Using Smart Place from Library

You can place in your assembly a component stored in an electrical library and then use the Robot to edit its position.

  1. From the Device section of the action bar, click Smart Place from Library .
  2. In the Library Editor panel, select one component.

    For more information about libraries, see Working with General Libraries.

    The selected component appears in the Place Device dialog box.
  3. Optional: To duplicate the reference of the selected component and instantiate it as a new reference:
    1. Select Duplicate and Insert.

      By default, this option is cleared.

    2. In the Duplication String box, enter a value to define the name of the new reference.

    Note: You can define a business logic to duplicate and instantiate the reference automatically. For more information, see Validate Duplicate and Insert Availability During Smart Place.

    When the opening ID is defined, the Duplicate and Insert option is not available.

  4. In the 3D area, hover over one of the following objects to select a positioning reference:
    • A point
    • An edge or a line
      Note: When hovering over an edge or a line, press Ctrl to select the edge or the line as reference.
    • A surface
    A handle displays the position of the component to be placed.

    Tip: Press Shift to reverse the handle direction.
  5. Click to place the selected component.
    The component is placed and oriented according to the positioning reference.

    Note: If a connection point is selected as reference point, an engineering connection is created between the component and the device.
  6. Manipulate the Robot to edit the position of the component.
  7. To validate your manipulations, click in the 3D area or press Enter.