Managing Electrical Attributes Display

You can export electrical attributes (branches, segments and protections) as 3D XML file and visualize them in CATIA.

A 3D XML a lightweight XML-based format used for quick and easy sharing of 3D content.

This task shows you how to:

Before you begin: Open a new product.

Set the Electrical Data Review Options

Before exporting electrical attributes, you have to set the electrical data review options.

  1. Click the General tab available at Me > Preferences > App Preferences > 3D Modeling > Electrical and Electronic Systems > Electrical Mfg. Preparation.
  2. Under the Electrical Data Review, select the Electrical information to include during the save process check box.
  3. Select one of the following options:
    • Only the electrical attributes: Includes electrical attributes when propagating.
    • Electrical and aggregated Knowledge attributes: Includes electrical and aggregated knowledge attributes when propagating.

      For more information about knowledge attributes, see Electrical Feature Types.

  4. Click OK.

Export Electrical Attributes

You can export electrical attributes into a 3D XML file only.

Before you begin: Modify the electrical attributes before propagating.
  1. Select a root product and click Share > Save > Save with Options.
  2. In the Search Criteria box of the top bar, enter a search string and select your product in the results list.
  3. In the top bar, click Share > Export > 3D XML or File.
  4. In the Export dialog box, from the Format list, select one of the following options:
    • With authoring: The content is stored in the exported file and is readable in any environment.
    • For review: The content is not readable and is only used for review.
  5. Click OK to export the content.
    You can visualize the exported attribute using CATIA with the generated 3D XML as content source.

Display Electrical Attributes

You can display electrical attributes in CATIA with the visualization mode. Note that for both environments, a licence of 3D Annotation Insight product is required.

For more information about displaying electrical attributes in 3D Annotation Insight, see 3D Annotation Insight User's Guide: Managing Annotations Display.

  1. From the Compass, click 3D Annotation Insight.
  2. Right click the required annotation set and select Show All FTA .
  3. Select a 3D representation in the work area or in the tree.
    The electrical attributes of the 3D representation are displayed in the tooltip.