Generating the Documentation

The Documentation lets you automatically generate the documents to create the documentation of the 3D harness.

  1. Select the required electrical physical system.
  2. In the Documentation Process panel, click Validation to validate the selected content.

    The expanders between following are displayed under Report:

    • Electrically disconnected branches: Under this, all the branches which are open ended or electrically disconnected are listed.
    • Branches without curve: Under this, all the branches which are not linked to any curve are listed.
    • Loops in data: Under this, all the elements which are forming the loop in the harness data are listed. These elements will be displayed in orange .
    • Check for multiple networks: Under this, all the networks connected to current electrical physical system are listed. By default, the biggest network among the connected networks is flattened.
      Color Significance

      Network to be flattened

      Other identified connected networks

      To flatten the required network, you can right-click the required network and click the Select network.

  3. Click Validation again to reinitiate the selection of electrical physical system.
  4. Click Generate Layout to generate the documentation of the flattened content.
    Two tabs are created:
    • In a new tab, the 2D drawing of the flattened harness is generated according to the preferences set in the GVS file.

      Annotations such as the connector information table, cutting lines, and symbols appear.

    • In another new tab, the flattened layout of the harness is generated under a new product.

      The harness backbone is aligned on the x-axis and the content is scaled and dimensioned according to the preferences and the sheet template.