About Advanced Dynamic Loading in 3D Dashboard Apps

For content loaded from 3DSpace, the scene is dynamically displayed according to what is visualized, and to the memory limits of your device.

If you are assigned the 3D Visualization For All role, an additional behavior applies when loading large assemblies: the product structure is also loaded dynamically (in addition to geometry being loaded dynamically). Every time the view changes, only visible nodes of the product structure are loaded in memory. When they are no longer visible, they are unloaded from the memory. This topic explains the impact of this loading and unloading of large assemblies in the dashboard apps.

This page discusses:

Environment: Cloud only

Advanced Dynamic Loading for Authoring Dashboard Apps

Advanced dynamic loading does not support few authoring dashboard apps.

Therefore you cannot switch to such authoring dashboard app from a dashboard app that supports the advanced dynamic loading.

Also, if you switch to a dashboard app from such authoring dashboard app, the dashboard app does not support large assembly visualization.

Position and Graphic Properties Overloads

The behavior for position and graphic properties overloads explained in this section is only applicable to large assemblies.

Position Overloads

  • When you change the position of any object, the new position of that object is considered for determining whether the object is visible according to the current viewpoint.
  • The loading and unloading of objects work in the same way, irrespective of the change in position.
  • When changing the position of a sub-element by dragging the Robot, other sub-elements which might be visible after position change are loaded when the dragging is over.

Graphic Properties Overloads

  • If you change the color or opacity of an object, the new color or opacity value is applied to the object irrespective of the object representation type (simplified, indexed simplified, or bounding box representation).
  • The changed color and opacity are also applied to the object if a new representation type of the object is loaded after changing the properties. These new graphic properties are applied even if the object is unloaded and then reloaded in a same or different representation type.


The behavior for measuring objects explained in this section is only applicable to large assemblies.

Product Measurement

When products and their sub-elements are selected for measurements, the loading and unloading behavior is as follows:

  • If all sub-elements under the selected product are already loaded in the widget, the measurement is created for the currently loaded representations of the selected object (the simplified geometry representation is not loaded automatically.)
  • If all sub-elements under the selected product are not already loaded in the widget, or if some geometry cannot be loaded, the measurement is not created. You can either change the level or select a different object.

Distance Between Two Products

  • When leaf elements, either products or geometries are selected, the minimum distance measurement is created.
  • If one of the two selections is a product but not a leaf product, the following actions are taken:
    1. The parts with minimum distance are recognized.
    2. The simplified geometry representations for the recognized parts at the minimum distance are loaded.
    3. The minimum distance between the simplified geometry representations of these parts is computed.
    Note: If the simplified geometry representation of any of these elements cannot be loaded, an error message is displayed and the measurement is not created. Any previous measurements created on this selection are removed.


Sections contours are computed in a specific manner for large assemblies.

If the Compute Contour check box is selected for a section, the contours are computed in the following steps:

  1. The geometries of all the elements intersecting with the section plane and visible in the current viewpoint are loaded in the session.
  2. The contours are computed and displayed for all the loaded elements.
    Important: If the loading of the elements takes too long or if they are not loaded at all, a warning is displayed. In this case, the contours are not computed unless the section is edited again.
  3. If the viewpoint is changed or if another operation is performed that leads to loading and unloading of some elements, the elements visible in the new viewpoint are loaded. The contours are computed and displayed for the newly loaded elements. For the unloaded elements, the contours are still visible.
Note: If the Compute contour check box is cleared, the loading and unloading behavior is restored to the default behavior.

If the section plane is edited:

  • The loading and unloading behavior for the elements that do not intersect the new boundaries of the section plane is restored to the default behavior.
  • The contours are computed and displayed at the end of the editing of the section plane.

In the section 2D viewer, changing the viewpoint does not affect the loading management in the 3D viewer. Therefore the contours are not updated.