The Product Engineer modifies the In Work EBOM in Markup mode and Save Markup
with Change. The CA is in Draft. |
The Product Engineer modifies the released
EBOM in Markup mode and Save Markup with Change. The CA is in
In Work.
The Product Engineer validates and Applies
"Approved" Markups on the "In Work"
The Reviewer reviews, validates, and approves
the markup in the current released revision of the part. The CA is blocked if
the associated markup is not approved.
The Product Engineer promotes the part to
to initiate the release process. (The part is promoted only if the approved
markups are applied)
The Reviewer promotes the CA to
In Work
and assigns the CA to the Product Engineer to complete the proposed changes.
The Product Engineer validates and promotes
the CA to "In Approval" to initiate the release process.
The Product Engineer reviews and promotes the
part to "Frozen"
to initiate the release process.
The Reviewer approves changes by promoting
the CA to "Approved". The part is promoted to the Approved state.
The Reviewer approves the changes and
promotes the CA to "Approved". The part is promoted to "Approved".
The Reviewer promotes the CA to Completed.
The part is released.
The Reviewer promotes the CA to Completed. The
part is released.