Defining Electrical Component Representation in Data Setup

You can create a default symbol representation for the following electrical components: Busbar, harness connector, disconnect, terminal block, splice, shell.

Once the representation is assigned to the Default Electrical Components Representation resource, the representation will be called every time the component is placed in a diagram view.

Before you begin: In the Electrical Systems Design app:
  1. In the Electrical logical resources, create a resource table.
  2. In the Default Electrical Components Representation resource, set the following elements:
    1. Select a value in the Type = <Any value> list according to the desired electrical component representation.

      Note: All electrical logical components values begin with the EleLogical prefix. The supported types are EleLogicalShellConnector, EleLogicalTerminalBoard, EleLogicalSplice, EleLogicalSingleConnector, EleLogicalBusbar, EleLogicalInlineConnector.

    2. In the Full / Partial = <Any Value> list, indicate if it is a partial or a complete representation of the electrical component.
    3. Only for a disconnect and harness connector: in the Plug / Rec = <Any Value> list, define the style associated to the resource.

      Note: The Both value is only available for disconnects.

    Note: For more information about electrical components representation, see About Electrical Component Representation.

  3. Right-click <Unset> and select Choose the assigned resource.
    The Select dialog box appears.
  4. Click the From Search tab, type the name of the logical reference and click Search.
    Matching results are displayed in the list below.
  5. Select the desired logical reference and click OK.
    The name of the selected reference appears in the Resource column.
  6. Click OK when done.
    The new setup data table is added under the Electrical Logical Resources resource set.
  7. Associate your resource with a project.
  8. Click Close.
    A message appears asking you if you want to save.
  9. Click Yes to save the setup data table.