Managing Routes between Electrical Components

Branching an Electrical Route Line

You can branch an electrical route in a diagram view.

This task shows you how to:

Before you begin: Open a diagram view containing,
  • A logical reference under the Logical node
  • An electrical reference under the Logical node
  • Two components connected through an existing electrical route
  • A component to connect.

Branch a Net / Net Group

You can branch a net on an existing route in a diagram view. Branching a net will split the existing net route and create a branch.

A net group can also be branched.

Before you begin: The net reference must already be saved.
  1. Select the component to be connected.
    A context toolbar appears, containing commands to create an elbow or a straight route line.
  2. Select the existing net route.

The first net route is split in two new routes through a branch symbol. A third net route is created.