The weight attributes available in the table differ depending on the type of element selected (part, assembly) and on the action you are performing (declaring or computing weight).
The table below shows the attributes displayed when computing weight:
# | Attribute | Value |
1 | Weight [Margin] | 0.002kg [0.002kg..0.003kg] |
2 | CoG along X | 1.684e-008mm |
3 | CoG along Y | -2.713e-008mm |
4 | CoG along Z | -6.478e-009mm |
5 | Volume | 3.176e-007m3 |
6 | Moment Ixx / G | 2.036e-007kgxm2 |
7 | Moment Iyy / G | 1.093e-007kgxm2 |
8 | Moment Izz / G | 1.093e-007kgxm2 |
9 | Product of Inertia Ixx / G | 0kgxm2 |
10 | Product of Inertia Ixz / G | 0kgxm2 |
11 | Product of Inertia Iyz / G | 0kgxm2 |
12 | Mean Density | 7860kg_m3 |
13 | Include in Weight Synthesis | Yes |
14 | Comment | |
The table below shows the attributes displayed when retrieving weight:
# | Attribute | Value |
1 | Weight [Statistical Margin] | 2.456kg [2.419kg..2.949kg] |
2 | CoG along X | 434.959mm |
3 | CoG along Y | 1.005mm |
4 | CoG along Z | -5.008mm |
5 | Volume | 6.863e-004m3 |
6 | Weight maturity | 82% |
To get more information on the kind of weight applied to a part, position the pointer over an attribute in the table.
To edit a value, select the corresponding cell, and either click the value or press F2. Then, type the value and press Enter.
Working with Computed Weights Only
The table below provides information about the icons available with the table only when working with computed weights:
Icon | Action |

| Launches a heavy update of weight values. Provides the capability to update the permanently stored weight results for child products, depending on the associated geometry. This consequently updates the temporary weight results for parent assembly nodes. |

| Launches a light update of weight values. Provides the capability to update the temporary weight results for assembly nodes (for instance, if filters are modified, or if a child node is removed from the assembly node). |
Working with Declared Weights Only
The table below provides information about the icons available with the table when working with declared weights only:
Icon | Action |
 | Computes inertia values when declaring the weight of a part or product. |

| Switches the reference axis system, from that of the root element (x, y, z) to the axis system of the selected element (0, 0, 0). |