Instantiating and Linking Conductors

You can map conductors inserted in the session to conductor references instantiated from the database.

  1. Select an electrical physical system in the tree.
    • The Instanciate / Link / Unlink Conductors and Conductor Groups dialog box appears.
    • Conductors and conductor groups belonging to the selected electrical physical system are listed.
      Important: Only the conductors and conductor groups belonging to the first hierarchical level of the electrical physical system can be managed in the dialog box. Therefore, conductors embedded in conductor groups are not displayed in the list.
  2. Under Data Source, select either:
    • Electrical Library
    • Electrical Catalog
    • Database or session
  3. Select Activate / Deactivate filter and then select Not resolved in the Filter on Link/Unlink Status list to see only the conductors that are not yet mapped.
  4. Select one or more unresolved conductors that have the same part number reference, then click Instantiate from reference in session or database and Link.
    The Content Chooser appears.
  5. Search for the conductor reference.
    If there is only one conductor reference, it is automatically inserted into the electrical physical system.

    If there are several versions of the conductor, you must choose the version of interest.

    The Link Status of the selected conductors is updated in the Instanciate / Link / Unlink Conductors and Conductor Groups dialog box to Fully resolved. The conductors are moved to the Fully resolved folder in the tree.

    Note: If you have not selected the Mapping option, the attributes of the conductor reference are not propagated in the conductor specifications.
  6. Click Close when done.