Analyzing Segment Filling Ratio

This step shows you how to analyze the filling ratio of segments in your network.

You can use Network Assistant with a business rule to customize the computation of a segment's filling ratio.

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  1. From the Conductors section of the action bar, select the Conductor Rooting Assistant.
  2. Select the electrical physical system in the tree.
  3. Press Ctrl and select the conductors that are not rooted.
  4. Click Route Selected Conductors Automatically.

    You automatically route the selected conductors.

    You can now close the Conductor Rooting Assistant.

  5. From the Network Assistant toolbar, click the To Make Selection arrow and select Segment Filling Ratio in the list.
  6. Click the To Make Selection arrow again, and select the electrical geometry in the tree.
    Three types of colors visually reflect the filling percentage of the segments in the work area:
    • Red: overfilled segments with a filling ratio superior to 80%
    • Orange: optimally filled segments with a filling ratio between 50% and 80%
    • Green: underfilled segments with a filling ratio inferior to 50%