Creating Cable Group Content

You can create the content of a cable group.

For the purpose of this scenario, the cable group will connect two equipments.

Before you begin:
  • Create a cable reference.
    Important: If you want to create a ground and neutral cable, you must create their reference beforehand.
  • Create a logical reference (Electrical System) under the Logical node.
  • Create two equipments with one connector port.
  1. Create a cable group reference (CableGroup) under the logical reference.
    The Logical Cable Group dialog box appears.
  2. In the Logical Cable Group tab:
    • Type a name for the cable group in the Name box.
    • In the Number of Conductors by Pole box, type the number of cables per group to be created (3).
    • In the Number of Poles box, type the number of cable group to be created (2).
    • In the Cable Reference box, type the name of the cable reference to be created (Cable 1).
    • Optional: In the Neutral Cable Reference box, type the name of the neutral cable.
    • Optional: Type the number of neutral cable to be created in the Number of Neutral Conductors box
    • Optional: Type the name of the ground cable in the Ground Cable Reference box.

    Note: The pins with a neutral or ground cable have a subtype with a ground or a neutral value.

  3. Click OK to create the cable content.
    The cable group reference is created.

  4. Connect the ports of the two equipments with the connector ports of the cable group.
  5. From the Edition section of the action bar, click Generate Cable Group Content .
  6. Select the cable group instance (CableGroup) in the tree.

Cable groups and their contents are created. New pins have been created under the two equipments for the connection with the content of the cable groups. All the cables of every cable group are connected to one of these new pins. In the Connections node, the connections between the equipments and the cable groups content have been created.