Rules for Adding to CR/CO
The following are the rules for adding proposed changes to a CR/CO.
- A CA is automatically generated when parts or specifications are added to CO/CR. But when there is a CA already associated with the CO/CR that matches the part's or specification's organization, it is used.
- Once parts and specifications are added to a CR/CO, the Change Coordinator or the owner of the CR/CO can add further proposed changes using the Change Assessment command from the CR or CO proposed changes page.
- Proposed changes can be added to a CR until the CR's Evaluate state.
- Proposed changes can be added to a CO until the CO's Design Work state.
- When adding to an existing CR/CO, the search results return only those CRs/COs that have not yet reached the Review state.
- For a CO, the CO owner, the Responsible Design Engineer and other Assignees can add proposed changes. For a new CO, they must have create CO rights and have Design Engineer role in the part's responsible design organization.
- Based on the CR chosen, only the Change Coordinator, ECR Evaluator, and Assignees of the chosen CR can add proposed changes to that. When creating a new CR, the context user must have create CR rights and have Design Engineer role in the part's responsible design organization. The context user then becomes the originator of the CR, but assigns a responsible change organization that determines the other CR roles.
- To revise, only the latest released revisions can be added as proposed changes to the CR/CO.
- Only proposed changes that do not have a Design Responsibility assigned or whose Design Responsibility is the same as that of the CO can be added. If the CO does not have a Design Responsibility assigned, it will be assigned using the Design Responsibility of the proposed change being added.
- Proposed Item and Realized item must be in Frozen state when the CA is moved to the In-Approval state.