Managing Locations

This section guides you through managing Locations on the Site Location and Replication Configuration Center widget.

This task shows you how to:

Before you begin:
  • You must have the System Privileges to manage Locations.
  • A Location must be empty to be deleted.

Create a new Location

You can create a new Location on the Site Location and Replication Configuration Center widget.

  1. Open the Site Location and Replication Configuration Center widget.
  2. Click the Location creation symbol.
    The Location creation panel should appear.
  3. Enter the Location details in the Location creation panel.
    A secured link (HTTPS) is required in the URL field.
  4. Click Save.

Edit a Location

You can edit a Location on the Site Location and Replication Configuration Center widget.

  1. Open the Site Location and Replication Configuration Center widget.
  2. Click the Location Details symbol.
    The Location panel appears.
  3. Click the Edit Properties symbol.
    The Location Edit Properties panel appears.
  4. Modify a field such as Location Name or Description.
  5. Click Save.

Delete a Location

You can delete an empty Location on the Site Location and Replication Configuration Center widget.

  1. Open the Site Location and Replication Configuration Center widget.
  2. Click the Location Details symbol.
    The Location panel appears.
  3. Click the Delete symbol.
    A confirmation panel appears.
  4. Click OK to confirm the deletion.

Purge, Synchronize or Check a Location

  1. Open the Site Location and Replication Configuration Center widget.
  2. Click Location Details.
  3. In the Location Details dialog box, click Action.

    • Click Launch in the Purge section to purge the Location. A progress bar appears before displaying the results in the right column.
    • Click Launch in the Synchronize section to synchronize the Location. A progress bar appears before displaying the results in the right column.
    • Click Launch in the Check file integrity section to check the existence of the files at the Location. A progress bar appears before displaying the results in the right column.

The results display:

  • A Success, Failed, or Aborted status.
  • The start and end times.
  • The number and the size of the files for Purge and Synchronize operations.

    In case of Failed or Aborted status, the number corresponds to the files which were successfully committed before the failure or the abort.

  • The number of files checked and the number of errors for Check file integrity operations. In case of errors, you can retrieve detailed results through a Download report button.