Simulating the Route

You can find the best route between selected network ends and compute the route length.

Tip: Use a compatibility table to apply separation conditions when simulating the route.

Before you begin: Create a network of segments using the Electrical 3D Design app. See Connecting Segments.
  1. From the Conductors section of the action bar, click Simulate Route .

    The Routing Simulation dialog box appears.

  2. Select two or more devices between which you want to determine the best network route.
    You can also select segment connection points.

    In the dialog box, the Number of selected extremities and the Length of route found boxes are automatically filled with the data corresponding to your selection.

    The Compute button becomes available when two devices are selected.

  3. Click Compute to simulate the route and calculate its length.
    Tip: In the work area, select another device to add it to the route then click Compute again, or deselect devices and select other devices then click Compute to simulate a new route.
  4. Click Close when done.