From the upper right corner, click
To change the Credentials, choose a set of credentials
from the list. The list shows all the credentials assigned to you.
The credentials use this format: CollaborativeSpace ∙ AccessRole
When you select a set of credentials, the list of issues only includes those
issues for that collaborative space.
To customize the widget title, edit the Widget
If you customized the widget, you can use the title as a reminder.
To choose how to filter the widget when no filters are selected, choose an
option from the If all filters are unselected, the displayed issues
should match your current: list. You can specify one of these
- All available issues
- The active collaborative space
- The active organization
- The combination of active organization and collaborative space
Select the Populate tags check box if you want to use
6WTags to filter issues.
Select the Use simplified geometry as default geometry
stream check box if appropriate. Issue 3D Review uses indexed simplified geometries as default. Selecting this check box
enables on-demand simplified geometry, which could adversely affect
Click Save.