="true" will match "props:value" and "property:value".
  • Nested elements:
    Name Type Description
    fromDataModel If dataModelState is "customized", you will find here the original prefix handler generated by the data model. Use this to easily revert to "auto" state from "customized".


  • Searches in alphanumerical fields (both static and dynamic ones).
  • Parent elements:
    • (as MultiQueryPrefixHandler)
    • (as UQLConfig)
  • Attributes:
    Name Type Default value Description
    semanticContent boolean true Is the content of this prefix handler "semantic"? If false, the content will neither be tokenized nor passed through the linguistic expansion phase.
    indexFields string Comma-separated list of index fields targeted by this prefix handler.
    indexFieldWeights string Optional comma-separated list of weights applied to each index field targeted by this prefix handler.
    performMAX boolean Should we perform a MAX-like query rather than a simple OR when targeting multiple fields?
    patternMaxMatches int 50 Max number of matches for the patterns under this prefix handler.
    usePrefixedMappings boolean Prefixes the value with the prefix and #. This must be used with the "prefixWithContext" option of analysis mappings. For example: <FullTextPrefixHandler name='stuff' prefixMatch='true' usePrefixedMappings='true' indexField='everything'/> will transform: stuff_number1:test into: everything:stuff_number1#test
    patternSearch boolean Uses index field dictionaries for pattern expansion rather than linguistic dictionaries.
    tokenizationConfig string
    name string Name of the prefix handler that should be handled. This is the prefix name that can be used in user queries. For example, the query prefix handler named 'soundslike' allows you to write this query: 'soundslike:fowbar'
    aliases string Comma-separated list of aliases for this prefix handler. Any of these aliases can be used in the query for this prefix handler.
    queryExpansionConfig string Specifies how to expand the text content of this prefix handler. Note that this is sometimes meaningless, if the content is not a semantic chunk of data.
    dataModelState string Is this query prefix handler managed by a data model? @enum{null,auto,customized}. If null, this prefix handler is not related to a data model. If "auto", this prefix handler is auto-generated by a data model. If "customized", this prefix handler was auto-generated by a data model and then customized.
    dataModelClass string If dataModelState is "auto" or "customized", you will find here the name of the DataModelClass that generated this QueryPrefixHandler.
    dataModelProperty string If dataModelState is "auto" or "customized", you will find here the name of the DataModelProperty that generated this QueryPrefixHandler.
    prefixMatch boolean The prefix handler matches all strings beginning with "name". For example, a prefix handler with name="prop" prefixMatch="true" will match "props:value" and "property:value".
    matchingMode enum(exact, lowercase, normalized, exact_lowercase, exact_lowercase_normalized, lowercase_normalized, custom) normalized Normalization level for lookup of the words associated with this prefix handler. Using the 'custom' matching mode requires the custom kind to be set. Value can be null or one of
    • exact
    • lowercase
    • normalized
    • exact_lowercase
    • exact_lowercase_normalized
    • lowercase_normalized
    • custom
    customKind int Custom indexing kind for lookup of the words associated with this prefix handler. This requires the matching mode to be set to 'custom'. Custom kinds must be used together with custom content targets at indexing time.
    useNestedPrefixAsDynamicMetaName boolean Uses a nested prefix handler as dynamic meta name to search within a dynamic alphanumerical field. This requires the Store meta names option to be enabled on the dynamic field. This is incompatible with the "forcedDynamicMetaName" option. For example, on a prefix handler named "myprefix" configured to target a "mydynfield" index field, a "myprefix:mymeta:myvalue" query will search for "myvalue" into the "mymeta" meta of "mydynfield". Note that a "myprefix:myvalue" query will not lookup into any meta, and will not find anything.
    forcedDynamicMetaName string Dynamic meta to search when targeting a dynamic alphanumerical field. Use this to restrict the search in a dynamic field to text that appears within this meta. This requires the Store meta names option to be enabled on the dynamic field. This is incompatible with the Use nested prefix as dyn. meta option. For example, with this option set to "mymeta", on a prefix handler named "myprefix" configured to target index field "mydynfield", a query "myprefix:myvalue" will search for "myvalue" into the "mymeta" meta of "mydynfield". It is possible to set a list of meta separated by ',' to mimic the behavior of a list of index fields (OR on the different metas)
    dictionaryName string Dictionary to target
  • Nested elements:
    Name Type Description
    fromDataModel If dataModelState is "customized", you will find here the original prefix handler generated by the data model. Use this to easily revert to "auto" state from "customized".


  • No documentation for this element.
  • Parent elements:
    • (as MultiQueryPrefixHandler)
    • (as UQLConfig)
  • Attributes:
    Name Type Default value Description
    semanticContent boolean true Is the content of this prefix handler "semantic"? If false, the content will neither be tokenized nor passed through the linguistic expansion phase.
    indexFields string Comma-separated list of index fields targeted by this prefix handler.
    indexFieldWeights string Optional comma-separated list of weights applied to each index field targeted by this prefix handler.
    performMAX boolean Should we perform a MAX-like query rather than a simple OR when targeting multiple fields?
    patternMaxMatches int 50 Max number of matches for the patterns under this prefix handler.
    usePrefixedMappings boolean Prefixes the value with the prefix and #. This must be used with the "prefixWithContext" option of analysis mappings. For example: <FullTextPrefixHandler name='stuff' prefixMatch='true' usePrefixedMappings='true' indexField='everything'/> will transform: stuff_number1:test into: everything:stuff_number1#test
    patternSearch boolean Uses index field dictionaries for pattern expansion rather than linguistic dictionaries.
    tokenizationConfig string
    name string Name of the prefix handler that should be handled. This is the prefix name that can be used in user queries. For example, the query prefix handler named 'soundslike' allows you to write this query: 'soundslike:fowbar'
    aliases string Comma-separated list of aliases for this prefix handler. Any of these aliases can be used in the query for this prefix handler.
    queryExpansionConfig string Specifies how to expand the text content of this prefix handler. Note that this is sometimes meaningless, if the content is not a semantic chunk of data.
    dataModelState string Is this query prefix handler managed by a data model? @enum{null,auto,customized}. If null, this prefix handler is not related to a data model. If "auto", this prefix handler is auto-generated by a data model. If "customized", this prefix handler was auto-generated by a data model and then customized.
    dataModelClass string If dataModelState is "auto" or "customized", you will find here the name of the DataModelClass that generated this QueryPrefixHandler.
    dataModelProperty string If dataModelState is "auto" or "customized", you will find here the name of the DataModelProperty that generated this QueryPrefixHandler.
    prefixMatch boolean The prefix handler matches all strings beginning with "name". For example, a prefix handler with name="prop" prefixMatch="true" will match "props:value" and "property:value".
    kind int
  • Nested elements:
    Name Type Description
    fromDataModel If dataModelState is "customized", you will find here the original prefix handler generated by the data model. Use this to easily revert to "auto" state from "customized".


  • Sets a query expansion config on the prefix handler content, but does not actually perform search.
  • Parent elements:
    • (as MultiQueryPrefixHandler)
    • (as UQLConfig)
  • Attributes:
    Name Type Default value Description
    name string Name of the prefix handler that should be handled. This is the prefix name that can be used in user queries. For example, the query prefix handler named 'soundslike' allows you to write this query: 'soundslike:fowbar'
    aliases string Comma-separated list of aliases for this prefix handler. Any of these aliases can be used in the query for this prefix handler.
    queryExpansionConfig string Specifies how to expand the text content of this prefix handler. Note that this is sometimes meaningless, if the content is not a semantic chunk of data.
    dataModelState string Is this query prefix handler managed by a data model? @enum{null,auto,customized}. If null, this prefix handler is not related to a data model. If "auto", this prefix handler is auto-generated by a data model. If "customized", this prefix handler was auto-generated by a data model and then customized.
    dataModelClass string If dataModelState is "auto" or "customized", you will find here the name of the DataModelClass that generated this QueryPrefixHandler.
    dataModelProperty string If dataModelState is "auto" or "customized", you will find here the name of the DataModelProperty that generated this QueryPrefixHandler.
    prefixMatch boolean The prefix handler matches all strings beginning with "name". For example, a prefix handler with name="prop" prefixMatch="true" will match "props:value" and "property:value".
    dictionaryName string Dictionary to target
  • Nested elements:
    Name Type Description
    fromDataModel If dataModelState is "customized", you will find here the original prefix handler generated by the data model. Use this to easily revert to "auto" state from "customized".


  • Manually looks up similar values in documents.
  • Parent elements:
    • (as MultiQueryPrefixHandler)
    • (as UQLConfig)
  • Attributes:
    Name Type Default value Description
    name string Name of the prefix handler that should be handled. This is the prefix name that can be used in user queries. For example, the query prefix handler named 'soundslike' allows you to write this query: 'soundslike:fowbar'
    aliases string Comma-separated list of aliases for this prefix handler. Any of these aliases can be used in the query for this prefix handler.
    queryExpansionConfig string Specifies how to expand the text content of this prefix handler. Note that this is sometimes meaningless, if the content is not a semantic chunk of data.
    dataModelState string Is this query prefix handler managed by a data model? @enum{null,auto,customized}. If null, this prefix handler is not related to a data model. If "auto", this prefix handler is auto-generated by a data model. If "customized", this prefix handler was auto-generated by a data model and then customized.
    dataModelClass string If dataModelState is "auto" or "customized", you will find here the name of the DataModelClass that generated this QueryPrefixHandler.
    dataModelProperty string If dataModelState is "auto" or "customized", you will find here the name of the DataModelProperty that generated this QueryPrefixHandler.
    prefixMatch boolean The prefix handler matches all strings beginning with "name". For example, a prefix handler with name="prop" prefixMatch="true" will match "props:value" and "property:value".
    similarityThreshold double 0.1 The mininum similarity score for two documents to be considered similar. Value must be between 0 and 1.
    minNumberOfKeywordPerDoc long 5 Documents with fewer keywords than this constant are ignored. Value must be higher or equal to 0.
    minNumberOfMatchedKeywords long 4 Documents that do not share at least this number of keywords with the reference document are ignored. Value must be higher or equal to 0.
    similarityVirtualField string similarity Name of the virtual field computing the final similarity score.
    dictionary string dict0 Related-terms dictionary to use.
    keywordField string keywordv2 Searchable value field indexing the related-terms.
  • Nested elements:
    Name Type Description
    fromDataModel If dataModelState is "customized", you will find here the original prefix handler generated by the data model. Use this to easily revert to "auto" state from "customized".


  • Searches for expressions, within the bounds of separators. For example, with a Split prefix handler named "mypage" using separator INPAGE, mypage:(a AND b) will only match if "a" and "b" appear on the same page in the document.
  • Parent elements:
    • (as MultiQueryPrefixHandler)
    • (as UQLConfig)
  • Attributes:
    Name Type Default value Description
    name string Name of the prefix handler that should be handled. This is the prefix name that can be used in user queries. For example, the query prefix handler named 'soundslike' allows you to write this query: 'soundslike:fowbar'
    aliases string Comma-separated list of aliases for this prefix handler. Any of these aliases can be used in the query for this prefix handler.
    queryExpansionConfig string Specifies how to expand the text content of this prefix handler. Note that this is sometimes meaningless, if the content is not a semantic chunk of data.
    dataModelState string Is this query prefix handler managed by a data model? @enum{null,auto,customized}. If null, this prefix handler is not related to a data model. If "auto", this prefix handler is auto-generated by a data model. If "customized", this prefix handler was auto-generated by a data model and then customized.
    dataModelClass string If dataModelState is "auto" or "customized", you will find here the name of the DataModelClass that generated this QueryPrefixHandler.
    dataModelProperty string If dataModelState is "auto" or "customized", you will find here the name of the DataModelProperty that generated this QueryPrefixHandler.
    prefixMatch boolean The prefix handler matches all strings beginning with "name". For example, a prefix handler with name="prop" prefixMatch="true" will match "props:value" and "property:value".
    sep enum(INPARAGRAPH, INSENTENCE, INPAGE) INPAGE One of the separators: Value can be null or one of
    • INPAGE
  • Nested elements:
    Name Type Description
    fromDataModel If dataModelState is "customized", you will find here the original prefix handler generated by the data model. Use this to easily revert to "auto" state from "customized".


  • Searches for a specific Related Term resolving its indexed identifier (internal) by querying the dictionary.
  • Parent elements:
    • (as MultiQueryPrefixHandler)
    • (as UQLConfig)
  • Attributes:
    Name Type Default value Description
    name string Name of the prefix handler that should be handled. This is the prefix name that can be used in user queries. For example, the query prefix handler named 'soundslike' allows you to write this query: 'soundslike:fowbar'
    aliases string Comma-separated list of aliases for this prefix handler. Any of these aliases can be used in the query for this prefix handler.
    queryExpansionConfig string Specifies how to expand the text content of this prefix handler. Note that this is sometimes meaningless, if the content is not a semantic chunk of data.
    dataModelState string Is this query prefix handler managed by a data model? @enum{null,auto,customized}. If null, this prefix handler is not related to a data model. If "auto", this prefix handler is auto-generated by a data model. If "customized", this prefix handler was auto-generated by a data model and then customized.
    dataModelClass string If dataModelState is "auto" or "customized", you will find here the name of the DataModelClass that generated this QueryPrefixHandler.
    dataModelProperty string If dataModelState is "auto" or "customized", you will find here the name of the DataModelProperty that generated this QueryPrefixHandler.
    prefixMatch boolean The prefix handler matches all strings beginning with "name". For example, a prefix handler with name="prop" prefixMatch="true" will match "props:value" and "property:value".
    keywordField string keywordv2 Name of the value-field where keywords are indexed.
  • Nested elements:
    Name Type Description
    fromDataModel If dataModelState is "customized", you will find here the original prefix handler generated by the data model. Use this to easily revert to "auto" state from "customized".


  • No documentation for this element.
  • Parent elements:
    • (as MultiQueryPrefixHandler)
    • (as UQLConfig)
  • Attributes:
    Name Type Default value Description
    name string Name of the prefix handler that should be handled. This is the prefix name that can be used in user queries. For example, the query prefix handler named 'soundslike' allows you to write this query: 'soundslike:fowbar'
    aliases string Comma-separated list of aliases for this prefix handler. Any of these aliases can be used in the query for this prefix handler.
    queryExpansionConfig string Specifies how to expand the text content of this prefix handler. Note that this is sometimes meaningless, if the content is not a semantic chunk of data.
    dataModelState string Is this query prefix handler managed by a data model? @enum{null,auto,customized}. If null, this prefix handler is not related to a data model. If "auto", this prefix handler is auto-generated by a data model. If "customized", this prefix handler was auto-generated by a data model and then customized.
    dataModelClass string If dataModelState is "auto" or "customized", you will find here the name of the DataModelClass that generated this QueryPrefixHandler.
    dataModelProperty string If dataModelState is "auto" or "customized", you will find here the name of the DataModelProperty that generated this QueryPrefixHandler.
    prefixMatch boolean The prefix handler matches all strings beginning with "name". For example, a prefix handler with name="prop" prefixMatch="true" will match "props:value" and "property:value".
    enumFacetId string The EnumFacet id this prefix handler refers to. Value must be any non-empty string
    mode enum(exact, tolower, toupper) exact What to do with the prefix handler value:
    • "exact": Does nothing
    • "tolower": Converts the value to lower case
    • "toupper": Converts the value to upper case
    { @code enum ("exact", "tolower", "toupper")}
    invalidValueAction enum(remove, ignore, error) error What to do when an invalid value is passed:
    • remove: removes the whole prefix XXX
    • ignore: ? XXX
    • error: fails the query
  • Nested elements:
    Name Type Description
    fromDataModel If dataModelState is "customized", you will find here the original prefix handler generated by the data model. Use this to easily revert to "auto" state from "customized".


  • Prefix handler dispatching a query to several other prefix handlers.
  • Parent elements:
    • (as MultiQueryPrefixHandler)
    • (as UQLConfig)
  • Attributes:
    Name Type Default value Description
    name string Name of the prefix handler that should be handled. This is the prefix name that can be used in user queries. For example, the query prefix handler named 'soundslike' allows you to write this query: 'soundslike:fowbar'
    aliases string Comma-separated list of aliases for this prefix handler. Any of these aliases can be used in the query for this prefix handler.
    queryExpansionConfig string Specifies how to expand the text content of this prefix handler. Note that this is sometimes meaningless, if the content is not a semantic chunk of data.
    dataModelState string Is this query prefix handler managed by a data model? @enum{null,auto,customized}. If null, this prefix handler is not related to a data model. If "auto", this prefix handler is auto-generated by a data model. If "customized", this prefix handler was auto-generated by a data model and then customized.
    dataModelClass string If dataModelState is "auto" or "customized", you will find here the name of the DataModelClass that generated this QueryPrefixHandler.
    dataModelProperty string If dataModelState is "auto" or "customized", you will find here the name of the DataModelProperty that generated this QueryPrefixHandler.
    prefixMatch boolean The prefix handler matches all strings beginning with "name". For example, a prefix handler with name="prop" prefixMatch="true" will match "props:value" and "property:value".
    uqlQueries string Comma-separated list of additional UQL queries to build. Each UQL query is mapped to a specific prefix handler.
  • Nested elements:
    Name Type Description
    fromDataModel If dataModelState is "customized", you will find here the original prefix handler generated by the data model. Use this to easily revert to "auto" state from "customized".
    QueryPrefixHandler* List of prefix handlers to query, identified by their names.


  • Prefix handler implemented using custom Java code.
  • Parent elements:
    • (as MultiQueryPrefixHandler)
    • (as UQLConfig)
  • Attributes:
    Name Type Default value Description
    name string Name of the prefix handler that should be handled. This is the prefix name that can be used in user queries. For example, the query prefix handler named 'soundslike' allows you to write this query: 'soundslike:fowbar'
    aliases string Comma-separated list of aliases for this prefix handler. Any of these aliases can be used in the query for this prefix handler.
    queryExpansionConfig string Specifies how to expand the text content of this prefix handler. Note that this is sometimes meaningless, if the content is not a semantic chunk of data.
    dataModelState string Is this query prefix handler managed by a data model? @enum{null,auto,customized}. If null, this prefix handler is not related to a data model. If "auto", this prefix handler is auto-generated by a data model. If "customized", this prefix handler was auto-generated by a data model and then customized.
    dataModelClass string If dataModelState is "auto" or "customized", you will find here the name of the DataModelClass that generated this QueryPrefixHandler.
    dataModelProperty string If dataModelState is "auto" or "customized", you will find here the name of the DataModelProperty that generated this QueryPrefixHandler.
    prefixMatch boolean The prefix handler matches all strings beginning with "name". For example, a prefix handler with name="prop" prefixMatch="true" will match "props:value" and "property:value".
    classId string Reference of the Java class that implements the query prefix handler. This class must implement the interface
  • Nested elements:
    Name Type Description
    fromDataModel If dataModelState is "customized", you will find here the original prefix handler generated by the data model. Use this to easily revert to "auto" state from "customized".
    KeyValue exa.bee.KeyValue*


  • Searches for documents by resolving and converting values in the required unit of measurement
  • Parent elements:
    • (as MultiQueryPrefixHandler)
    • (as UQLConfig)
  • Attributes:
    Name Type Default value Description
    name string Name of the prefix handler that should be handled. This is the prefix name that can be used in user queries. For example, the query prefix handler named 'soundslike' allows you to write this query: 'soundslike:fowbar'
    aliases string Comma-separated list of aliases for this prefix handler. Any of these aliases can be used in the query for this prefix handler.
    queryExpansionConfig string Specifies how to expand the text content of this prefix handler. Note that this is sometimes meaningless, if the content is not a semantic chunk of data.
    dataModelState string Is this query prefix handler managed by a data model? @enum{null,auto,customized}. If null, this prefix handler is not related to a data model. If "auto", this prefix handler is auto-generated by a data model. If "customized", this prefix handler was auto-generated by a data model and then customized.
    dataModelClass string If dataModelState is "auto" or "customized", you will find here the name of the DataModelClass that generated this QueryPrefixHandler.
    dataModelProperty string If dataModelState is "auto" or "customized", you will find here the name of the DataModelProperty that generated this QueryPrefixHandler.
    prefixMatch boolean The prefix handler matches all strings beginning with "name". For example, a prefix handler with name="prop" prefixMatch="true" will match "props:value" and "property:value".
    indexFieldTarget string The index field
    indexFieldUnitSymbol string The output unit symbol
    defaultUnitSymbol string (Optional) A default unit symbol
  • Nested elements:
    Name Type Description
    fromDataModel If dataModelState is "customized", you will find here the original prefix handler generated by the data model. Use this to easily revert to "auto" state from "customized".


  • No documentation for this element.
  • Parent elements:
    • (as UQLConfig)
  • Attributes:
    Name Type Default value Description
    stopWordsOnlyQueryAction enum(perform, error, empty) perform What to do when a query contains only stop words. One of:
    • "perform": Performs the full query.
    • "error": Sends an error.
    • "empty": Sends an empty answer.
    stopWordsOnlyQueryReportMode enum(global, local, quiet) local Specifies how to report a stop-word only query error in 'Troubleshooting > Logs':
    • quiet: No log.
    • local: Error is reported in the Process log.
    • global: Error is reported in both Process and Global logs.
  • Nested elements:
    Name Type Description


  • No documentation for this element.
  • Parent elements:
    • (as SWConfig)
  • Attributes:
    Name Type Default value Description
    language iso code Language code
    resourceFile string
    action enum(opt, remove) opt
    level enum(normalized, exact, lowercase) exact


  • No documentation for this element.
  • Parent elements:
    • (as UQLConfig)
  • Attributes:
    Name Type Default value Description
    resourceDir string URL for the directory containing the semantic extractor binaries (data://, file;// or resource://).
    unusedWordPolicy enum(mandatory, optional, remove, as-is) mandatory Unused query word policy
    language string The query language for which the analyzer is activated. If null, it is activated whatever the language.
    queryNames string _default_ A list of comma-separated query names defining which parts of the query will be processed (default is _default_).
    htmlLogPath string Path to a debug HTML file
    singleMatch boolean True If true, only the best match is selected for rewriting, if false, several rules may trigger simultaneously.
    overlappingMatches boolean True If true, allows rules to match on overlapping query parts. Only makes sense when singleMatch is false.
  • Nested elements:
    Name Type Description
    SemanticProcessor com.exalead.indexing.analysis.v10.SemanticProcessor* A list of semantic processor to apply before the semantic extractor.


  • No documentation for this element.
  • Parent elements:
    • (as SearchLogic)
  • Attributes:
    Name Type Default value Description
    name string Name of this virtual field
    expr string Virtual field expression


  • No documentation for this element.
  • Attributes:
    Name Type Default value Description
    targetName string The name of this search target. This is the name to use in the search-api to reference a particular search target. Value must be a string matching '[A-Za-z0-9_]+'.
    watchDogConnectTimeoutMS int 1000 Global 'connect' timeout for connection to index slices maintained by this search target. This is an advanced parameter that should generally not be modified.
    watchDogReadTimeoutMS int 5000 Global 'read' timeout for connection to index slices maintainted by this search target. This is an advanced parameter that should generally not be modified.
    nbVirtualPartitionPerSlice int 1 Split every slices of the target in nbVirtualPartitionPerSlice virtual partitions. Emulate multislice behavior on a single slice, each partition acting on a subpart of the physical slice.
    buildGroups string Comma-separated list of build groups. All local instances of the slices of this build group "will be queried


  • The search server evenly distributes search requests among all available index replicas. It also checks the health of all index replicas periodically, to know whether to ignore those that are not available.
  • Attributes:
    Name Type Default value Description
    targetName string The name of this search target. This is the name to use in the search-api to reference a particular search target. Value must be a string matching '[A-Za-z0-9_]+'.
    watchDogConnectTimeoutMS int 1000 Global 'connect' timeout for connection to index slices maintained by this search target. This is an advanced parameter that should generally not be modified.
    watchDogReadTimeoutMS int 5000 Global 'read' timeout for connection to index slices maintainted by this search target. This is an advanced parameter that should generally not be modified.
    nbVirtualPartitionPerSlice int 1 Split every slices of the target in nbVirtualPartitionPerSlice virtual partitions. Emulate multislice behavior on a single slice, each partition acting on a subpart of the physical slice.
  • Nested elements:
    Name Type Description
    TargetSlices* Slice instances to query in this target


  • No documentation for this element.
  • Parent elements:
    • (as SimpleSearchTarget)
  • Attributes:
    Name Type Default value Description
    buildGroups string Comma-separated list of build groups. If null, all build groups are considered
    slices string Comma-separated list of index slices. If null, all slices are considered
    instances string Comma-separated list of slice instances. If null, all instances are considered
    power int 1 The power ratio defines the ratio of the inbound trafic to divert to a given instance (among all instances of a given slice). A slice instance with power=2 will receive twice as much traffic as a slice instance with power=1. If power=0, this slice instance is used as failover only if all other instances of this slice have failed.


  • Deprecated)
  • CloudView 5 compatible legacy search target. This target should generally not be used in new deployments.
  • Attributes:
    Name Type Default value Description
    targetName string The name of this search target. This is the name to use in the search-api to reference a particular search target. Value must be a string matching '[A-Za-z0-9_]+'.
    watchDogConnectTimeoutMS int 1000 Global 'connect' timeout for connection to index slices maintained by this search target. This is an advanced parameter that should generally not be modified.
    watchDogReadTimeoutMS int 5000 Global 'read' timeout for connection to index slices maintainted by this search target. This is an advanced parameter that should generally not be modified.
    nbVirtualPartitionPerSlice int 1 Split every slices of the target in nbVirtualPartitionPerSlice virtual partitions. Emulate multislice behavior on a single slice, each partition acting on a subpart of the physical slice.
  • Nested elements:
    Name Type Description


  • Content group configuration. A content group is a list of build groups
  • Parent elements:
    • (as LegacySearchTarget)
  • Attributes:
    Name Type Default value Description
    contentGroup string Name of the content group
    type string Type of the content group. Must be used only as reference by custom code for complex multi-content groups installations.
  • Nested elements:
    Name Type Description


  • Build group configuration.
  • Parent elements:
    • (as ContentGroupConfig)
  • Attributes:
    Name Type Default value Description
    buildGroup string Name of the build group.
  • Nested elements:
    Name Type Description
    BuildGroupException* List of build group exceptions.


  • No documentation for this element.
  • Parent elements:
    • (as BuildGroupConfig)
  • Attributes:
    Name Type Default value Description
    slice int slice number
    sliceInstance string Name of the instance
    enabled boolean Enables search for this instance.
    power int 1 The power ratio defines the ratio of the inbound trafic to divert to a given instance (among all instances of a given slice). A slice instance with power=2 will receive twice as much traffic as a slice instance with power=1. If power=0, this slice instance is used as failover only if all other instances of this slice have failed.


  • No documentation for this element.
  • Attributes:
    Name Type Default value Description
    name string Name of this API config
    extraClassPath string Extra classpath for the web application. Comma or semicolon separated path of filenames or URLs pointing to directories or jar files. Directories should end with '/'. Used for JDBC for reporting and custom dependencies.
  • Nested elements:
    Name Type Description


  • Search API command
  • Parent elements:
    • (as SearchAPIConfig)
  • Attributes:
    Name Type Default value Description
    defaultLogic string Default search logic (can be overriden using API parameters).
    defaultTarget string Default search target (can be overriden using API parameters).
    targetReporting string Target reporting to use for the search queries.
    customRunnerFactoryClassId string
    maxConcurrentQueries int 0 The maximum number of concurrent queries processed by the search server. If this limit is reached, incoming queries will be queued. 0 means the number of core of the search server times two.
    maxWaitingQueries int 200 When the maximum number of concurrent queries is reached the queries are put in a queue. This setting configures the maximum length of this queue. When this maximum is reached the query is rejected.
    base string /search-api HTTP path for this command
    enableSOAP boolean
    isAliveSynchronous boolean True Should the query be performed synchronously on isAlive call or should it run in a background thread, and cached result be returned.
    isAliveAsynchronousDelayS int 5 Elapsed time between two queries if the query is performed asynchronously.
  • Nested elements:
    Name Type Description
    customRunnerFactoryParams exa.bee.KeyValue*
    isAliveQueries exa.bee.StringValue*
    SearchCache* List of caches for this search command. Cache entries will be looked up in all caches, in the order in which they are given. Incoming queries will be inserted in the first cache which accepts them. This allows complex configurations where you warmup some queries, and don't want them to be evicted by regular traffic
    <TimeBasedSearchCache name="time" cacheQueries="false">
    <WarmUpQuery args="q=#all" />
    <ConsistentSearchCache name="default" />
    <SearchCommand caches="time,default" />


  • This cache is always fully evicted each time a new generation of the index is available. Warmup starts shortly afterwards, and is restarted for each new generation.
  • Parent elements:
    • (as SearchCommand)
  • Attributes:
    Name Type Default value Description
    name string
    warmupWorkRatio double 1.0 Maximum ratio of time each warm-up thread will work.
    warmupThreads int 2 Maximum number of threads for warmup
    cacheQueries boolean True Should this cache handle caching of incoming queries. If this is false, only warmup queries will be cached. Incoming queries with the "cache=no" argument will never be cached. Incoming queries with the "cache=force:1" argument will override this setting. Incoming queries with the "cache=evict" argument will evict the query from all caches if possible.
    maxCachedQueries int 1000 Maximum number of queries to cache. Additional queries are evicted using a LRU algorithm.
    ignoreFromCacheKey string cache,user_id,userquery_id,usersession_id List of url query parameters to ignore from the cache key construction. Separate each field with a come ",".
    warmupDelayS int 10 Elapsed time in seconds between imports on one of the build group slices, then the warmup starts.
  • Nested elements:
    Name Type Description
    WarmUpQuery* Queries that will be automatically cached


  • Query that will automatically be cached.
  • Parent elements:
    • (as ConsistentSearchCache)
    • (as SearchCache)
    • (as TimeBasedSearchCache)
  • Attributes:
    Name Type Default value Description
    args string Arguments of the query to autocache, in URL form. For example, q=test%20stuff&logic=sl0


  • The elements of this cache are evicted based on time policy. They are not evicted each time a new generation of the index is available. Therefore, this cache can contain stale data. Warmup queries are refreshed before their cache expiry
  • Parent elements:
    • (as SearchCommand)
  • Attributes:
    Name Type Default value Description
    name string
    warmupWorkRatio double 1.0 Maximum ratio of time each warm-up thread will work.
    warmupThreads int 2 Maximum number of threads for warmup
    cacheQueries boolean True Should this cache handle caching of incoming queries. If this is false, only warmup queries will be cached. Incoming queries with the "cache=no" argument will never be cached. Incoming queries with the "cache=force:1" argument will override this setting. Incoming queries with the "cache=evict" argument will evict the query from all caches if possible.
    maxCachedQueries int 1000 Maximum number of queries to cache. Additional queries are evicted using a LRU algorithm.
    ignoreFromCacheKey string cache,user_id,userquery_id,usersession_id List of url query parameters to ignore from the cache key construction. Separate each field with a come ",".
    expiryTimeS int 3600 Expiry time for queries in the cache
  • Nested elements:
    Name Type Description
    WarmUpQuery* Queries that will be automatically cached


  • A BaseSearchCommand used for query expansion
  • Parent elements:
    • (as SearchAPIConfig)
  • Attributes:
    Name Type Default value Description
    defaultLogic string Default search logic (can be overriden using API parameters).
    defaultTarget string Default search target (can be overriden using API parameters).
    targetReporting string Target reporting to use for the search queries.
    customRunnerFactoryClassId string
    maxConcurrentQueries int 0 The maximum number of concurrent queries processed by the search server. If this limit is reached, incoming queries will be queued. 0 means the number of core of the search server times two.
    maxWaitingQueries int 200 When the maximum number of concurrent queries is reached the queries are put in a queue. This setting configures the maximum length of this queue. When this maximum is reached the query is rejected.
    base string /search-api HTTP path for this command
  • Nested elements:
    Name Type Description
    customRunnerFactoryParams exa.bee.KeyValue*


  • Search API command
  • Parent elements:
    • (as SearchAPIConfig)
  • Attributes:
    Name Type Default value Description
    defaultLogic string Default search logic (can be overriden using API parameters).
    defaultTarget string Default search target (can be overriden using API parameters).
    targetReporting string Target reporting to use for the search queries.
    customRunnerFactoryClassId string
    maxConcurrentQueries int 0 The maximum number of concurrent queries processed by the search server. If this limit is reached, incoming queries will be queued. 0 means the number of core of the search server times two.
    maxWaitingQueries int 200 When the maximum number of concurrent queries is reached the queries are put in a queue. This setting configures the maximum length of this queue. When this maximum is reached the query is rejected.
    base string /search-api HTTP path for this command
  • Nested elements:
    Name Type Description
    customRunnerFactoryParams exa.bee.KeyValue*


  • Search API command
  • Parent elements:
    • (as SearchAPIConfig)
  • Attributes:
    Name Type Default value Description
    base string /search-api HTTP path for this command
    targetQueryCommand string /search-api Command path on which the query will be performed.


  • Search API command
  • Parent elements:
    • (as SearchAPIConfig)
  • Attributes:
    Name Type Default value Description
    base string /search-api HTTP path for this command


  • Search API command
  • Parent elements:
    • (as SearchAPIConfig)
  • Attributes:
    Name Type Default value Description
    base string /search-api HTTP path for this command
    targetReporting string
    tokenizationConfig string Tokenization config name used to parse the query.
    autocomplete boolean Appends suggest results to the last query word being typed in the search field to autocomplete it. It only works with a suggest built with the Subexpr matching or Substring matching build options.
    recursive boolean Discards the leftmost word of the query progressively. It sends each new subquery to the suggest(s) until the max number of suggestions is reached, or until there is no more word to use. For example, for a query "A B C", the suggest will be called 3 times, with "A B C", "B C", and "C".


  • Search API command
  • Parent elements:
    • (as SearchAPIConfig)
  • Attributes:
    Name Type Default value Description
    base string /search-api HTTP path for this command


  • Search API command
  • Parent elements:
    • (as SearchAPIConfig)
  • Attributes:
    Name Type Default value Description
    base string /search-api HTTP path for this command


  • Search API command
  • Parent elements:
    • (as SearchAPIConfig)
  • Attributes:
    Name Type Default value Description
    base string /search-api HTTP path for this command
    queryToPerform string q=IsAliveQuery The isAlive can optionally perform a query to check that all components are ready. If you want this behavior, enter the search parameters to query for here. For example "q=test&logic=sl0". If this is null, the query won't be performed.
    targetQueryCommand string /search-api Command path on which the query will be performed.
    performQuerySynchronously boolean Should the query be performed synchronously on isAlive call or should it run in a background thread, and cached result be returned.
    asynchronousQueryDelayS int 5 Elapsed between two queries if the query is performed asynchronously.


  • Abstract class for a fetch command.
  • Parent elements:
    • (as SearchAPIConfig)
  • Attributes:
    Name Type Default value Description
    base string /search-api HTTP path for this command


  • Retrieves rich HTML preview of the documents.
  • Parent elements:
    • (as SearchAPIConfig)
  • Attributes:
    Name Type Default value Description
    base string /search-api HTTP path for this command
    defaultLogic string
    defaultHighlightPrefixHandlers string Comma-separated list of prefix handlers that target the preview for highlight. The default prefix handler is "text".
    defaultHighlightFacetIds string Comma-separated list of facets. Refinements on categories are highlighted in the preview if they have a parent category in this attribute.
    convertAddresses string Semicolon separated list of convert instance names or urls to use.


  • Abstract class for a fetch command.
  • Parent elements:
    • (as SearchAPIConfig)
  • Attributes:
    Name Type Default value Description
    base string /search-api HTTP path for this command
    maxConcurrentComputations int 4 Maximum number of concurrent thumbnail computations. Thumbnail queries that do not require a computation (cache hits) are not considered.
    defaultWidth int 120 Width of the computed thumbnail, if not specified in request
    defaultHeight int 90 Height of the computed thumbnail, if not specified in request
    allowUnsecurePrecomputedThumbnails boolean When security is enforced on the fetch request, should a precomputed thumbnail be returned, if any. Security is not enforced on precomputed thumbnails: any logged user knowing the URL of a document could retrieve its precomputed thumbnail.
    convertAddresses string Semicolon separated list of convert instance names or urls to use.
  • Nested elements:
    Name Type Description
    ThumbnailsCache Cache for the thumbnails computed on the fly


  • The local thumbnails cache configuration.
  • Parent elements:
    • (as ThumbnailCommand)
  • Attributes:
    Name Type Default value Description
    secure boolean True Thumbnails are only cached and retrieved if enforce_security is set to false for the request. If false, thumbnails are always cached and retrieved. Warning: any logged user knowing the URL of a document could then retrieve a thumbnail for it.
    maxHeight int 120 Maximum height of thumbnails for them to be cacheable
    maxWidth int 120 Maximum width of thumbnails for them to be cacheable
    memoryEntries int 20 Number of thumbnails to keep in memory cache
    diskEntries int 2000 Number of thumbnails to keep in disk cache
    timeToLiveS int 7200 Time period in seconds during which a thumbnail remains in cache. Note that when there is a cache, we also send an expires HTTP header for the thumbnails, with the same time period.


  • List of Suggest and SuggestDispatcher
  • Attributes:
    Name Type Default value Description
    version long
  • Nested elements:
    Name Type Description
    Suggest* List of Suggest.
    SuggestDispatcher* List of SuggestDispatcher.


  • Takes the user queries stored for query reporting to build a suggest automatically.
  • Parent elements:
    • (as SuggestConfig)
  • Attributes:
    Name Type Default value Description
    suggestName string The mandatory suggest name. Must match [A-z0-9_]+
    whiteListURL string URL to a suggest-whitelist resource
    blackListURL string URL to a suggest-blacklist resource
    discardComplexQuery boolean Discards queries containing prefix handlers and operators.
    applicationId string Retrieves logs for a specific application.
  • Nested elements:
    Name Type Description
    SuggestBuildConfig Build options
    SuggestBuildTrigger Optional build trigger


  • Suggest build options
  • Parent elements:
    • (as BuildableSuggest)
    • (as CSVIndexFieldSuggest)
    • (as CategoryPathSuggest)
    • (as CategorySuggest)
    • (as CategoryTitleSuggest)
    • (as DynamicFieldSuggest)
    • (as EnoviaSecureDynamicFieldSuggest)
    • (as IndexFieldSuggest)
    • (as QueryReportingSuggest)
    • (as RelatedTermsSuggest)
    • (as SearchBasedSuggest)
  • Attributes:
    Name Type Default value Description
    subExpr boolean Finds matches on every start of word. For example, "first test" will be returned both for "fir" and for "tes".
    subString boolean Finds matches on every letter. For example, "first test" will be returned for "fir", for "rs", for "es", ...
    splitSentence boolean Breaks up a suggest entry into several entries, and performs matches independently on the chunks. If the entry is multi-sentence, an entry will be created for each sentence.
    splitNGrams int Breaks up a suggest entry into several entries, and performs matches independently on the chunks. A sliding window of ngrams of a given size will be created, and an entry will be created for each step of the window. For example, "a b c d e f" with a split on 4-grams will give entries "a b c d", "b c d e" and "c d e f". 0 means no splitting. This action is performed after the sentence split if the Sentence split option is selected.
    computePermutation boolean Computes all permutations for an entry and adds them as separate entries. This action is performed after the sentence split if the Sentence split option is selected. Note that entries longer than 8 words will not be permuted for performance reasons (would generate n! entries)
    maxEntryLength int 50 Maximum number of characters in a suggest entry. This is a security measure to prevent overly-long entries. They are automatically truncated after the specified length. 0 means no limit.
    maxSuggestions int 10 The maximum number of suggestions that can be shown to the user for a given input string. You cannot change this dynamically.
    nbUrlsPerEntry int 3 Defines the maximum number of URL to be stored for each entry.
    tokenizationConfig string Tokenization Config to use.
    sanitizeEntries boolean Strips the entry of punctuation, and encloses any UQL operator between quotes.
    buildAfterIndexImport boolean Triggers a build automatically after the index refreshes.
    secure boolean Makes use of documents and users' security tokens to restrict suggestions.
    securityModel enum(default, enovia) default Enables the enovia-specific handling of security tokens.


  • Triggers a suggest build at a given time interval
  • Parent elements:
    • (as BuildableSuggest)
    • (as CSVIndexFieldSuggest)
    • (as CategoryPathSuggest)
    • (as CategorySuggest)
    • (as CategoryTitleSuggest)
    • (as DynamicFieldSuggest)
    • (as EnoviaSecureDynamicFieldSuggest)
    • (as IndexFieldSuggest)
    • (as QueryReportingSuggest)
    • (as RelatedTermsSuggest)
    • (as SearchBasedSuggest)
  • Attributes:
    Name Type Default value Description
    startTimestamp long Unix timestamp
    endTimestamp long Unix timestamp
    repeatInterval long Repeat interval in milliseconds


  • Triggers a suggest build based on a Quartz Cron expression
  • Parent elements:
    • (as BuildableSuggest)
    • (as CSVIndexFieldSuggest)
    • (as CategoryPathSuggest)
    • (as CategorySuggest)
    • (as CategoryTitleSuggest)
    • (as DynamicFieldSuggest)
    • (as EnoviaSecureDynamicFieldSuggest)
    • (as IndexFieldSuggest)
    • (as QueryReportingSuggest)
    • (as RelatedTermsSuggest)
    • (as SearchBasedSuggest)
  • Attributes:
    Name Type Default value Description
    startTimestamp long Unix timestamp
    endTimestamp long Unix timestamp
    cronExpression string Quartz Cron expression: seconds minutes hours day_of_month month day of week [year]


  • Defines default suggest-time options
  • Parent elements:
    • (as BuildableSuggest)
    • (as CSVIndexFieldSuggest)
    • (as CategoryPathSuggest)
    • (as CategorySuggest)
    • (as CategoryTitleSuggest)
    • (as DynamicFieldSuggest)
    • (as EnoviaSecureDynamicFieldSuggest)
    • (as IndexFieldSuggest)
    • (as QueryReportingSuggest)
    • (as RelatedTermsSuggest)
    • (as SearchBasedSuggest)
    • (as StaticResourceSuggest)
    • (as StaticXMLSuggest)
    • (as Suggest)
  • Attributes:
    Name Type Default value Description
    distance int 2 Allows approximate matching. The higher the distance the more approximate the match. 0 for exact match.
    minLengthForDistance1 int 3 Only searches for distance 1 fuzzy matches if the original word in the query is at least N characters long. This avoids too much approximation on very short words. The default value is 3.
    minLengthForDistance2 int 6 Only searches for distance 2 fuzzy matches if the original word in the query is at least N characters long. This avoids too much approximation on very short words. The default value is 6.
    autocomplete boolean Only works with a suggest built with subString or subExpr options. If set, the query is not replaced by the suggest results, instead, the results are appended to the query being typed in order to auto complete it.
    recursive boolean Discards the leftmost word of the query progressively. Each new subquery, is sent to the suggest(s), until maxSuggestions is reached, or until there is no more word to use. For example, for a query "A B C", the suggests will be called 3 times, with "A B C", "B C", and "C".
    secureSuggestTimeoutMS int 200 Aborts matching in a secure suggest when this time limit is reached.


  • Takes the value of an index field to build a suggest.
  • Parent elements:
    • (as SuggestConfig)
  • Attributes:
    Name Type Default value Description
    logic string The search logic to use
    target string The search target to use
    indexField string The index field to retrieve
    query string #all The query: may be used as a filter for the exported index data
    searchServerInstance string The search server instance to target
    suggestName string The mandatory suggest name. Must match [A-z0-9_]+
    whiteListURL string URL to a suggest-whitelist resource
    blackListURL string URL to a suggest-blacklist resource
  • Nested elements:
    Name Type Description
    SuggestBuildConfig Build options
    SuggestBuildTrigger Optional build trigger


  • Takes the value from a subset of a dynamic index field to build a suggest.
  • Parent elements:
    • (as SuggestConfig)
  • Attributes:
    Name Type Default value Description
    logic string The search logic to use
    target string The search target to use
    indexField string The index field to retrieve
    query string #all The query: may be used as a filter for the exported index data
    searchServerInstance string The search server instance to target
    suggestName string The mandatory suggest name. Must match [A-z0-9_]+
    whiteListURL string URL to a suggest-whitelist resource
    blackListURL string URL to a suggest-blacklist resource
    mode enum(all, exact, prefix, suffix, regexp) all Matching mode. If 'all' is selected, all the content of the index field will be used.
    pattern string The string to look for.
    keepContext boolean True When set to True, the context is kept in suggest entry.
  • Nested elements:
    Name Type Description
    SuggestBuildConfig Build options
    SuggestBuildTrigger Optional build trigger


  • Retrieve enovia-specific tokens from the index and uses the value of an index field and the associated security tokens to build a suggest.
  • Parent elements:
    • (as SuggestConfig)
  • Attributes:
    Name Type Default value Description
    mode enum(all, exact, prefix, suffix, regexp) all Matching mode. If 'all' is selected, all the content of the index field will be used.
    pattern string The string to look for.
    keepContext boolean True When set to True, the context is kept in suggest entry.
    logic string The search logic to use
    target string The search target to use
    indexField string The index field to retrieve
    query string #all The query: may be used as a filter for the exported index data
    searchServerInstance string The search server instance to target
    suggestName string The mandatory suggest name. Must match [A-z0-9_]+
    whiteListURL string URL to a suggest-whitelist resource
    blackListURL string URL to a suggest-blacklist resource
    mxentryQuery string availability:aclfts This query retrieves mxov, mxentry and mxpass.
    securityTokensMeta string mxov Meta associated to each suggest entry used as base for security token computing.
  • Nested elements:
    Name Type Description
    SuggestBuildConfig Build options
    SuggestBuildTrigger Optional build trigger


  • Takes the value of the 'keyword' index field.
  • Parent elements:
    • (as SuggestConfig)
  • Attributes:
    Name Type Default value Description
    logic string The search logic to use
    target string The search target to use
    indexField string The index field to retrieve
    query string #all The query: may be used as a filter for the exported index data
    searchServerInstance string The search server instance to target
    suggestName string The mandatory suggest name. Must match [A-z0-9_]+
    whiteListURL string URL to a suggest-whitelist resource
    blackListURL string URL to a suggest-blacklist resource
    dictionaryName string dict0
  • Nested elements:
    Name Type Description
    SuggestBuildConfig Build options
    SuggestBuildTrigger Optional build trigger


  • Takes one value from a multi-encoded CSV field.
  • Parent elements:
    • (as SuggestConfig)
  • Attributes:
    Name Type Default value Description
    logic string The search logic to use
    target string The search target to use
    indexField string The index field to retrieve
    query string #all The query: may be used as a filter for the exported index data
    searchServerInstance string The search server instance to target
    suggestName string The mandatory suggest name. Must match [A-z0-9_]+
    whiteListURL string URL to a suggest-whitelist resource
    blackListURL string URL to a suggest-blacklist resource
    meta string The CSV encoded meta to retrieve
  • Nested elements:
    Name Type Description
    SuggestBuildConfig Build options
    SuggestBuildTrigger Optional build trigger


  • Takes category titles of one category index field.
  • Parent elements:
    • (as SuggestConfig)
  • Attributes:
    Name Type Default value Description
    root string Path to retrieve
    rootForm enum(exact, lowercase, normalized) normalized Form of the category root.
    logic string The search logic to use
    target string The search target to use
    indexField string The index field to retrieve
    query string #all The query: may be used as a filter for the exported index data
    searchServerInstance string The search server instance to target
    suggestName string The mandatory suggest name. Must match [A-z0-9_]+
    whiteListURL string URL to a suggest-whitelist resource
    blackListURL string URL to a suggest-blacklist resource
  • Nested elements:
    Name Type Description
    SuggestBuildConfig Build options
    SuggestBuildTrigger Optional build trigger


  • Takes category paths of one category index field.
  • Parent elements:
    • (as SuggestConfig)
  • Attributes:
    Name Type Default value Description
    root string Path to retrieve
    rootForm enum(exact, lowercase, normalized) normalized Form of the category root.
    logic string The search logic to use
    target string The search target to use
    indexField string The index field to retrieve
    query string #all The query: may be used as a filter for the exported index data
    searchServerInstance string The search server instance to target
    suggestName string The mandatory suggest name. Must match [A-z0-9_]+
    whiteListURL string URL to a suggest-whitelist resource
    blackListURL string URL to a suggest-blacklist resource
    removeRoot boolean Removes the category root from results.
  • Nested elements:
    Name Type Description
    SuggestBuildConfig Build options
    SuggestBuildTrigger Optional build trigger


  • Takes a suggest XML file as parameter and compiles it. This suggest cannot be scheduled. Build options are read directly from the suggest XML file. Entries are compiled as found in the file.
  • Parent elements:
    • (as SuggestConfig)
  • Attributes:
    Name Type Default value Description
    suggestName string The mandatory suggest name. Must match [A-z0-9_]+
    whiteListURL string URL to a suggest-whitelist resource
    blackListURL string URL to a suggest-blacklist resource
    url string URL to the Suggest XML file.
    tokenizationConfig string Tokenization Config to use.
  • Nested elements:
    Name Type Description


  • Takes an already compiled resource as parameter. This suggest can neither be scheduled nor built.
  • Parent elements:
    • (as SuggestConfig)
  • Attributes:
    Name Type Default value Description
    suggestName string The mandatory suggest name. Must match [A-z0-9_]+
    whiteListURL string URL to a suggest-whitelist resource
    blackListURL string URL to a suggest-blacklist resource
    url string URL to the directory where the compiled suggest data is stored.
    tokenizationConfig string Tokenization Config to use.
  • Nested elements:
    Name Type Description


  • A SuggestDispatcher associates prefix handlers to Suggests. It may be used by the SuggestCommand to dispatch a relevant part of a query to the right suggest. For example, given a query "title: test", it will send "test" to the Suggest attached to the "title" prefix handler.
  • Parent elements:
    • (as SuggestConfig)
  • Attributes:
    Name Type Default value Description
    name string The mandatory suggest dispatcher name. Must match [A-z0-9_]+
    matchWholeQuery boolean Sends the whole query to the default suggest if the cursor is outside a prefix handler. If unselected, it sends a subquery delimited by surrounding prefixes.
    useWithUnknownPrefix boolean Sends the query to the default suggest if the cursor is within an undefined prefix handler. If unselected, undefined prefix handlers are ignored and there will be no suggestions.
    addQuotes boolean True Adds quotes where necessary so that the whole suggestion is included in the prefix handler.
    displayPrefixInSuggest boolean When activated, the suggest is prefixed by the corresponding prefix handler if defined.
    maxNbResults int Max number of suggest entries returned by this suggest dispatcher (0 returns all available entries).
    boostVariety boolean Allows to retrieve the best matches for each suggest according to the maximum number of suggestions. Note that this mode does not always return the best global results.
  • Nested elements:
    Name Type Description
    designedForLogics exa.bee.StringValue* SearchLogic names. Prefix handler names will be checked against these logics
    PrefixHandlerSuggestPair* Association of a prefix handler and a suggest


  • Maps a prefix handler to a suggest dictionary. You can map as many pairs as needed.
  • Parent elements:
    • (as SuggestDispatcher)
  • Attributes:
    Name Type Default value Description
    prefixHandler string A prefix handler name or alias
    suggestName string An existing suggest name
    maxNbResults int Max number of suggest entries returned by this suggest
    useInDefaultSuggest boolean Select Default to specify the suggest dictionary to use by default for a specific prefix handler. Note that you must specify at least one default suggest to use the following options:
    • Match whole query
    • Use default suggest for non configured prefix
    • Add prefix handler to suggestion


  • exa.bee.StringValue
  • No documentation for this element.
  • Parent elements:
    • (as designedForLogics)
    • (as isAliveQueries)
  • Attributes:
    Name Type Default value Description
    value string


  • exa.bee.KeyValue
  • No documentation for this element.
  • Parent elements:
    • (as CSVMultiField)
    • (as CustomHitOperation)
    • (as CustomMetaOperation)
    • (as CustomPrefixHandler)
    • (as CustomProcessor)
    • (as CustomQueryExpansionModule)
    • com.exalead.indexing.analysis.v10.CustomSemanticProcessor (as CustomSemanticProcessor)
    • exa.bee.KeyValue (as KeyValue)
    • (as add)
    • (as customRunnerFactoryParams)
    • (as customRunnerFactoryParams)
    • (as customRunnerFactoryParams)
    • (as customRunnerFactoryParams)
    • (as replace)
  • Attributes:
    Name Type Default value Description
    key string The name of the key
    value string
    type string
    description string
  • Nested elements:
    Name Type Description
    KeyValue exa.bee.KeyValue*