About the Editability of Cables and Cable Routes

The capability to switch your cables and their cable routes from read-only to edition is integrated to several cable commands.

If you work with a product with control content privileges, your cables and cable routes are in read-only mode and you cannot modify them.

For more information about control content privileges, see Native Apps Preferences Guide: App Preferences: Social and Collaborative: Global Design Management: Collaborative Lifecycle: Content Access.

For read-only objects, the Switch to Edition command is available:

  • From the Collaboration section of the action bar in the Collaborative Lifecycle app.
  • From the context menu in the tree.

For read-only cables and cable routes, the command is also available from the context menu when you select a cable or a cable route in the following commands:

  • Routing Assistant
  • Cable Management Assistant
  • Associate Junction Point

  • Switching to edition a cable also switches to edition its cable reference.
  • Switching to edition a cable route also switches to edition the representation of its parent electrical physical system.

    Therefore, if you switch to edition one cable route belonging to an electrical physical system that aggregates 10 cable routes, all the cable routes within the electrical physical system are switched to edition.

Note: The capability to switch to edition cannot be undone using the Undo and Redo commands.