Create an Interference Simulation
You can compute the interferences for the whole product as a context except the parts in no show mode. You can also define the required elements in a group or groups and use the various modes available for the computation.
- Open the required product.
- From the Interference section of the action bar, click Create interference simulation.
- Optional: Specify a title for the interference simulation.
Define the context to compute the interference.
- The name of the opened product is displayed in the
Context product name box.
If no product is selected or more than one product is selected, the Context product name box is empty.
If more than one product are opened in a session, select the product from the list. You can also click
to search the required product and select advanced filters pointing to it for computing interference simulation.
- If a filter or an advanced filter is created on the product, it is automatically retrieved and its name is displayed in the Filter box. If more than one filter is created on the product, the filter is not automatically retrieved.
- You can add advanced filters as context or in groups.
- If the advanced filter is already loaded, it is first removed and then the advanced filter corresponding to the context of the interference simulation is loaded.
- Advanced filters defined in groups are considered only while computing interferences and not while loading an interference simulation.
- Interference simulations with advanced filter as context cannot be explored or opened using Navigation Experience.
- The name of the opened product is displayed in the
Context product name box.
To define the groups inside the simulation context:
From the list, select either of the following:
- Inside groups: to compute interferences between the elements of a group. You can select one or more groups. However, interferences are computed only between the objects of the same group.
- Groups against groups: to compute interferences between the elements of different groups. Interferences are computed between all parts of one group and all parts of other groups.
- Groups against context: to compute interferences between the selected elements in a group, and the remaining elements in the context. Interferences are computed between defined groups against the context.
Click Add new group to create a group.
You can create several groups within the simulation context and compute the interferences between them.
Note: You can click Add more groups and select products or parts in the 3D area or the tree to create multiple groups at a time. Each product or part selected is added as a separate group. -
Add the required elements in the group. To do so:
- Click Select product
to select the objects to add them to the selected group. When this command is started, the Group Definition panel is displayed which shows the information related to number of object present in the group.
Select the product or the parts in the 3D area or the tree to add them to a new group. You can use the level selector to choose which product level to consider.
- Click Select Filter
to add a previously created filter to define the group context.
- Click Remove
to remove selected objects from the selected group. When nothing is selected, the group is removed.
For more information about advanced filters, see 3DEXPERIENCE Dashboard Apps:Advanced Filtering.
Notes:- You can apply filters in all modes except Between all components mode.
- You can add one filter for a selected group.
- You can either add a filter or manually select a product for the selected group.
- If you add a filter again after adding a filter to the group, the filter from the group is replaced with the new filter.
- For filters, if advanced filters defined in groups point to elements that are not pointed by filter or advanced filter context, interferences cannot be computed.
- If a part is added to the product structure, which matches the filter criteria, this new part will not be taken into account until the current interference simulation is closed and re-opened.
- If the context product is changed (only accessible when creation is started from no tab), all groups are deleted.
- Click Select product
By default, Between all components is selected which computes the interferences between all the elements under the selected root product.
From the list, select either of the following:
In the Specifications
tab, define the required specifications. To
do so:
Select the following check boxes:
- Clash: to compute clashes only.
- Contact: to compute clashes and contacts.
- Clearance: to compute the clearances lower than the minimum clearance value defined in the Clearance box, clashes, and contacts.
By default, the Clash check box is selected.
- Optional:
Under Applicative Rules, select the
following check boxes:
- Fasteners: Lets you consider the
fasteners while computing the interference simulation.
Select the Check interferences with fastened parts check box check each fastener (primary or secondary) component against the fastened parts. Selecting this check box considers all components of a fastener against all components of another fastener, and a fastener against all the external parts while computing interference simulation.
Note: The check boxes are displayed only when you have the license of a corresponding fastener role.When a product containing fasteners is opened while no license for the fastener role is granted:
- Newly created interference simulations ignore fasteners.
- When you update the existing interference simulations computed considering the fastener components, an information message is displayed and the update fails.
- Pathways detailed into segments: Lets
you consider the pathway features defined in the pathway
geometry while computing the interference simulation.Notes: For considering pathway features while computing the interference simulation, the following conditions must be fulfilled:
- Set the value of the
variable to 1. - Select the System 3D architecture information to include during the save
process check box under
> Preferences > App Preferences > 3D Modeling → System Architecture > System 3D Architecture > System Space Reservation.
- Set the value of the
- Electrical branches detailed into segments: Lets you consider the segment and protection features defined in electrical branch Geometries while computing the interference simulation.
- Fasteners: Lets you consider the
fasteners while computing the interference simulation.
- Optional: Select the Knowledge rule check box under User-Defined Rules and select the knowledge rule set for interference computation.
- Optional: Select the Engineering connection check box under User-Defined Rules to define engineering connection specifications.
- Optional:
Select the following check boxes under Update
Rules to reuse the interference results:
- Recompute only modified
interferences: to reuse existing interference
simulation results and compute only the modified
interferences while updating the interference simulation.
Note: Results are reused only while re the same interference simulation.
- Delete out of scope interferences: to remove the interferences are out of scope. To make this check box available for selection, select the Recompute only modified interferences check box.
- Recompute only modified
interferences: to reuse existing interference
simulation results and compute only the modified
interferences while updating the interference simulation.
- Optional:
Select the following check boxes under Stored
Quantifiers to compute the quantifiers and display
their values in the Quantifier column of the
interference simulation multi-list:
- Penetration volume: to compute and store the penetration volume when a clash is detected. You can search for an interference simulation using the advanced search, specifying the penetration volume as a search attribute.
- Penetration vector: to compute and
store the penetration vector value when a clash is
identified. You can search for an interference simulation
using the advanced search, specifying the penetration value
as a search attribute. Note: When this check box is selected along with the Penetration volume check box, by default, the penetration volume appears in the quantifier column. You can right-click the Quantifier column and select Clash Value > Penetration Vector .
- Minimum distance: to compute and
store the minimum clearance distance. The check box is
available when you select:
- The Clearance check box under Standard Specification
- The Activate and Check Clearance check boxes under Engineering connection specification
- The Activate check box under Knowledge rules specifications
- All products (except pointed product of the created interference simulation) and the already loaded interference simulation, if any, are removed.
- If the created Interference Simulation points to an Advanced Filter and an Advanced Filter is already loaded, the loaded one is first removed then the pointed one is loaded.
- An interference simulation is loaded and can be modified.
Select the following check boxes: