Interference Simulation Result List

The interference simulation result list is a detail result of the interference simulation that appears in tabular form when you execute interference simulation on a product. The result attributes are displayed in different columns of the result list.

The interference simulation result list displays the number of clashes, contacts, and clearances that prefixes name of the interference simulation in its title. When loaded interference simulation has no interference or no interference simulation is open, No Interference is displayed as title.

The interference simulation result list is not minimized even if you are using commands on the context toolbar, opening another app, adding or removing the components. When you close the interference simulation result list and open again, it keeps the same display (same filtering of lines, same selected lines, etc.) until you close the session. You can select several interferences in the list. The color overload and opacity is applied based on the selection of the interferences.

This result list is available with the following interface and customizable options:

This page discusses:

Attribute Columns

Contextual Name
Displays the name of the contextual interference located in the global simulated product. It is built from the metric name valuated in the business logic and a number corresponding to the instance number.
The multi-instantiated interferences share the same name with numbered (1, 2, 3, and so on) suffixes. The names of the interferences that are not multi-instantiated end with 1. You can edit them as text strings.
You can click to sort the interferences in alphabetical order in the interference result list.

By default, this column appears in the interference list.

Metric Name
Displays the name of metric. You can edit them as text strings.
The multi-instantiated interferences share the same metric interference name with numbered (1, 2, 3, and so on) suffixes and displayed in the Contextual Interference Name column.

By default, this column appears in the interference list.

System Status
Displays the interference status computed by the system as per the defined specification. It correspond to the attribute V_Itf_Type in the business logic parameters. It describes the solver status (Clash, Contact, Clearance, or No Interference). You can select several rows and modify the system status simultaneously.

By default, this column appears in the interference list.

User Status
Allows you to update the user status. It corresponds to the attribute V_Itf_User_Type in the business logic parameters. It describes the user status with the color associated to it as below:

Color User Status




No Interference


By default, this column appears in the interference list.

Analysis Status
Allows you to update your acceptance status. It corresponding to the attribute V_Itf_Analysis in the business logic parameters. It describes the analysis status with the color associated to it as below:

Color User Status



To be analyzed or To be re-analyzed

When you compute an interference simulation for the first time, analysis status is To be analysed.

When the analysis status appear as To be analysed and you change it (OK or KO), and then update the interference simulation, analysis status displayed is To be reanalyzed instead of To be analysed.

Note: The multi-instantiated interferences shares the same status.

By default, this column appears in the interference list.

Previous Status
Displays the previous status of the interference. If the interference simulation is performed for the first time, the status is displayed as Unknown. It corresponds to the attribute V_Itf_Previous_Analysis in the business logic parameters. It describes the user status (OK, KO, Not analyzed, Unknown or blank). When you update the interference simulation, previous status displays the user defined analysis status.

When you compute an interference simulation for the first time, the cell value is empty.

The cell value appears Not analyzed when the Analysis Status set is To be analyzed or To be reanalyzed before updating the interference simulation.

By default, this column appears in the interference list.

Fastener Instance 1
Displays the title of the first interfering fastener.
Instance 1
Displays the title of the first interfering instance.
Fastener Instance 2
Displays the title of the another interfering fastener.
Instance 2
Displays the title of the another interfering instance.
Fastener Type 1
Displays the type of the first fastener in the interference.

By default, this column appears in the interference list.

Fastener Reference 1
Displays the reference name of the first fastener in the interference.

By default, this column appears in the interference list.

Fastener Type 2
Displays the type of the another fastener in the interference.

By default, this column appears in the interference list.

Fastener Reference 2
Displays the reference name of the another fastener in the interference.

By default, this column appears in the interference list.

Displays the penetration volume when the clash is detected and minimum distance when the clearance is detected. The column displays NA status if the check boxes under compute quantifier of the Specifications tab are cleared.
You can choose to display the penetration depth value instead of penetration volume. To do so, right-click the Quantifier column and select Clash Value > Penetration Vector .

By default, this column appears in the interference list.

Penetration Volume
Displays the penetration volume. To display this column, right-click any of the columns and select Show column > Penetration volume.
Penetration Vector
Displays the penetration value. To display this column, right-click any of the columns and select Show column > Penetration vector.
Minimum Distance
Displays the minimum distance. To display this column, right-click any of the columns and select Show column > Minimum distance.

Displays the tolerance (sag) used during the computation. It corresponds to the attribute V_Itf_Real_Tolerance_Used_For_Computation. The tolerance value is the sum of the tolerances of both interfering parts.

By default, this column appears in the interference list.

Allows you to specify the comments about the particular result. It corresponds to the attribute V_description in the business logic parameters. It describes the user comment.
You can edit the description as text string.

By default, this column appears in the interference list.

Note: If you modify an attribute value in the result list, the attribute of the metric interference is modified, which in turn modifies the contextual interference attributes. For example, if you change the name in the Interference Name column, the name of every contextual interference corresponding to this metric will change.

However, if you modify the attributes of the contextual interference, the metric attributes are not impacted because they share attributes with other contextual interferences. In this case, the attribute is indeed modified for the contextual interference, but not for the metric interference.

Standard Attributes displayed in the Result List

Displays the creator of the interference. It corresponds to the attribute V_user in the business logic parameters.

By default, this column appears in the interference list.

Owner ID
Displays the owner ID of the interference.
Displays the maturity status of the interference. It corresponds to the attribute V_maturity in the business logic parameters.

Customize Result List

You can right-click the header and customize the interference simulation result list using the following options available in the context menu:

Pin Column
Allows you to pin a column on the left or on the right side of the list or unpin it.
Size Column to Fit
Adjusts the width of the column according to its content.
Size All Column to Fit
Adjusts the width of all the columns according to their content.
Hide Column
Allows you to hide the column which is not necessary in the given context.
Add Filter
Allows you to apply filter on the result, enabling you to list only the required results. You can select the icon to set the filter criteria and apply the filter. You can specify the several filters after the first filter specifications are filled.

For columns that have numeric values, you can use the filter criteria based on values (equals, not equals, less than, less than or equals, less than or equals, greater than, greater than or equals, and in range).