Synchronizing the 3D Flattened Geometry

Synchronize lets you retrieve the modifications in the laid-out data after flattening it.

This task shows you how to:

Before you begin: To check content connectivity during the synchronization process, select the Electrical Connection check box under Extract and Synchronize check, available in Me > Preferences > App Preferences > 3D Modeling > Equipment > Electrical Discipline > Electrical Manufacturing Preparation > General expander.ta

If this check box is clear, the harness beyond the branch having an unconnected end is not taken into account during the synchronization.

Synchronize Geometries when Flatten Links are Available

If the flatten links are loaded in the session, you can synchronize a 3D harness geometry with a 3D flattened geometry.

  1. To redefine the backbone manually, under Flatten Devices, do the following steps:
    1. Click the Start box and select the start device of the backbone.
    2. Click the End box and select the end device of the backbone.
    3. Click Find Path to define the backbone between the selected start and end devices.
      The backbone is represented in the harness and flattened data in pink .
  2. Click Simulate to run a synchronization simulation.
    • An icon appears on the Simulate button when mapping is completed successfully.
    • In the Backbone tab, the list of all the rolls present on the backbone appears under the Roll expander.
      Note: By default, the first roll with OK status is an anchor roll . During synchronization, the anchor roll retains its position and shape.

      To specify the required anchor roll, right-click the required roll and select Anchor.

    • In the flattened data, the simulated backbone is displayed in yellow . When the rolls are present, you can specify the required anchor roll and the simulated backbone will be displayed accordingly.
    • Under Report, in the Map tab, the following expanders lists the corresponding elements:
      • Mapped Elements: Lists the elements that are mapped successfully for entire data.
      • Extra Elements in the Harness Data: Lists the elements from harness data which are not mapped with flatten elements. You can specify the flatten status of the branches. To do so, right-click the required branch and select the required flatten status.
      • Extra Elements in the Flatten Data: Lists all the elements in flattened data which are going to be removed.
  3. Right-click the flatten status of the required branch and select the required flatten status.
  4. Click Analyze to analyze the synchronization results.
    • An icon appears on the button when the synchronization analysis is successfully completed.
    • Under the Analysis tab, the synchronization analysis report appears under the expanders, Pie chart and Advance Report.
    • The objects in the 3D area are colored according to their synchronization status.
  5. Click Sync to synchronize the flatten harness data.
    • An icon appears on the Sync button when the synchronization is successfully completed.
    • The actual synced backbone appears same as the simulated backbone displayed in yellow .

Synchronize Geometries when Flatten Links are Available and Harness Data is not Open

You can synchronize geometries whose linked data is not opened but is in the database.

  1. Click Yes to open the required harness data.
    • In the Synchronize panel, under Map with Harness, the start and end devices of the pre-selected backbone are displayed.
    • The proposed backbone appears in pink .
    • Under Report, the Backbone tab is added which displays the mapped elements for backbone.
      Tip: You can use cross highlight behaviour, apply filters, and reframe on the required elements from the report.
  2. To redefine the backbone manually, under Flatten Device, do the following steps:
    1. Click the Start box and select the start device of the backbone.
    2. Click the End box and select the end device of the backbone.
    3. Click Find Path to define the backbone between the selected start and end devices.
      The backbone is represented in the harness and flattened data in pink .
  3. Click Simulate to run a synchronization simulation.
    • An icon appears on the Simulate button when mapping is completed successfully.
    • In the Backbone tab, the following expanders lists the corresponding elements:
      • Mapped Elements: Lists the mapped elements for the backbone are listed.
      • Rolls: Lists all the rolls present on the backbone.
        Note: By default, the first roll with OK status is an anchor roll . During synchronization, the anchor roll retains its position and shape.

        To specify the required anchor roll, right-click the required roll and select Anchor.

    • In the flattened data, the simulated backbone is displayed in yellow . When the rolls are present, you can specify the required anchor roll and the simulated backbone will be displayed accordingly.
    • Under Report, in the Map tab, below expanders lists the corresponding elements:
      • Mapped Elements: Lists the elements that are mapped successfully for entire data.
      • Extra Elements in the Harness Data: Lists the elements from harness data which are not mapped with flatten elements. You can specify the flatten status of the branches. To do so, right-click the required branch and select the required flatten status.
      • Extra Elements in the Flatten Data: Lists all the elements in flattened data which are going to be removed.
  4. Right-click the flatten status of the required branch and select the required flatten status.
  5. Click Analyze to analyze the synchronization results.
    • An icon appears on the button when the synchronization analysis is successfully completed.
    • Under the Analysis tab, the synchronization analysis report appears under the expanders, Pie chart and Advance Report.
    • The objects in the 3D area are colored according to their synchronization status.
  6. Click Sync to synchronize the flatten harness data.
    • An icon appears on the Sync button when the synchronization is successfully completed.
    • The actual synced backbone appears same as the simulated backbone displayed in yellow .