Creating a Device Section View

You can generate a section view of a device in the Drafting app, and thus obtain a front view of a devices assembly.

Depending on the orientation of the device, two different Drafting views can be used: the auxiliary view and the projection view. They have different properties but can be both used in the same drawing. For more information, see Drafting User's Guide: Creating Views.

Important: Owning a Drafting license is mandatory to perform this task.

This task shows you how to:

Before you begin: In a new tab, create a drawing in the Drafting app.

Use an Auxiliary View

The auxiliary view enables you to generate a device section view which is perpendicular to the plane.

  1. Generate a 2D view of your flattened content.
    1. From the View Layout section of the action bar, click Front View .
    2. In your flattened content tab, select a reference plane.
    The view is generated in the drawing.

    Note: For more information, see Drafting User's Guide: Creating Views: Creating a Front View.
  2. From the Electrical Dress-up section, click Device Section View .
  3. Select a device edge which is perpendicular to the view direction.

  4. Click the sheet to generate the section view.
    The section view is created perpendicular to the view direction of the device.
    Note: The view displays all the connectors linked to the selected device.

    • You can move the position of the section view but only according to the direction of the callout (A arrow in our example).
      Note: To hide the callouts, clear the Create callout in active view option. For more information, see Native Apps Preferences Guide: Mechanical: 2D Layout for 3D Design: View Creation.
    • A line representing the table reference can also be displayed. The symbol needs to be declared in your chapter in Data Setup using the following path: intel_a\startup\Electrical\Drawing\Table_Reference.3dxml.
    Important: If you edit the position of the assembly in Electrical Manufacturing Preparation, you can refresh the section view by clicking Update in Electrical Manufacturing Preparation, and then again in Drafting. By default, the alignment is not updated, so you need to edit the callout to recompute the alignment.

    For more information, see Drafting User's Guide: Customizing View Content: Modifying a Callout Geometry.

Use a Projection View

The projection view enables you to generate a device section view based on the viewing direction of a specific plane published on a device.

This allows you to visualize a device section which is not perpendicular to the plane.

Before you begin: Publish a plane on a device reference with the prefix EHFDeviceSectionPlane_.

For more information, see Product Structure Design: Working with Publications: Creating a Publication.

  1. Generate a 2D view of your flattened content.
    1. From the View Layout section of the action bar, click Front View .
    2. In your flattened content tab, select a reference plane.
    The front view is generated in the drawing.

    Note: For more information, see Drafting User's Guide: Creating Views: Creating a Front View.
  2. From the Electrical Dress-up section, click Device Section View .
  3. In the drawing, hover over an assembly of devices.
    A green tag displaying Published Section Plane appears.

    Tip: If there is more than one published plane, the tag corresponds to the first found publication. You need to hover over a specific device to display its corresponding tag.
  4. Generate the section view:
    1. Click the green tag to select a published plane.
      The tag turns blue.
    2. Click the sheet to generate the view.

The section view appears.

  • Clicking after the point connecting the branch and the assembly generates a section view which corresponds to the published plane viewing direction.

  • Clicking before the point connecting the branch and the assembly generates a section view which corresponds to the reverse viewing direction of the published plane.

  • Working with a projection view also allows you to visualize the orientation angle between a keyway and the drawing plane. This information enables to properly orient the device on the formboard.

    Two lines need to be published in the device reference:

    • The keyway line, with the following prefix: EHFKeywayLine_
    • The keyway reference line, with the following prefix: EHFKeywayRefLine_

    As a result, the keyway orientation angle is displayed in the device section view:

  • You can edit the position of the view by dragging it anywhere in the drawing.
  • A device section view based on a published plane is not associated with the devices assembly. If the edition of your flattened content leads to a modification of the section view, you have to use Device Section View again to update the projection view.
  • When creating a device section view based on a published plane, the callout and the table reference line are not created.