Drawing Print Markup Properties

The Drawing Print Markup Properties page shows details about the drawing print markup and provides access to files associated with it. All fields are read-only.

To access the properties, either select the drawing print markup on the Drawing Markup category of a drawing print or search for the markup and open it.

This page discusses:

Drawing Print Markup Properties

Field Description
Name The drawing print markup name
Type The type of object
Collaborative Policy The name of the policy that defines the object's lifecycle and collaboration behavior.
Owner Person who has responsibility for the drawing print markup
Originated Date when the drawing print markup was created
Modified Date when any attribute of the drawing print markup was last changed. The Modified date changes automatically when changes are made to the drawing print markup attributes.
Description Details about the drawing print markup
CR The change request (CR), if any, assigned to the markup
Markup Tool The app used to work on the markup

Action Menu and Toolbar Commands

Command Description
Edit Details To modify the drawing print markup properties. See Editing Drawing Print Markup Details.
Upload Copy a file from your local computer and attach it to the drawing print markup.
Update Files Select a checked out file and check in a new version. The file becomes unlocked.
Download Select a file and download it from the databases.
Check Out Select a file, check it out, and download it from the database. Checked out files are locked, preventing other users from updating them.
Delete All Versions Deletes all versions of the selected file. Click OK to confirm.