Classification Attributes

The following topic references the classification attributes to be created in IP Classification.

This page discusses:

Classification Attributes for Cables

To filter cables, the following classification attributes have to be added to the library and class.

Actual Name Type
CableCode String
Gauge String
NumberOfCores Integer

Classification Attributes for Physical Products

To filter physical contacts, the following classification attributes have to be added to the library and class.

Name Type Default Value
ELEContactGender String The possible Values are Pin or Socket.
ELEContactSize String
ELEContactType String
ELEContactWireGaugeMax String
ELEContactWireGaugeMin String
Actual Name Display Name Type Default Value
Gender Gender String Up
Note: The possible values are P or S. It corresponds to the gender value of the connector.
ContactSize Contact Size Integer 0
Note: It corresponds to the gauge of the connector pin.
ContactType Contact Type String Mono
Note: It corresponds to the value calculated according to the number of wires connected to the cavity and the cable type that grouped theses wires.
SizeMax Wire Gauge Max Integer 0
Note: Permitted wire gauge
SizeMin Wire Gauge Min Integer 0
Note: Permitted wire gauge