ECRs Related to the Part

Though Engineering Change Request (ECR) objects have been deprecated, users who have ECRs from a previous release can view objects related to the part.

ECRs are used to identify problems or required changes for the part. Multiple ECRs can be related to a single part in the In Work state.

The Raised Against feature provides visibility and trace ability concerning what revision of the part the ECR was originally raised on. When an ECR is created and connected to an object, the "Raised Against" relationship is used, and cannot be disconnected or removed unless the ECR is deleted.

This page discusses:

Basic ECR/CR Information

To view ECR information for a part:

  1. Access the Properties page for an EC part that has one or more related ECRs. For details, see Part Properties.
  2. Click the Change Mgt PowerView category. Then click the ECRs tab, which shows basic information about all ECRs related to the part.
  3. To add an ECR to the list, click Add Existing from the page Actions menu or toolbar. The Find page opens, where you can define criteria to search for objects that exist in the database. See Predefined Queries.
  4. If a part needs any type of modification, a Design Engineer can create an engineering change request directly from the ECRs page of a specific part. Multiple ECRs can be raised against the same revision of a part.
  5. ECRs can be removed from the list by users with edit access. These users will see a check box for each row in the first column of the table. Only the owner is allowed to remove the ECR from the list.

    To remove ECR(s) from the list, check the item(s) you want to disconnect from the part and click Remove from the page Actions menu or toolbar. This removes the relationship between the ECR and the part, but does not delete the ECR from the database.

    If the part or parent object has passed the In Work state in its lifecycle, ECRs cannot be removed from the list.

Change Mgt PowerView ECRs Tab

Column Description
Display Name Name of the object. This column contains highlighted links. Click any name in this column to view the Properties page for that object
Revision Revision number or code
Type Type or subtype
Description Details about the object
State Current state of the object in its lifecycle
Modified Date when any attribute of the object was last changed
Originated Date when the object was created
Owner Person who has responsibility for the object

Files, if any, that have been attached to the change object