Generating a Configured Harness

You can duplicate a harness according to different conductor configurations. To generate a configured harness, you select one or several conductors or their associated electrical geometry thanks to filters. You can also generate several configured harnesses together.

  1. Select one or several conductors in the original harness in the tree.

    The Harness Configuration panel appears displaying the selected conductor(s).

  2. Click the conductor's name.
    • All the conductors and conductor groups under the selected occurrence will be selected.
    • Conductors that are not routed or conductors having invalid route are not displayed in the Harness Configuration panel.
    • If a child conductor or conductor group inside the conductor group is selected, its entire parent conductor group will be selected as well.
    • If you select a conductor group, its child structure and the child structure of its linked conductor group specs should be similar.
  3. After selecting the conductor, click Harness Configuration in the Harness Configuration panel.
    The name of the preconfigured harness and the number of wires on it are displayed in columns added to right side of the Harness Configuration panel. You can then select the conductors and then the Harness Configuration to add another preconfigured harness.
    Tip: To rename the preconfigured harness, right-click the its name and select Edit Name.
  4. Optional: To remove the preconfigured harness, select the preconfigured harness name and then click Remove.
  5. Optional: To highlight the conductors on the preconfigured harness in the Harness Configuration panel and in the 3D area, click Preferences on the top-right corner of the panel and select the Highlight conductors check box.
  6. On the right side of the Harness Configuration panel, click Generate Preconfigured Harness to generate all the configured harnesses.

    Next to the original harness window, a new product opens, containing the configured harness. It contains only the selected conductor and its geometry (under the Branch set). New references are created for the root product, electrical geometries, electrical physical system, electrical branch geometries and any intermediate product in the product structure.

  7. Save the configured harness.