Rotating Components

You can rotate devices or supports (simple and complex). The rotation is performed around the common point between the linked segment and the component.

Before you begin: Flatten the harness.
  1. From the Formboard section of the action bar, click Prepare Layout .
  2. On the context toolbar, click Punctual Mode and then click Rotate Component .
  3. Select the required component.
    A graduation circle and a number show the value of the rotation angle.

    Rotating a Device

    Rotating a Support

    Tip: You can also specify the angle increment with a business rule. For more information, see business rule.
  4. Rotate the component.
  5. Click the work area to apply rotation.
    • When you select the rotated component again, previous rotation angle is displayed.

      Rotating a Device

      Rotating a Support

    • When the symmetry plane or the axis system is not defined for a device and the shape of the device is symmetric like square or circle, the constraint vector returned is the flat plane normal. For such devices, the angle shown when you select the device (new or already manipulated) is zero deg.
    • When the rotation plane is orthogonal to the flat plane and you select the component, the angle made by device reference vector with the flat plane normal is displayed.
    • When the rotation plane is not orthogonal to the flat plane and you select the component, initially the angle displayed is zero deg. When you rotate that component and select it again, the angle of rotation is displayed.