Routing Multiple Branches with Multiple Elements Automatically

You can automatically route multiple branches through supports or retainers.

Note: This task describes how to route multiple branches with multiple supports. The scenario is identical for retainers.

Before you begin: Create a product containing branches and supports positioned appropriately in the 3D area.
See Also
About Routing Multiple Elements Automatically
  1. In the work area, select individually or multiselect:
    • Products
    • Electrical branch geometries
    • Branches
    • Supports and retainers

    When you select a product or an electrical branch geometry, all their aggregated elements are selected.

  2. From the Branch section of the action bar, click Route Multiple Elements .
    The Route Multiple Elements panel displays the elements you selected.
    Tips: In the panel:
    • Click an element to highlight it in the work area.
    • Right-click an element and click Remove to remove the element from your selection.
  3. Optional: Select Proximity criteria to set a maximum tolerated distance between supports and branches.

    By default, Proximity criteria is cleared.

  4. Click Route.

The branches are automatically routed with the supports closest to their curve.