Example: Part PT rev C has CAD Drawing CD rev C related to it with a Part Specification relationship. Part PT rev D has CAD Drawing CD rev D related to it with a Part Specification relationship. If CAD Drawing CD rev D is deleted, CAD Drawing CD rev C becomes related to Part PT rev D. It also stays related to Part PT rev C. This behavior is invoked by a delete override placed on each of the specification types provided with Engineering BOM Management (that is, CAD Drawing, CAD Model, and Drawing Print types). When any instantiated specification type is deleted, a type-specific Program Parameter object is called (for example, TypeCADDrawingDeleteOverride, TypeCADModelDeleteOverride, and TypeDrawingPrintDeleteOverride) which invokes a program object named eSerivceCommonTrigDeleteDrawing.tcl. This program object contains logic that performs the reconnection of a part object to an earlier version of a specification object upon deletion of a later version. This behavior can be disabled by setting TypeCADDrawingDeleteOverride, TypeCADModelDeleteOverride, and TypeDrawingPrintDeleteOverride Program Parameter objects to the Inactive state and reloading the cache. Once in the Inactive state, all program logic is ignored and the default part specification float logic is disabled. |