Editing the Roles of Connected Ports

You can assign roles to EE components, which are connected to a MIL-STD-1553B.

Note: With the Avionics Architect (AVARA) role, you can create a MIL-STD-1553B connector.

This scenario describes how to edit the roles of ECUs. The scenario is identical for actuators, sensors, and electrical devices.

Before you begin:
  • Create a topology.
  • Create a bus of MIL-STD-1553B type and instantiate it in the topology.
  • Create and connect to the bus, four ECUs of MIL-STD-1553B type (a controller, a monitor, and two remote terminals).
See Also
MIL-STD-1553B Validation Rule
  1. From the Buses node of the topology, right-click the bus and select Edit the Roles of Connected Ports .
    The Edit the Roles of Connected Ports dialog box appears. It contains the ECUs connected to the selected bus.
    Note: You have to associate the following roles to ECUs:
    • One Bus Controller
    • One Bus Monitoring
    • Two Remote Terminal
  2. To associate roles, you can:
    Select a value in the Bus role column for each ECU. The selected role is assigned to the corresponding port.
    Select the ECUs for which you want to update the roles and click Mass Update to assign them for several connected ports. The selected roles are assigned to the corresponding ports.

    Note: You can also update the role of the connected ports of an ECU in the Properties tab.