Inserting a Protective Covering in Standard Mode

You can create a protective covering and place it over a segment.

  1. Under Selection mode, select From scratch.

    Note: By default, this mode is selected.

  2. In the Type list, select one of the following types:
    • Fixed Diameter
    • Adaptive Diameter
    • Corrugated tube
    • Tape.
  3. In the Thickness box, type a value or use the arrows to change the value.
  4. Click More >> to set other parameters.
  5. Under Placement mode, select Standard.
  6. Select a segment in the work area.
    • The protective covering is placed over the selected segment.
    • The length of protective covering is the same as the length of the selected segment.
    • The ends of the protective covering are highlighted in green labels and their respective reference points are the selected segment ends.

A new protective covering is inserted and appears under the Protection Set node in the tree.