Copying / Cutting and Pasting Branches

You can copy or remove the selected branch and paste it to the required location.

For more information about the standard copy, cut, and paste functionality, see Cutting, Copying and Pasting Objects.

  1. Activate the representation of the electrical branch geometry.
  2. Select the branch you want to copy or cut.

    You can select the branch from the tree or the work area.

  3. From the standard area of the action bar, click Copy (or press Ctrl+C) or Cut (or press Ctrl+X).
  4. Select the branch set of another electrical branch geometry and click Paste (or press Ctrl+V).
    The branch is pasted.

  • If you cut a branch, cut its dependent branches with it and paste all the branches in the same electrical branch geometry.
  • The protective coverings alone cannot be cut or copied, and pasted. The protective covering along with the branch segment is automatically managed during the cut or copy operation.
  • If you cut the branch, the geometrical links pointing to it are broken.
  • After pasting the branch, you must manually recreate the lost links pointed by this branch.
  • If a device involved in a device distant link is not open when the pointed branch is cut and pasted, the distant link no longer stays connected to the pasted branch.

    You have to manually edit the distant link and reconnect the pointed element. You can select a branch, branch point, or a proxy branch point of the source electrical branch geometry (from where the branch was cut).