Creating Supports

Creating Retainers

A retainer is a type of support composed of a specified straight base. When routed on this support, the segment remains in contact with the base, whatever the segment diameter.

  1. In the work area, select a 3D shape, and then click Support .
  2. Optional: In the Support Definition dialog box, edit the Name value.
  3. In the work area, select a point through the support.

    Note: This point defines the position of the segment routed through the support.

  4. Select a first plane to define the way into the support.
  5. Select a second plane to define the way out of the support.

    Important: The two planes must be parallel.

  6. Select the base plane to complete the definition of the retainer.

    Important: Only a planar surface or plane can be selected as base plane to avoid ambiguous positioning on curved surfaces.

  7. Click OK to validate.
    The tree is updated and the publications are created with the specific retainer parameter EHISUPPORT-RefBasePlane.