You can recompute the laid out branch by manipulating the end device connected to that branch. The branch is shaped automatically after manipulating the device at the required position.
Before you begin: Open the laid-out documentation data.
From the Documentation section of the action bar, click Prepare Layout.
On the context toolbar, click Punctual Mode and then the Branch Recompute.
Select the required device at the end of the required branch and manipulate it in a flatten plane to achieve the required position.
You can translate the device on the flatten plane and rotate it about the normal to the flatten plane.
You cannot select the devices connected to rolled branch.
Click in the work area.
The branch connected to the manipulated device is recomputed to have new shape as per the final position of the manipulated device.
The application of the roll or the S-shape roll during re-computation depends on the intersection of the original branch direction and the direction of tangent at the segment connection point at the modified device position as below:
If intersection is possible, the single roll is applied.
If intersection is not possible due to parallel direction of both vectors, S-shape roll is applied.
If intersection is beyond the branch scope, no re-computation is possible and the error message appears.