About Defining Rule Based Interference Computation

Using the knowledge rules you can define the interference computation between specific parts and using specific checks.

This page discusses:

Defining the Interference Computation

You can use part attributes to define the rules for interference computation.

Using the knowledge rules for interference computation you can:

  • Define computation between required parts and avoid computations and analysis on the unnecessary parts. For example, computation between two flexible parts.
  • Define specific checks between a couple of parts in the context.

To define the knowledge rules, you need to create a RuleSet containing required rules.

During the interference computation, the knowledge solver replays all the active rules available in the RuleSet on the defined context.

The interference is computed between the representations defined in the rule. An occurrence and a representation are needed because a part can have several representations. An occurrence is needed to identify the specific representation.

Below are the input arguments used to define the rule. From these arguments, you can filter the parts to be taken into account. In the example below, a clearance check of 15 mm will be performed only for the part named “Piping_Part”. However, you can use the others attributes defined for the parts to write the rule.

Defining the Type of Checks

There are four types of check you can define in a rule. They are PIM_NoCheck, PIM_CheckContact,PIM_CheckNoClash, PIM_CheckClearance.

  • PIM_NoCheck: Avoids computation between parts. No interference checks are performed between the two impacted parts and no interference is computed.
  • PIM_CheckContact: Checks for contact between the specified parts. The interference is created only if there is a clash or a clearance.
  • PIM_CheckNoClash: Checks for clash between specified parts. The interference is created only if the clash is detected.
  • PIM_CheckClearance: Checks for a minimal distance between the specified parts. The interference is created only if the distance is less than specified.

Note: If you do not properly define the type of check in a rule, PIM_CheckNoClash will be defined by default.

Prioritizing the Rules in the RuleSet

The rules can be prioritized within the RuleSet.

The rules within the RuleSet are managed based on their set priorities, as follows:

  • For the rules having different priorities, the rule with the highest priority is taken into consideration.
  • For the rules having the same priority, the rule which is first defined, is taken into consideration.

Integrating the Knowledge Rules Specification with Other Specifications

In the Interference Simulation Definition dialog box, when several specifications are provided on the couple of the parts, these specifications are evaluated in the following order:

  • Specification from engineering connections
  • Specification from Knowledge rules
  • Specification from standard computation.
Note: By default, the interference simulation is computed based on the standard computation specification which identifies the clashes and contacts.